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Liam Payne was pacing the floor of the hospital, having just watched his sister get rolled away into a back room somewhere. They wouldn't let him go back with her, even though she was crying for him not to leave her.

"Liam!" a voice cried, Liam turned to see his wife rushing toward him, Ella and Niall flanked at her sides. He could see Zayn and Emily right behind him.

"Where is she? Is she okay?" Niall asked, as they got to Liam. Liam shook his head.

"I don't know, they just took her," Liam said, "I don't know anything."

More footsteps were approaching, they looked up to see Louis and Eleanor running towards them, but it was Harry that Liam's eyes were glued on. He looked pale and unsure, as though he didn't really know what to do with himself.

"Liam, you said she was pregnant," Ella said quietly, snapping Liam from his thoughts.

"Yeah, she is" Liam said, turning away from her and back towards the door that they took his sister into.

"Did you all know?" Harry growled, and everyone turned to face him, "Did you all know again that she was pregnant?"

"Harry –" Eleanor whispered desperately.

"DID YOU FUCKING KNOW?!" Harry screamed, his anger getting the best of him, "DID YOU FUCKING KNOW AND KEEP IT FROM ME?!"


Harry's breath was shaky, and his skin was cold. Liam released him, and watched as Harry shook from head to toe, though Liam didn't know if it was from anger or anxiety.

"Do you mind if I'm honest here, Haz?" Niall asked, "Because I really feel the need to tell you that you're being a right cunt. Who gives a fuck if we knew or not? You weren't talking to her. And honestly, if that's what you're thinking about right now... you're a fucking dumbass."

Harry didn't say anything, mostly because he knew Niall was right. But, the idea of Sofia being pregnant again and him not knowing about it drove Harry crazy. He should've known. He should've been the first to know. But mostly, he should've been there.

The door swung open and out walked the doctor, looking for someone to talk to.

"You brought Sofia Payne in right?" the doctor asked Liam.

"Is she alright?" Liam asked

"There's no bleeding, which is a good sign," the doctor said, "But we did call the OBGYN and she is coming down to do an examination. You should go back there, having the father back there usually makes the mother's more comfortable and calm. And we really need her to stay calm, for her sake and for the fetus's."

"Oh no, I'm not the...." Liam started to say

"I'm the father," Harry interrupted him stepping forward, "I'm the father. And it's Sofia Styles."

The doctor looked at him, before motioning for Harry to follow her into the back. Liam grabbed Harry before he could pass.

"Don't fucking upset her," Liam growled, "I mean it, Harry. Do you hear me?"

"Liam, get the fuck off me," Harry growled, shoving him back, and following the doctor.

Sofia was lying on the hospital bed, trying to ignore the pain from her lower back. There was no bleeding, that was a good sign. She just kept praying over and over again. Her eyes were closed, pushing out the pain, and concentrating on her prayers. Soon, Liam would be back here and she would be okay.

The door swung open and the doctor walked through and Sofia's eyes snapped open, but it Liam wasn't behind her. It was Harry. Sofia's breath caught, and her heart stopped, she looked down, she couldn't look at him.

"Sofia, the OBGYN will be here soon. Remember what I told you, stay calm until we know what's going on, okay?" the doctor asked, and Sofia nodded. The doctor left, and Sofia looked up. Harry was standing in the hospital room, his arms crossed over his chest, watching her. She didn't say anything.

"How long have you known?" Harry asked quietly.

"Since Liam's surgery," Sofia answered just as quiet.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Harry snapped, "You should've told me. I wouldn't have –"

"Wouldn't have what? Wouldn't have moved out? Wouldn't stayed mad? Wouldn't have dealt with your feelings?" Sofia asked, "I know. That's why I didn't tell you. Because you had every right to be angry, and to figure out what you wanted. You had every right leave me, without the pressure of a baby on your head. You were so angry, and you didn't trust me, and you were figuring shit out. That's why I didn't tell you."

"Sofia," Harry choked out, "It doesn't matter now. None of that matters."

"How can you say it doesn't matter?" Sofia snapped, "This is exactly what I didn't want. I didn't want you to come back to me because I was pregnant. It does matter, Harry. You're feelings matter. If this baby is okay, I don't want that to be the reason you come back to me. I don't want to trap you. This morning you couldn't even look at me, and now you're telling me it doesn't matter? Are you kidding?"

Harry opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't because the door flew open and the doctor walked in. She looked at Sofia and shook her head.

"This isn't what I meant by taking it easy," the doctor said, before approaching Harry.

"I'm Doctor Sullivan," she said as Harry shook her hand, "It's so nice to meet dad, finally."

"Alright, let's take a look," the doctor said, as Sofia moved down on the table. With her legs wide open, and a sheet over her, the doctor moved to the end of the table."

Harry stood on the side, and watched. Sofia whimpered as the doctor moved to touch. Squirming and breathing deeply, it was easy to tell Sofia was in pain.

"Deep breaths, Sofia," the doctor said, "I have to go further." Sofia hissed, and Harry couldn't take it anymore. Moving forward, he grabbed her hand, catching Sofia off guard.

"Breathe," Harry mumbled into her ear, "Breathe." Sofia felt a tear roll down her cheek, and she squirmed as she felt the doctor's hands, but her breathing became more steady.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to Harry, "I'm so sorry." Harry wiped the tears from his eyes.

"I don't want you to be sorry," Harry said, quietly, "I want you to breathe. And relax."

"Everything feels okay, Sofia," the doctor said, "But I want to do a scan just to be sure. Let me just go get the equipment."

Standing up, she took off her gloves, and threw them out. She walked out the door, leaving Sofia and Harry behind. Sofia realized that Harry was still holding her hand.

"You don't have to do this," Sofia said, "You don't have to pretend."

"I'm not pretending anything," Harry said, quietly, "I told you, it doesn't matter."

"How can you say that?"

"Because Sofia, the minute I saw you in danger, I couldn't even remember why I was mad at you. The minute you were in trouble, all I wanted to do was get to you. That's what matters. At the end of the day, all I want to do is protect you." Harry said.

"Harry, you didn't even want a baby –" Sofia growled, ripping her hand away from him.

"Did I say that?" Harry asked, "Because I can't remember anything before this. Anything I said before this moment, doesn't matter. All I know is in this moment, I want you and this baby to be okay. And we can figure out the rest."

"Figure out the rest?" Sofia hissed, "Do you hear yourself? Your coming back to me because you think it's the right thing to do!"

"I don't think it's right thing to do," Harry snapped, "I KNOW it is. Notice that everything goes wrong, when we aren't together. We belong together, Sofia. I know that. We are right, we are the right thing."

"What happened to there is no we?" Sofia asked, shaking her head at him.

"I was angry," Harry said, "And I'm still angry. But we can work through this."

"Because of the baby," Sofia scoffed

"Because I'm in love with you!" Harry growled, "Because even when I 'm angry, I'm in love with you! I never stopped being in love with you, Sofia. Because I don't want to loose you. And yes, because of the baby. Because we created a life together, and we need to get our shit together for Birdie and for this baby."

The doctor came back in and this time she had a ultrasound machine. Quietly, she pushed Sofia's shirt up, and put gel on it. Sofia covered her eyes with her hand, as the doctor put the machine to work. Harry grabbed Sofia's had and refused to take his eyes off the screen.

"There it is," the doctor said, and Sofia removed her hand from her eyes, looking over at the screen. The doctor was pointing at a blob, it was so small, and it didn't look anything like a baby, but Sofia was sure it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

"Baby looks okay," the doctor said with a smile. Sofia burst into tears, the sobs shaking her whole body. Everything that she had been holding in, came out. Harry wrapped his arms around, her pulling her into him, and she sobbed into his shirt.

"Shh, babe," he whispered, "It's okay, everything is going to be okay."

"You didn't even want a baby," Sofia sobbed, "You wanted to wait. Remember what you said!"

"No, I can't remember what I said," Harry whispered, "Because I don't think I've ever wanted anything more then that ugly blob in my life." Sofia looked up at him, but his eyes were on the screen. He was crying too, he couldn't believe it. He created that, that blob was his child.

"Sofia, I want you on bed rest, for the next week, maybe even longer," the doctor said, "You really need to take it easy."

"I'll make sure she takes it easy," Harry promised. The doctor explained the best rest, and how Sofia was feeling pain in her lower back from the fall, not because the baby was in distress. She then left to get Sofia discharge papers.

"What about Ellis?" Sofia asked quietly, as Harry grabbed her clothes.

"Ellis is a painter, Sofia," Harry said, helping her into her jeans, "She was painting a mural on Birdies wall. She's nothing. She means nothing to me."

"And your wedding ring?" Sofia asked, grabbing his hand.

"I was painting today too," Harry said, "I didn't want it to get ruined so I took it off. I forgot to put it back on. "

"Harry, I don't want to trap you if this isn't what you want," Sofia said.

"Sofia, this has ALWAYS been what I wanted. I let anger and pride get in the way, and cloud everything. This was wake up call. I needed to be reminded what was important. You are important. Birdie is important. This baby is important. Fuck everything else. You've never trapped me, Sofia. I've always wanted to be with you," Harry said. He helped her off the table, and kept a firm had around her as he helped her walk through the door.

As they walked back into the hospital, everyone stood up, waiting for them. Liam rushed forward.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes concerned, glancing wearily at Harry.

"I'm okay, and so is the baby," Sofia said, with a smile.

"So you're really having a baby?" Louis asked, glancing between the two of them.

"We're really having a baby," Harry said.

"TEAM HOFIA FOR THE WN!" Louis shouted, fist pumping, causing everyone to groan at him.

"And what about you two?" Liam snapped at Harry, looking between Harry and his sister.

"We're taking your advice, and figuring it out," Harry said, "Now, if you'll excuse us, I have to get her home and into bed."

"I figured Liam could just take me," Sofia said, "Since he's going back there anyway."

"No, I want you to come home," Harry said, "To OUR home. I want you home, with me."

Another wave of tears swept through Sofia, as she finally realized that Harry wanted to work through this. He wanted her, and he wanted this baby. It would take time, but he was trying. They were both going to try, for the sake of themselves, and their family. They were going to get through this, just like they had gotten through everything else. She was going home.


3 months pregnant

"A baby?" Birdie asked, as she sat on the couch with her parents, looking at them with disgust.

Sofia had just hit the 3-month mark, and the doctors were sure that she was going to get through the rest of the pregnancy with no problems. She was strong again, and her stress levels were down. Harry and Sofia were good too. They had been working on their marriage. Little by little, between setting up their home, and going to doctor's appointments, and getting ready for the baby, things became normal for them again. Better then normal. This year had taught them what was important. They didn't argue over little things, because they realized that little things didn't matter.

After the baby scare, Sofia was honest with him. She told him that she asked Liam if she could quit, and Harry supported her decision. They realized that they had to support one another in their decisions if they were going to make this relationship work. For a long time, their relationship was Harry taking care of Sofia, because she needed that. But now, they had to take care of each other, and their family. They were finding common ground, and using it to move forward. Their relationship had changed. Starting a family meant you had to be equals in many ways. Harry could no longer just expect Sofia to follow his orders, and Sofia couldn't play games to get what she wanted.

They were maturing. They were maturing as individuals and as a couple. What worked for their relationship in the beginning, didn't work now. They could scream and yell at each other, and they didn't want to. Harry didn't even want his kids to see them yelling at each other, and he didn't want them to think that he was in control. They were both in control as far as he was concerned. That didn't mean they didn't have their arguments, and it didn't mean that Sofia didn't piss him off. That's what she did, she pissed him off. And she still enjoyed pissing him off, most of the time. But, they no longer made it public. Their first priority was their family.

"Yes, a baby," Sofia nodded, "You're going to be a big sister."

"Are you sure?" Birdie asked, this time her eyes were on Sofia's stomach, "You don't look fat, mum."

Harry laughed loudly at his daughter, and Sofia eyes widened at how honest she was being.

"Well, thanks babe," Sofia said, "But yes, I'm sure."

"You're having a baby?" Birdie asked again, this time looking at Harry. He smiled down at her, he was certain that Birdie was going to love the news, Sofia however wasn't. She was nervous about telling Birdie, Birdie liked being an only child.

"Yes, we're having a baby," Harry said.

"But you promised a baby wouldn't happen for a long time," Birdie cried out, "I don't want a baby!"

"I know what we promised," Harry said, "And we shouldn't have done that. Sometimes, things happen, Little Bird. Things that are out of our control, and this is one of them."

"Birdie, don't you want to be a big sister?" Sofia asked, "You'll have someone to play with and you won't have to go to Uncle Liam's or Uncle Louis's."

"I don't want this!" Birdie cried, standing up staring at her parents, "I don't like this! What about what I want?!"

"Little Bird," Harry said, "This isn't something to get upset about. This doesn't change how much we love you, or how much time we spend with you. We're just adding to the family. I promise you, you will love the new baby just as much as you love David and Leo, maybe even more. You're going to be a big sister, Birdie. That's really exciting!"

"I hate you!" Birdie screamed, "I hate you! AND I HATE THE BABY!" She rushed out of the room, and up the stairs and before either of them could stop her, her door was slamming, causing them both to cringe.

"She has your dramatics," Harry growled, ready to march up the stairs and give the child a piece of his mind.

"She has your lungs," Sofia snapped back, before leaning into the couch, relishing in the fact that she was right. She knew Birdie would freak out, and not in the good way.

"She's clearly the mix of the two of you," Zayn said, walking into the living room, causing both of them to look up, surprised.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked

"I wanted to know if you would come take a look at this flat I'm interested in. I don't want to show it to Emily until I'm sure, and your good with real estate." Zayn said, "But now, I'm going to fix the damage you two just caused. "

"Oh yeah?" Sofia scoffed, "Good luck."

"I don't need luck, I have years of practice behind me," Zayn said, climbing the stairs, "Remember? I had to deal with you." Sofia mumbled a fuck you, and gave him the finger, but Zayn ignored her, going to find his niece.

Zayn didn't bother knocking on Birdies bedroom door, he just let himself in, just like all the times he let himself into Sofia's room. Birdie looked up, from her spot on the ground where she was pouting. Her glare caught him by surprise, it was times like these he really couldn't believe she wasn't Sofia's daughter.

"So you heard about the new baby, huh?" Zayn said, sitting across from her on the rug.

"I hate the new baby," Birdie mumbled.

"You shouldn't, being a big sibling comes with it's perks," Zayn said, "You get to boss them around, and look out for them. And you have a friend for life."

"How do you know?" Birdie asked.

"Because all I've done my whole life is boss your mom around, and look out after her. And she's my best friend in the whole entire world," Zayn answered.

"But what if mummy and daddy don't want me after the new baby gets here?" Birdie asked, shuffling towards him.

"Birdie, you're their first kid," Zayn said, "They are always going to want you. They are always going to love you. No matter what happens in the future, there will never be a first child again. You are their first baby. That's a big deal."

Zayn watched as Birdie's face scrunched up in thought. He could see the wheels turning in her head, and she thought about the pros and cons of having a new baby around the house. Zayn tried not to laugh, and he let her think. This was new territory for Zayn. Usually he was getting involved with Harry and Sofia's problems as a couple, but that wasn't his place anymore. But they still stumbled as parents, and Zayn would jump in. He figured it was the least he could do. Besides, Zayn figured he needed practice. He had caught Emily looking at bridal magazines the other day, and figured his

"Can I really boss the baby around?" Birdie finally asked, causing Zayn to laugh.

"Oh yeah," Zayn said smiling and nodding nodding, "And you'll be bigger and smarter then them, so they have to listen."

Birdie laughed at his reply as Zayn sent her a wink, and then stood up, cocking her head to the side.

"I guess it won't be so bad then," Birdie said, before walking over to her chest of toys, letting Zayn know that the discussion was over. He shook his head at the child, before leaving her room. He was surprised when he bumped directly into Sofia. She glared up at him, hands on her hips.

"You got her excited by telling her she could boss the baby around?" Sofia hissed at him, glaring.

"It's a major pro to being a big sibling," Zayn said, shrugging, "And you shouldn't be listening in. It's rude, Sofia. If I catch you again, you'll be in serious trouble." Sofia scoffed, as Zayn winked at her, a cheeky smile on his face, before calling for Harry and walking back down the stairs.


6 months pregnant

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" Liam snapped at her, as Sofia tried to pick up the large box in the kitchen. Sofia jumped and turned around at him, grasping her heart in shock.

"Jesus Christ, Liam," Sofia spat, "Are you trying to give me a heart attack."

"No," Liam said, "You shouldn't be picking up those boxes, you know that."

"Well, I can't just leave them here," Sofia snapped, as she looked around the kitchen at all the boxes. Harry and Sofia had been getting the babies nursery ready, and in order to do that, they had been shopping.

Sofia looked around at all the boxes wearily, as though she couldn't quite believe this was happening. She knew they had to go upstairs, but she still couldn't quite grasp the fact that there was a nursery, and it 3 short months, there would be a baby in that nursery. She sighed deeply, before turning back to her brother.

"Can I help you with something?" she asked, "Or are you just barging in my kitchen because you feel like it."

"I have to talk to you," Liam said, "But it's a good thing I did barge in. Harry would have your head if he knew you were lifting boxes like that."

"I keep telling him I'm pregnant, not useless," Sofia said, rolling her eyes, "He's so protective, he's driving me crazy."

"Good, he should be," Liam said. Liam was proud of Harry. Harry had worked through his anger and trust issues, and stepped up to be an incredible father and husband. Liam didn't worry about his sister, because he knew that Harry was taking care of her. He felt like a proud parent as he watched what the two of them had done over the last six months. They didn't just push what had happened to the side. They talked about it, they argued about it, they cried about it. They worked through it, and came out on the other side stronger. As Liam watched them get ready for their newest addition, he knew that they would be okay. But, he still wanted to do his part. And he needed Sofia to know about his next move.

"We need to talk," Liam said, sitting down. Sofia sat down with him, and Liam noticed the pickles and peanut butter sitting on the kitchen table. He moaned in disgust, but Sofia ignored him.

"What's up?" she asked

"I've been thinking about our conversation, the one where you said you didn't want your kids growing up in this," Liam said quietly. Sofia nodded her head.

"What about it?"

"I don't want my kids growing up in it either. David is walking, he's so fast. And I watch him, and I can't get over how much I love him, you know? Like this little human has my entire heart..."

"I know what you mean," Sofia said, smiling, as she placed her hand on her stomach.

"I don't want him to live with some of the things I have to live with," Liam said, "You were right when you said we should do better by our kids."

"What are you saying?" Sofia asked, her eyes scrunched as she stared
at her brother.

"I'm saying, we don't have to do this," Liam said quietly, "Maybe when this gang started, we needed money. Maybe it was a survival thing. But, it hasn't been about that for a long time. It's a pride thing."

"What?" Sofia asked, her voice surprised, blinking at him.

"Sofia, I just bought another bar. And I bought a restaurant, and the gym. That's 5 working businesses that we have control over. That's enough income for us. Most people who work jobs for me, also work at the places I own. Dad was smart when he took over, he made investments into things that weren't drugs and weapons. I'm saying that I can walk away from this. It's a pride thing now, and I'm proud of other things. Like my family."

"Isn't this dangerous?" Sofia asked

"Yeah," Liam said, "So I'm proposing that we still control the drug and weapons rings. But, we don't get involved with anymore, and we don't invest anymore into it. We just keep control over the ones we have. If we stop trying to take over more areas, people will stop trying to stop us. We can keep things under control around us, and not be in danger. I want to stop making deals."

"So what this mean?" Sofia asked

"I want to keep Zayn and Harry in charge of the rings, they'll be able to keep it in control. If we need to shut something down, they'll be able to handle it. We can train people to shut it down, so that they won't be involved, but they'll be in charge of it. They're good at raids, and I want to give them control of this. But, I'm not investing or cutting anymore deals. I have enough power, and I don't want anymore. We have our business's and we can do what we want with them. I think Danielle and Ella could be great in the restaurant, I think Louis and Niall could do a lot with the new gym. And we have our clubs, and they bring in huge incomes – without deals going down. Our kids can have a normal life, this way. We don't have to tell them anything, we don't have to train them to try and take over, and we can give them what we never had."

"You want to lie to our kids, even though we're still involved in a drug and weapon ring?" Sofia asked

"We're only involved because I'm afraid if we back out, it'll get dangerous. We're only involved to keep it under control," Liam said, "To keep our family safe."

"Okay.." Sofia said slowly, "So, you think this is possible? You think that we can give this up?"

"I don't think WE can," Liam said, "I think I have to make sure that things stay under control, and we'll still be doing some dirty work. But, when I die... the gang with die with me. Our kids will only know of the family business's, the clubs and the restaurants. Sofia, this could end with us. But, I wanted to run it by you first. I didn't want to make this decision without you."

"Liam, I don't work for you anymore," Sofia said, "And you're the boss."

"But you're my sister, and this is our family," Liam said, "And I didn't want to start shutting this down without your permission."

"Is this really what you want, Liam?" Sofia asked, "To put down the guns and pride? To run business's instead?"

"I want to be better," Liam answered, "And I have the power to be better."

"Okay," Sofia agreed, "Let's shut it down. How we do we start?"

"Well, this is the first thing," Liam said, pulling out papers, and putting them on the table, "I need you to sign these."

"What is this?" Sofia asked, looking up at him.

"This is making you the owner of Mami's club, and Jay's club. You'd be the club owner. You'd be the boss," Liam said.

"What?" Sofia gasped, looking up at him, "Are you kidding?"

"Sofia, your good at deals. You're a shark when you want to be. And you know what people want in a club. I want to give you this, because I think you can handle it. I meant every word of what I said, I trust you and I don't underestimate you. I want you to sign the papers, and to become your own boss."

"You're trying to put me in charge?" Sofia gasped, "Of our clubs? Are you out of your mind? STOP TRYING TO PUT MY IN CHARGE!"

"I'm trying anything," Liam said, "I am putting you in charge. I have enough on my plate with buying Diego's, and the restaurant and the gym. I need you to take over and help me out."

"YOU need MY help?" Sofia asked, "Do you hear yourself?"

"What are so afraid of Sofia?" Liam asked, smiling at her.

"I'm not scared," Sofia snapped, her defense up.

"Then take it, take it and be great," Liam said, "I don't want to be your boss anymore, I want to be your partner."

"You want to do better," Sofia said quietly, grinning at her brother.

"I want us both to better," Liam agreed.


9 months pregnant

"Pick up, pick up," Sofia muttered into the phone. She was holding her stomach, "God damn it, Harry."

She had woken up to a note saying that Harry had taken Birdie to the park, and he would be home later. The note suggested she stay in bed and take it easy, since she was just days away from delivery. But, Sofia got out of bed anyway. And as she got in her car to do some last minute grocery shopping, her water broke. She was having Harry's baby, and Harry wasn't picking up his phone. She had been trying to get ahold of him for the last hour, and she couldn't.

Sofia slammed her phone down, before picking it back up and dialing Zayn. Liam and Zayn were together, going to look at some of the progress being made on the new restaurant.

"ZAYN!" Sofia shrieked into the phone.

"What's the matter with you?" Zayn asked, "Run out of pickles?"

"No, I can't get ahold of Harry," Sofia snapped, "And I need him. Can you go find him please? I think he's at the park."

"Haven't you been telling us for 9 months you're pregnant, not
crippled?" Zayn barked, "Go find him yourself."

"I would, but I'm having his baby," Sofia said, gasping as a contraction ripped through her.

"YOU'RE WHAT?" Zayn screeched on the other end of the phone.

"Zayn, I need you to stay calm and go find –" But it was too late, Zayn had already hung up and Sofia assumed it was to go find Harry and to send Liam over here.

Zayn and Liam showed up not 10 minutes later, saying that they had sent Louis and Niall to find Harry, and that they needed to get her to the hospital. Sofia argued and yelled, saying she wasn't going anywhere without Harry, but Liam and Zayn were still as bossy then ever, and left her with no choice.

Across town, Niall and Louis were coming to a stop on the street of the main village, Louis ranting about how Harry never picked up his phone when he was with Birdie. They had gone to the park, but Harry wasn't there. They assumed that Harry had taken her to lunch or out shopping, but they had yet to find his car. They both opened the door, and ran out, looking into restaurant and shop windows for his signature hair. It was Niall who spotted him first.

"Harry!" Niall yelled, banging on the window of the diner, and causing Harry to spin around, his eyes widened when he saw Niall, Niall and Louis ran into the diner.

"What are you two doing here?" Harry asked, watching as Louis ignored him and went to get Birdie.

"Harry, you fucking asshole, why haven't you picked up your phone?" Niall asked

"It's in my car, what's the matter with you?" Harry asked, "Everything okay?"

"You bloody cunt, Sofia's in labor," Niall growled, "She's in labor right now, Zayn and Liam are taking her to the hospital!"

"WHAT?" Harry barked, spinning in all directions and looking for his keys, "Fuck, fuck. Shit."

"We gotta go," Harry barked, finally finding his keys and moving towards the door of the diner, suddenly he stopped, turning back around, realizing he almost left without Birdie.

"I told you," Louis said, carrying Birdie and noticing Harry's pale face, he looked terrified, "This is scariest thing you'll ever have to do."


"I can't do it!" Sofia screamed, tears rolling down her face, "I'm not strong enough!"

"Yes you are," the doctor said, as Danielle held her hand, "Sofia, this baby is coming and it's coming fast! Sofia, you're going to be okay."

"I'm not strong enough," Sofia sobbed, "I'm not strong enough without Harry. I'm not okay! I'm not okay without Harry!" She was sobbing and shaking, and the pain was unbearable, "I can't do this without Harry! I need him!"

"He's coming," Danielle said, "But you have to push, Sofia. You have to."

"I can't! I can't!" Sofia screamed, as pain ripped through her again, "I don't want to do this without him."

"You don't have to," Harry said, pushing his way into the room, "I'm right here."

"Thank fucking God," Danielle hissed, "Where the hell have you been?"

"Better late then never, right?" Harry said, moving past her, and grabbing Sofia's hand, "I'm here baby, I'm right here."

"You asshole," Sofia growled, "You fucking did this to me! I will never
forgive you for this! AHHHH!"

Harry flinched at her scream. Her face was sweaty and tear stained. She looked like she was in so much pain, and all Harry wanted to do was take that pain away from her. He just wanted her to be okay. He hated seeing her like this.

"You can hate me all you want, babe," Harry said, "But you need to push."

"It hurts!" Sofia screeched, "IT FUCKING HURTS!"

"I know –"


"Sofia, we really need you to push," the doctor said, "This baby is ready."

"I'm not ready! I'm not ready!" Sofia cried, "I'm not ready for this!"

"Hey," Harry said, grabbing her face, and forcing her to look at him, "You are ready for this. You are beautiful and strong and you can do this. You are a great mum, and I have never loved you more then I love you in this moment. But for fucks sake, Sofia Styles, if you don't push, we are going to have a serious problem. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," Sofia said through gritted teeth, glaring at him.

"Okay, so let's do," Harry said, before nodding at the doctor, and grabbing Sofia's hand again, "Let's do this together."


"Holy shit," Louis mumbled as he looked into the babies bright green eyes, "Holy shit. You guys made that."

Sofia smiled a tired smile from her hospital bed, as she watched Eleanor hold her baby, and Louis looked over her shoulder. Birdie was asleep on the hospital couch, worn out from all the excitement of the day. Harry was hovering over Eleanor, nervous to let anything happen to the baby.

Eleanor and Louis were the last ones to stop into the room to see the baby. Her brother and Danielle had been first, followed by Ella and Niall, and then Zayn and Emily. Each taking their time to coo and giggle over the latest addition to the family. Sofia watched them all, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride in herself. She had brought another life into the world, something she never thought she would be capable of doing.

Eleanor handed the baby back to Harry, and was a natural. He looked down at the perfect face, and felt absolutely blessed. The first time Harry held his baby, and looked into it's face, he fell in love. He had never fallen in love with something so fast in his life. He didn't even know it was possible to fall unconditionally in love with something that fast. But he did. From the minute that baby was in his arms, it was over for him. He was completely love stuck.

"You're out numbered," Louis said, shaking his head, "You're totally out numbered by Payne women. You poor, poor man."

Harry grinned at his best friend, and Sofia let out a low growl and a glare.

"She's a Styles," Sofia said, "He's outnumbered by Styles women. He's one lucky bastard."

"I am the luckiest bastard," Harry agreed, moving over to her bed, and sitting next to her. He handed her their baby girl, and Sofia wrapped her arms tightly around the baby, pulling it close to her chest.

"We should get going," Eleanor said quietly, "But congratulations again, guys. She's beautiful."

"I love the name too," Louis said, smiling at them.

"Yes," Eleanor agreed, walking over to Sofia, and planting a small kiss on the baby, "Welcome to the world, Hope Adriana Styles."

Eleanor and Louis left after saying goodbye, leaving Harry and Sofia by themselves with their small family for the first time since the baby had arrived. Neither of them said anything, they just stared in wonder at the being that they had made together.

"I have to tell you, this isn't where I thought we'd end up. I didn't think I'd ever end up here. Or you, I didn't think you would either. This is like, a fairy tale ending. This doesn't happen to people like us, does it?" Harry asked, "Did you think we'd get this ending?"

"I had hoped," Sofia said softly, with a smile, looking down at her new baby, "Besides this isn't our ending, this is just the beginning."

He smiled down and her, before leaning down and kissing her slowly. He had seen Sofia do a lot of things. And he had fallen in love with her over and over again. But, he never loved her more then he did today. She proved how strong she was once again, and he just as amazed by her as he always was. She wasn't the same person he fell in love with, but neither was he.

Sofia let out a tiny laugh, one that caught him off guard. He looked down at her, his eyes furrowed in confusion.

"What's so funny?" he asked

"Tell me I'm yours," Sofia said, looking up at him, "Tell me, because I have always been yours." Harry stared at her, blankly, unsure of what to say.

"You're mine," Harry finally said, with a smirk, but he was still confused, "You've always been mine."

"You've always been mine," Sofia said, "I've always been yours."

"And?" Harry asked

"And now, they're ours," Sofia said, with a grin, as she looked over at Birdie, and then down at Hope. Harry smiled widely.

"Ours," he said, not able to wipe the smile off his face, shaking his head.

"Ours," she repeated, before handing him back his daughter, and leaning back and closing her eyes.

She remembered those words Louis said to her, just a few months ago, but it seemed like another lifetime ago. She smiled as realized what she had done. She had taken control of her destiny, she didn't allow her destiny to control her. She was right, when she said what she said, girls from gangs don't have fairy tales written about them, but that didn't stop Sofia Payne from writing her own.

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