"Anyone Want To Change Their Bets?"

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"So, I'm spending the day with Aunt Ella all day?" Birdie asked from her car seat, as Sofia sat in the front and Harry drove.

"Yes," Sofia nodded, "But, you're spending the morning with us, and we'll see you first thing tomorrow!"

"You won't be home tonight?" Birdie squawked, her eyes going wide.

"No," Harry said, "We're going out to take care of a few things for the wedding, but Aunt Eleanor, and Ella, and Danielle will all be home. And so will David."

"But, I don't want them, I want you!" Birdie cried, her eyes scrunched in confusion.

"Babe, I swear," Sofia said, looking in the rear view mirror, "You won't even notice we're gone..."

"Well, why can't I go with you?" Birdie asked

"Because it's a night for adults," Harry answered, "But the girls have a really fun sleepover planned for you, you're going to have a blast, you won't even want us to come home..."

"What's a sleepover?" Birdie asked, Sofia snorted at Harry's sigh, he was beginning to grow frustrated with all of Birdie's questions.

"It's a girl thing," Harry said, shrugging.

"It is not!" Sofia cried, "You had plenty of sleepovers!"

"I had nights that turned into mornings, with the boys," Harry argued, "They weren't sleepovers. We didn't braid each others hair and bake brownies..."

"Sleepovers mean brownies?!" Birdie cried out excitedly, Sofia smiled widely; taking this opportunity to convince Birdie on how good her night was going to be.

"Brownies, and ice cream, and hair and make up!" Sofia said, turning around to face her, "They are so much fun..."

"You know what else is fun?" Harry asked, "Carrots and cucumbers, and staying far far away from make up..."

Sofia rolled her eyes at Harry, while Birdies nose crinkled in disgust.

"That's no fun," Birdie said.

"No, it's not fun," Sofia agreed, "Ignore him, he's just being a silly boy..."

"More like a responsible father," Harry mumbled, causing Sofia to snort again, before turning back to Birdie, "I promise you're gonna have a ton of fun!"

Harry pulled into the playground, putting the car in park. He promised Birdie at breakfast that they could go to the playground for a bit because it was pretty nice for a March day. Birdie quickly was opening the door, and hopping out, with Sofia and Harry trying to keep up.

"Be careful," Harry said, grabbing her arm before she could take off, "What's my rule?"

"If I can't see you, you can't see me," Birdie said as though she had repeated it a thousand times before, which she had. She wiggled a bit in his grasp, because she was so desperate to break free.

"Seriously, I mean it," Harry said, "And don't even think about the big kid equipment, I don't want you getting hurt. If you even look at it, game over. We're going home."

"Seriously Birdie, you scrape your knee and he'll have a heart attack," Sofia said, a smirk on her face, as Harry glared, "So for his sake, be careful. And for the sake of the wedding, I want him standing when I say 'I do'" Birdie quickly agreed before taking off towards the jungle gym.

"You can't protect her from everything, Harry," Sofia said quietly, watching as Harry kept his eyes trained on Birdie.

"Watch me," Harry mumbled immediately, Sofia shook her head, laughing at him. They watched quietly as Birdie ran around the playground, in her own little world. Sofia rested her head on Harry's shoulders, and he took he eyes off Birdie long enough so give her a kiss on the head.

"You ready for tomorrow?" he asked.

"So ready," Sofia breathed out, as she watched Birdie climb up the stairs to the slide.

"It almost feels like –" Harry started to say, but he was interrupted by a shrilly voice.

"SOFIA?" the voice came, making them turn around, as two girls crossed the playground to them.

"Holy shit," Harry said quietly, as though he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Sofia's face broke into a wide grin.

"IT IS YOU!" the long legged girl yelled, "I KNEW I RECOGNIZED YOU!!"

"Vanessa!" Sofia cried, throwing her arms around the girl, she didn't notice how Harry's eyes narrowed, his jaw locked, and his posture got stiff.

"Carly!" Sofia laughed, hugging the other girl, "oh my god, what are you doing here?!"

"Vicks father was locking down a property, and he invited us to check it out last night," Vanessa said, her eyes traveling to Harry, a flirty smile coming to her lips as she batted his eyes, "Hi Harry."

"Vanessa," Harry greeted coolly, nodding his head, his jaw still locked, "Carly."

"I can't believe you two are still hanging out with each other," Vanessa said shaking her head at the two of them, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Actually," Sofia said, with a sly grin, holding up her hand, "We're getting married..."

Vanessa laughed hard; Carly couldn't control her smile either.

"I really want to know what you're doing here, I'm being serious..." Vanessa said, her smile vanishing when she saw Sofia's face, "Oh my God, and apparently so are you..."

"Yeah, tomorrow actually," Sofia said.

"You're getting married?" Vanessa asked her eyes wide, "How is that possible?" Sofia laughed loudly, knowing that it would be unbelievable to anyone she was friends with in high school.

"Crazier things have happened," Harry said, no longer looking at the three girls, but his eyes back on Birdie.

"What's with the kid?" Carly asked, "Babysitting duty?"

"She's ours," Harry answered immediately, narrowing his eyes at Carly.

"What?!" Vanessa said, her eyes wide, "That's not possible..."

"I knew her mother," Sofia said smoothly, reminding Harry at how good a liar she was, something that used to drive him crazy, "She died, and she left us Birdie..."

"Is that why you're getting married?" Carly asked, grinning. Harry sighed deeply, trying to control his annoyance.

"Of course not!" Sofia laughed, "Why?"

"I just can't believe you're settling down! YOU! Sofia Payne!" Vanessa cried, "Nineteen for God's sake! You still have so many nights to live, and clubs to adventure too, and alcohols to taste! I can't believe that wild child Sofia Payne I knew, is ready to settle for ... this...."

"Settle?" Harry bit, but noticed that Vanessa didn't faze Sofia. Sofia always enjoyed how blunt and honest Vanessa was. They were friends in high school, ran with the same group. On those nights where Sofia got out of control, Emily was the angel on her shoulder, trying to get her to slow down and think a bit, where as Vanessa was the devil. Harry hated them back then, and as they stood in front of him now, he felt the same dislike bubbling in him. They were willing to drag Sofia into anything, never thinking twice about her safety or well being, as long as they were having a good time. And Sofia let them drag her down, although most considered Sofia to be the leader. Harry knew that there were certain nights and certain decisions that all came down to Vanessa whispering in her ear. Sofia was never one to back down from a challenge, and Vanessa loved to light the match and see how it burned. She was trouble, and Sofia was always blind to it, saying that Vanessa was harmless and fun. Harry didn't see her harmless, he saw her as someone who would've loved to destroy Sofia, but she hid it behind a friendly smile and a hug of friendship.

"Well, you know what I mean," Vanessa shrugged, "Seriously? Giving it all up? You could've been a legend...."

"I am a legend," Sofia said, "I don't know of anyone else who could still stand after 23 shots at Becker's last house party..." There was a pride in her voice that annoyed Harry. He remembered that night, she was still standing. Zayn found her standing in the bathroom, her shirt discarded while making out with someone she couldn't even name the next morning. And they argued about it, Sofia reminding Harry again that they weren't official and she could do whatever she wanted.

"Ah, those were the days..." Vanessa sighed dramatically, nudging Carly. Harry bit back a snide remark, hoping that if he just stayed quiet they would go away.

"Putting them behind you?" Carly asked, Sofia smiling.

"After tonight," Sofia said, "One last hurrah tonight!" Harry froze at her words, trying not to let them affect him. She sounded so excited, like she missed her hurrahs. His eyes narrowed as he wondered why on earth she would say something like that in front of Vanessa and Carly. He didn't like where this conversation was going, especially when he saw Vanessa and Carly's eyes light up.

"You should come," Sofia added easily, and Harry had to choke down the scream of annoyance he felt towards her, "It'll be fun, like the old days..." Harry felt his blood getting hotter at Sofia's suggestion. She said the old days like they were something that should be revisited. It wasn't that Harry hated the old days, he didn't. He had plenty of good memories in the old days, and those moments led him and them to what would happen tomorrow. But he also had a lot of days where he worried and faught, harder then he ever had for anything. Days that made him tired. So when Sofia said the old days with so much warmth in her voice, he wondered what was good about them in the first place and why she would ever want to go back.

"Oh my God," Vanessa gasped, "We would love to!"

"Excellent," Sofia said, "Emily will be there, and my friend Daisy. We're going to Club 09 in town, you know it?"

"Of course," Carly said, "We love it!"

"Birdie!" Harry called out, he couldn't take anymore of this conversation. He wanted to snap both of their necks and burry them six feet into the ground. Sofia wasn't far behind if she kept acting so idiotic. He call startled all three girls, making them jump, but Harry pretending not to notice, "Come on babe, let's go!" Birdie didn't hesitate, jumping off the slide.

"Harry, we can stay a bit longer," Sofia said, her eyes furrowed in confusion.

"No, we can't," Harry said in a clipped voice that meant there was no room for argument, "We have busy day, and can't be here all day...." He didn't even flinch as Birdie jumped into his arms, and he lifted her effortlessly off the ground, resting her on his hip.

"Why are we leaving so early?" Birdie asked, her voice confused and slightly annoyed.

"Just time to get you home," Harry said, as Sofia bid her goodbyes. He noticed Vanessa's eyes on them, and it took everything in him not to turn so Birdie was shielded from her.

"But I want to stay longer!" Birdie whined

"Well, that's too bad," Harry said, ending the discussion immediately. Birdie knew Harry's tone of voice meant they were leaving, and that any argument or fit from her would just wind up with her being punished. Birdie could push Sofia around, but Harrys word was law, even if she was wrapped around his finger. So, Birdie just sighed and nodded her head.

"Good girl," Harry said, kissing her head.

"It's like De Ja Vu," Vanessa said watching the exchange, "Except now Harry is really talking to a 4 year old...." Harry ignored the comment, knowing that she was just trying to get him to pay attention to her but Sofia laughed, before they both turned, walking back to the car.


"You want to tell me what the problem is?" Sofia barked, causing the entire kitchen to go silent as they walked in the house.

"Not really," Harry said, helping Birdie take off her coat.

"Birdie, go play!" Sofia said, and Birdie looked up at the two of them, her eyes glancing between the two, knowing exactly what was coming before turning to leave the kitchen.

"They're about to fight," she whispered to Louis

"I see that," he replied, looking up at Harry and Sofia

"Birdie!" Harry scolded, "Now!" Birdie didn't need to be told twice before she was running out of the room, Eleanor following her.

"What's the problem?" Sofia asked again

"You don't want to push me on this," Harry snapped at her.

"Actually, I think I do," Sofia hissed

"Sofia, I swear to God, you don't," Harry growled, "You don't want to know what I have to say..."

"Say about what?!" Sofia snapped, "I didn't do anything, you just turned into a asshole!"

"Watch who you calling an asshole!" Harry yelled

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Sofia yelled

"You invited Vanessa and Carly to go out tonight!" Harry yelled, "Like a fucking moron..."

"Wait, like Vanessa and Carly Williamson?" Emily asked, and when Harry nodded and shouted "the very same!", Emily's eyes widened, Zayn let out a low whistle, and everyone in the kitchen watched carefully to what was sure to be a knock down drag out fight. Everyone, especially Sofia, knew Harry's dislike for the girls.

"What are they even doing here?" Liam asked, his tone stern. He had no patience for them either.

"Knowing them," Niall said, "Probably found a party..."

"So what if I did?" Sofia asked ignoring all of them, "It's my night out, and I can have who ever I want there!"

"They are nothing but trouble!" Harry spat out, "Vanessa is a blood sucking, brainless, whore who lives to drink as much tequila as possible and get whatever guy is intoxicated enough to be stupid to fall into bed with her! She has no sense, and neither do you when you are with her!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Sofia yelled, "You're still holding shit from years ago against her?!"

"DAMN RIGHT I AM!" Harry yelled, "That girl is single handedly the reason you don't remember most of your Senior year! Not to mention all of the scum bags she has thoughtlessly gotten involved with and all of the ugly situations she has managed to put herself in."

"Oh fuck off, Harry!" Sofia snapped, "Let it go already!"

"What did you just say to me?!" Harry yelled, stepping forward.


"I DON'T THINK YOU WANT TO FUCKING GO THERE WITH ME SOFIA!" Harry boomed, knowing that now they were veering off topic, but he didn't really care, "YOU'VE GOT NO LEG TO STAND ON!"



"I would hardly call what you did with her dating," Sofia hissed, her eyes narrowed at him.

"You wouldn't know what dating was if it danced in front of you naked, Sofia," he hissed back, "You didn't ever stick around for more then one night anyway, did you?"

"Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black," Sofia laughed, "But I guess we're doing a lot of that today. You know, you judging Vanessa when you were once, what was it you said? Intoxicated enough to fuck her..."

"That was before you and it's not even relevant to this conversation," Harry growled

"What conversation?" Sofia snapped, "This is you holding grudges about shit that happened years ago."

"I don't like her, and you know it. And you know damn well, I don't like you with her," Harry growled, "So you call her and you tell her she's uninvited, because I forbid you to be around her..."

"Oh shit..." Louis whispered, everyone watching as Harry and Sofia stood toe to toe.

Sofia laughed loudly, "You forbid me?! YOU FORBID ME?! You know this father thing must be going to your head Harry, because now you think you can boss me around like I'm four..."

"I'm not discussing this," Harry growled

"You're right, you aren't discussing this," Sofia snapped, "Because it isn't up for discussion!"

"SOFIA I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T FUCKING CALL HER" Harry roared, his fists clenched at his side, "I WILL –"

"WHAT?!" Sofia boomed, her eyes narrowed and black, ready for a fight, "YOU WILL WHAT?!"

"JUST FUCKING CALL IT OFF!" Harry screamed, his face red.

"Fine," Sofia said deadly quietly, a huge turn around from the screaming that was just happening, "I'll call her off if you call off the strippers that Danny hired..." Harry froze at her words, as all the boys pointedly looked at the floor, trying to ignore all of the glaring women.

"Oh did you not think I knew about that?" Sofia growled, "Guess I'm not the only one with a wild night planned..."

"She's trouble, Sofia!" Harry barked, "And you've always been so fucking blind to it! And I know that if you hang out with her you are just going to –"

"To what?" Sofia snapped, "Suddenly go back 3 years ago?! Are you that insecure about me?! Or are you just fucking stupid!?"

"Call me stupid again," Harry hissed, his eyes going black and his hand twitching by his side; backing her into the counter, "I dare you..."

"Stupid," Sofia hissed, making sure to say it nice and slow, like she was talking to a child, glaring up at him. Harry grabbed her arm, having just about enough of this game she was playing, but stopped when a voice came ringing through the kitchen, making them both turn.

"Is this a bad time?" the voice said, Harry and Sofia staring with mouths wide open, as Harry realized that another one of Sofia's ghosts had shown up today.

"Is this a fucking joke?" Harry mumbled

"Topher! Cara!" Sofia excitedly squealed out, running into their arms. Harry stood perfectly still as he watched the exchange, Sofia forgetting all about their fight that had literally just been happening a few seconds ago. He couldn't help but feel his stomach flip as he watched them change her mood completely. Cara and Topher both greeted him, but he didn't say much, and soon Sofia was pulling them through the door into the living room, talking fast, trying to catch up. Harry watched as they went, his jaw still locked in fury.

"I'm sorry, Harry," Liam explained, "I invited them as a surprise for Sofia, I didn't think they would be walking into ... that..."

"No one's walking into anything," Harry snapped, before storming out of the back door.

"So, after that," Niall said, looking around the kitchen, "Anyone want to change their bets?"

"Me!" Danny cried, "It's not happening, they'll call it off..."

"No," Emily said, "It'll happen..."

"I'm not so sure anymore..." Louis mumbled, his eyes weary, "I really wanted to make my speech..."

"They're gonna get married!" Liam insisted, looking to Danielle to back him up, but she just shrugged with her eyes wide, still not quite understanding what had just happened in the middle of kitchen.


"What do you mean you know who I am?" Sofia choked out, as she stared at Cara and Topher, as they sat on the beach together. Cara smiled gently at her, while Topher just raised his eyebrows.

"You're brother told us," Cara said, shrugging, "When he got ahold of us for the wedding, he made sure he knew exactly who we were getting involved in..."

"Although he didn't have to say much after he used the name Payne," Topher said.

"And you still came?" Sofia asked quietly

"Of course we did," Cara said, "Sofia I don't care what your name is or what you do, I know who you are..."

"Although, it did come as a little bit of a shocker," Topher said, his voice tense.

"I'm sure it did," Sofia said, quietly, looking at them both.

"So Birdie?" Cara asked, changing the subject, glaring at Topher who clearly wanted to talk about it, "She's beautiful..."

"Isn't she?" Sofia said, smiling, "She's perfect."

"Harry's good with her?" Topher asked, Sofia could hear the curiosity in his voice.

"Better with her then I am," Sofia said

"Really?" he questioned, and this time Sofia could hear the disbelief. "And you and Harry?" Topher asked, raising his eyebrows at Sofia, who cheeks flushed red as he questioned with his eyes if this was what she really wanted.

"Topher, don't," Cara scolded

"I'm just wondering," Topher said, shrugging, "That didn't look like a
couple ready to be married back there..."

"It's just nerves," Sofia said quickly, but in the back of her head she knew it was more then that. Nerves about the wedding weren't making Harry fly off the handle back there, it was nerves about her.

"If that's what nerves do," Topher chirped, "I'd hate to see him when he's really upset." Cara shoved her brother hard, before turning back to Sofia.

"Are you okay?" Cara asked, her hand reaching out to Sofia's, Sofia looked up and smiled, to anyone else it might have been convincing, but Cara had seen her fake smile for months, she had lived with it.

"I'm fine," Sofia insisted, "You should come out with us tonight, I would love to have you there..."

"I would, but I'm exhausted," Cara said, "So I think I'll skip the party,
but I'll be front row center here tomorrow..."

"If it happens..." Sofia breathed out.

"It'll happen," Cara said, rolling her eyes, "Of course it'll happen..."

"What about you Topher?" Sofia asked, turning to him, "You up for tonight?"

"You want me to hang out with you and your girlfriends?" Topher scoffed, staring at her in disbelief.

"I meant going out with the boys," Sofia said, this time it was her rolling her eyes, "For a doctor, you can sure be stupid..."

"You know, Harry didn't look too thrilled to see me," Topher said, "So, probably not. But we're staying in the same hotel as them, so who knows, maybe I'll see them at the bar..." Sofia didn't notice the glare that Cara sent his way this time.


"DO IT!" Vanessa cried in her ear, as Sofia lifted another shot to her mouth and swallowed the liquid whole.

"That's my girl!" Carly laughed, turning to Emily, who just looked unsure.

"I'm telling you," Vanessa said, "You are back and better then ever!"

"I don't know about that," Sofia laughed, as she lifted her hand to call the bartender over.

"Take it easy, yeah?" Emily hissed, "We've only been here an hour, and you don't want to puke all over your dress tomorrow."

"Oh she'll be fine," Carly said, waving off Emily, "This girl is a tank. Remember that time you climbed behind the bar and drank right out of the bottle?"

"Of course she doesn't," Emily said quietly, as Sofia smiled widely.

"My God," Vanessa said, looking at Daisy, "This girl has the best stories! She could party for days, leaving the rest of just trying to keep up..."

"Ah, you kept up pretty well, if I remember correctly," Sofia said, downing her drink, as she turned towards the crowd on the dance floor.

"Which you don't," Emily said quietly, shaking her head.

"Who's the lucky guy tonight?" Carly asked, "You know they are all
just waiting for you to choose them...."

"I'm getting married," Sofia chuckled, pushing down the guilt that was in her chest. Harry was still refusing to talk to her as they went their separate ways for the night. Although, he hadn't called anything off and besides the refusal to talk to each other everything had gone on as planned. They both seemed to be blowing off the fight as nerves, but Sofia couldn't shake the feeling that to him, it was more then nerves.

"Oh please," Vanessa said, rolling her eyes, "It's just a piece of paper. And you aren't married yet. Since when do you let Harry hold you back?"

"Hold her back?" Daisy questioned

"This girl could get anybody, anytime, for anything," Vanessa said, "It was insane. She was like magic with every guy, even when Harry was trying to convince her to settle down with him. By the way, I still want to know what he said to finally get you to agree. Go ahead, Daisy, pick a guy out of the crowd..."

"Stop it, Vanessa," Emily whispered, not liking where this way going. Sofia was already pretty drunk, and Vanessa kept pouring shots down her throat. Emily knew Sofia's senses were down, and Vanessa seemed to want to make the most of it. Sofia didn't say anything though, as she stared at the crowd.

"Come on," Vanessa said, "It's your last night of freedom, what's one dance going to do?" She pushed another shot towards, Sofia causing Emily to sigh deeply in frustration. Emily shook her head when Sofia swallowed it whole.

"Go ahead, Dais," Vanessa said, "Pick one..."

"I don't think so," Daisy said quietly also not enjoying the game that Vanessa was playing, Sofia didn't say anything. She just pushed herself off the counter and towards the dance floor, reaching for the first guy she saw. Vanessa was right, what was the harm in one little dance?

While she danced against the nameless man, she let the alcohol pulse through her. She thought of all the conversation that had happened since she had been at the club. Vanessa and Carly retelling stories of her golden days. She felt the mans fingers press against her hips, and he felt his breath on her neck. She allowed the alcohol to think for her. It had been so long since she was this drunk. She was too busy trying to grow up she hadn't forgotten about how young she really was.

Harry was right, Vanessa did bring out this side of her. The one that wanted to throw all her sense out the window, and just go with what felt good in the moment. Sofia felt the sweat drip down her body, and she forgot how much she had missed being in the crowd. She let the music pound through her head, and she heard Vanessa's voice echo over it, reminding her of everything Sofia used to be. Back when she didn't feel any responsibility towards anyone, and she didn't feel like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. She denied it, but sometimes she missed those days. Maybe Vanessa was right, maybe she wasn't supposed to be the girl that settled down. And maybe, she knew that, and that's why she was in a rush to get it over with. The faster it happened, the faster she could prove everyone wrong. But, did she really want to prove anyone wrong?

Sofia pushed herself away from the faceless man that had just been holding her, and towards the hallway of the club, trying desperately to find a bathroom, her stomach churning at all the thoughts in her head. She quickly found the bathroom, moving her way to the sink and splashing her face with water, breathing in and out fast.

"Sofia?" a voice came from behind her, Sofia turned quickly to see Daisy standing there, "Are you okay?"

"I can't do this," Sofia said

"About what?" When Sofia didn't respond, Daisy knew exactly what she couldn't do.

"You're having second thoughts about the wedding?" Daisy asked, her eyes wide with shock, "About Harry?" Daisy had bet on Harry and Sofia, convinced that no matter what had happened in the kitchen, they were ready to be together and that no fight was going to stop that. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"No, not about Harry," Sofia said softly, "About me. Who am I kidding? Me? A mom and a wife? Vanessa's right, that's not who I am.... And I can't stand up there tomorrow and promise to be that...."


Harry let the stripped grind against him, as the boys whooped and yelled around him, throwing bills. He noticed that Liam wasn't cheering, probably out of respect for his sister, and had actually taken to glaring at Harry moving his hand to wrap it up. Her practically naked body, moved against his fully clothed one, but he smirked as the alcohol took over his body. It didn't take much for Danny to convince him to allow the stripper, Danny was right. This was his last night, and the last time he could ever look at another woman like this again, and so he should take full advantage of it. Plus, Sofia knew about it so it's not like he had anything to feel guilty about. He took another sip of his drink, a cocky grin plastered on his face as she dipped in front of him. He was allowing his anger from the fight, and the taste of the alcohol to fuel his every decision right now. He let his hand brush against the strippers thigh, pushing down the disappointment that it wasn't Sofia's. He was so buzzed right now, it didn't even bother him that Topher had come out and decided to sit with them in the hotel bar.

"Alright sweetheart," Danny said, watching as Liam got more and more agitated with the stripper being on top of Harry, "Take a break," he handed the girl some money and told her to go buy a drink. Before turning back to Liam, who had suddenly relaxed but still shot him a look of disdain. Danny merely shrugged, rolling his eyes, and sitting back down.

"If Sofia had any idea what you just let that stripper do," Niall said, shaking his head, "She'd have a fit..."

"Sofia's got no room to complain," Harry snapped, taking another gulp of his drink.

"I don't know what you're so worked up about, Harry," Liam said, he had been trying to talk to Harry all night, but Harry was hearing none of it, "You knew she had a past... it's not like Vanessa forced Sofia to act the way she did...."

"I agree," Danny said, shrugging, "You knew long before you asked her to marry you who she was..."

"And?" Harry growled, accepting the next beer he was offered, and chugging it.

"And so you knew Sofia hooked up and partied until there was no tomorrow," Danny said, "Hell I'm pretty sure she's been with 1, 2, 3, 4 of us sitting here. Not including you..."

"Watch it," Zayn hissed, protecting both Harry and Sofia, "She's not the person anymore.... Harry knows that..."

"Do I?" Harry asked, his head snapping towards Zayn, "She was so excited to go out and party tonight..."

"Harry, come on," Liam said, "What's this really about?"

"It's just every time we get closer to normal," Harry said, "Something throws us back, and it's usually something from her past..."

"You think playing house with a 4 year old and getting her to agree to marry you means your normal?" Topher asked quietly, making all heads snap in his direction. Harry's eyes narrowed.

"Just because you were let in on the secret," Harry said, "Doesn't mean you know anything. You would think you would be smarter about what you let come out of your mouth, though..."

"I know that this isn't normal," Topher said, not backing down to Harry's unspoken threat, "I know that Sofia enjoyed normal. She liked being independent, and making her own decisions, and was curious about how the real world worked. Maybe that should've been my first clue. But, I know and you know, that you will never be able to give her normal." Everyone stayed quiet as Harry and Topher stared at each other. Harry stayed calm, not letting Topher get under his skin. Harry knew Topher couldn't hold a candle to him, that wasn't what was agitating him about Tophers presence. Harry wasn't jealous, but he was weary.

"And you can?" Harry asked, "Don't you think if she wanted that, she would be there?"

"I think she's 19 and doesn't know what she wants," Topher said, "And that's what's got you so worked up, because you know it too..."

"You don't anything about me or Sofia," Harry said, his voice bored.

"I know that I work everyday to save lives while you carelessly take them away," Topher said, causing all of them to stir, "And I know that you control her. And you think because you agreed to pretend to be Birdies father, you've manipulated her to think that you can have normal. But you can't, and you're dragging that little girl down too."

"You don't know anything about that little girl!" Harry barked, sitting up, his voice no longer calm, "You want to take shots at me? Fine. You want to take shots at Sofia? Be my guest. But don't you dare drag my daughter into this conversation, because I'll make sure you never fucking talk again, you stuck up twat..."

"Oh come on, Harry!" Topher cried, leaning forward, still not bothered by Harry's threat, "You think this is right, what you do? You think it's okay to bring a child into this?!"

"You don't know anything about what we do. Or who we are. We have given that child more love then she has ever had," Harry growled, "Don't talk about something you know nothing about..."

"I know that it's a dark and dangerous world you live in, and it's a waste to keep Sofia and Birdie in it," Topher snapped

"Careful son," Liam warned, narrowing his eyes. He was okay with letting Harry fight this one, but Liam wanted to remind Topher that it was his sister he was talking about, and he was in charge of this world.

"You know nothing about my world," Harry said, "And you may want keep in mind, that Sofia lied every second she was in yours..."

"She may have lied about the details, Harry," Topher growled, "But, she enjoyed being normal. That wasn't a lie."

"Fuck off, Topher," Harry spat out.

"And maybe that's why you're so insecure with me here," Topher said, "Not because I'm a threat, but because you know I remind Sofia of what she walked away from and you know that there are times where she misses it..."


"This is ridiculous," Daisy said, staring at Sofia in disbelief. Sofia didn't say anything, she was too busy trying to figure out a way to run.

"Look at me!" Daisy snapped, causing Sofia to look up in surprise, "Vanessa keeps talking about you and telling stories. I didn't know you back then, and from what I've heard, I'm glad I didn't. You sounded selfish and ruthless, and like all you lived for was your next good feeling...."

"Thanks Daisy," Sofia said, deadpanned.

"But I know you now," Daisy said, "And I know whoever Vanessa keeps talking about is not the same person I've become friends with. You are an incredible woman. You love Harry with all of you heart, and you think of him first. And I have watched you turn into an amazing mum, Birdie worships you, because you are worthy of that. Sofia, I will not let you ruin the best thing that will ever happen to you just because some popular bitch from high school that used to know you came crashing into this weekend."

Sofia didn't have time to think, Daisy was pulling her out of the bathroom, and storming through the club. Emily, Vanessa, and Carly all looked up from their spot at the bar as Daisy stomped up to them.

"YOU!" Daisy screeched, pointing at Vanessa, who stepped back in surprise, "I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt because I was told you would be fun. But you aren't fun, you are just a half-witted jealous twat who is stuck in the past. And you know what? You want others to be stuck there with you! Probably because they were your best years, and they will always be your best years! But they aren't our best years, and they sure as hell aren't Sofia's best years! So you can take your skinny ass and walk it right out of here, because I'm done with your fucking bullshit!"

"Daisy!" Emily gasped, surprised at how full on Daisy was attacking, but she couldn't bite back the grin.

"You don't know Sofia! Sofia taught me how to protect the people I love, and to stand up for what's right!" Daisy continued to rant, "And what you're doing right now isn't right! And this is me standing up for her and for Harry and for their CHILD Birdie! They have worked way to damn hard to let some no good whore bag come in and ruin it! So fuck off, before I drag you out of here myself!"

"Sofia!" Vanessa gasped, "Are you going to let her talk to me like that? I'm one of your oldest friends!"

"You're a bitch," Emily chirped, rolling her eyes at Vanessa, "I'm one of her oldest friends. You were just a troublemaker that enjoyed her leftovers and being popular by association and never got over the fact that Harry Styles wasn't just a one-night stand with her. Daisy's right, get the fuck out here..." Sofia stood there, stunned. She had never seen Daisy like this. But she watched as Vanessa stormed from the club, Carly chasing after her.

"She's been spending too much time with you," Emily said to Sofia, pointing at Daisy who was still fuming, "You're a horrible influence, you know. But my God, I'm so glad you showed her how to do that..."

"AND YOU!" Daisy screeched, turning and pointing at Sofia, "Don't be a fucking idiot! You're not upset because Vanessa has enlightened you as to who you're really supposed to be! You're upset because the day before your wedding, you're fight with Harry! You didn't enjoy those shots or that dance, but not because you were having some internal melt down, but because all you want to do right now is find Harry and apologize! For someone who's so fucking intelligent, Sofia, you can sure be an idiot!" Emily laughed loudly, as Sofia stood there, still stunned at everything that had just happened. Daisy was right, Sofia was miserable, and it's because she just wanted to be with Harry. And she needed to know that he wanted the same thing.


"Topher!" a voice screeched over a band at the bar, as Harry and Topher stood head to head, wondering who would throw the first punch. Both men turned to see Cara marching towards them.

"What are you doing?" She barked, hands on her hips. Even at her height, Harry could see she was slightly intimidating. She had a very mother like stance, almost like Danielle, that told you were in for it.

"I'm just –" Topher started

"You're just getting involved in something you shouldn't," Cara snapped, "And you down here stirring up trouble where it doesn't have to be made...."

"Cara, that is not –" Topher tried to say, but Cara interrupted him, much to the amusement of all the boys.

"Topher, you want a normal life for Sofia! I get that! I get that you think that's what she deserves," Cara snapped, "But don't project your wants into fucking reality." Harry snorted, amused at Cara and watched as Topher flinched as his sister's tone.

"You know damn well that Sofia Payne doesn't do anything she doesn't want to do," Cara barked, "She's the most stubborn person on the planet. If she didn't want to be here, she wouldn't be. If she wanted normal, she'd find normal. If she didn't want to marry Harry, she wouldn't be marrying Harry."

"Listen to your sister, kid," Zayn snapped from behind them. Harry smirked again, appreciative of Zayns defense tonight.

"Cara this isn't right –" Topher cried

"IT'S NOT RIGHT FOR YOU!" Cara yelled, "But don't you dare go around telling people how to live their lives! And stop fucking judging people! Who are you to say what is and isn't right?! You don't even know what goes on! You don't know much!! Not enough to come in here and judge Harry or Sofia's family!! And certainly not enough to go and fill this boys head with lies!"

"Lies?" Harry asked

"She was miserable!" Cara said, "I don't care what he has told you. Sure, did she enjoy the fact that she had a normal job and that she didn't have to answer to anyone. Yes, of course she did. But she was fucking miserable. She wasn't alive, she was dead – and functioning. It was like living with a fucking Zombie..."

"She just had a miscarriage," Topher protested, "Cara, that's normal. Especially given the circumstances." He turned to Harry, "Are you so busy making deals and shooting people that you didn't notice she was pregnant?"

"You know," Harry growled, stepping towards him, "I've been awfully patient with you. 1. Because you helped Sofia out and 2. Because I really like your sister. But if you keep running your mouth, I will show you exactly what my world is like..."

"And I'll help him," Liam growled, standing up. Liam had just about enough of Topher, and in no other circumstance would anyone ever be able to run their mouth the way he had tonight.

"I'm just saying –" Topher said, stepping back

"DON'T JUST SAY!" Cara yelled, "JUST STAY OUT OF IT! LET SOFIA DO WHAT SHE IS GOING TO DO! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT GETTING INVOLVED! YOU KNOW SHE'LL DO EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS!" Topher stepped back, a sheepish look on his face that caused Harry more amusement. He looked like a scolded child, but he also looked like someone who knew he had overstepped a boundary and was in the wrong.

"And it looks like she wants to tell us exactly what that is," Niall said, catching everyone's attention.

"What?" Harry asked, confused, looking at him.

"Watch out, Harry," Louis said, looking straight past him, "It looks like she's here for round two..." Harry turned, to see Sofia moving quickly towards him, Daisy and Emily behind her. He noticed there was no Vanessa or Carly. As she stopped in front of him, they both opened their mouths to speak.

"I'm sorry," Sofia spat out quickly.

"This isn't what I want," Harry said, at the same time, looking at Sofia, "I don't want this."

Sofia blanched at his words, and Harry quickly realized how wrong they sounded.

"I mean, I don't want to fight the night before our wedding!" Harry said quickly, causing Sofia to sigh.

"We should go somewhere and talk," Harry said, grabbing her hand,
wanting to get away from all the eyes. Sofia nodded, and allowed him to pull her from the bar.


"I'm sorry, you were right about Vanessa," Sofia said, as they stood in a private office together, one Harry had convinced one of the employees to use.

"Did something happen?" Harry asked, more out of concern then suspicion.

"No," Sofia whispered, her voice breaking, "Harry do you want to marry me? Are you sure?" Harry paused, staring at her.

"Because I would understand if you didn't," Sofia continued, "I've made a lot of mistakes. And my past always seems to come back to haunt us. And I just... I know why you got so upset today. And I think it's because you're always weary that I'll go back to the person I was...."

"I got upset today because I was reminded of the past when I just want to start our future," Harry said, "But I know exactly who you are, Sofia."

"And you want to marry who I am? Even with all my baggage and history?" Sofia asked. Harry smiled.

"I loved the old Sofia just as much as I love who you are now," Harry said, "Don't forget, that I fell in love with you when you were that girl."

"Because you were crazy," Sofia said, shaking her head, "And you saw me as a challenge..."

"No," Harry said, shaking his head, "Because that Sofia, this Sofia, and all the Sofia's in between, you all had the same heart. Everyone saw your body, or dancing, or your drinking abilities. They saw your fire and determination. But I always saw your heart. And a lot has changed, but that hasn't..."

"You just seemed unsure today..." Sofia asked, "Like you were scared..."

"I'm not perfect, Sof," Harry said, shrugging, "But even as we stood in the kitchen screaming at each other, I didn't think twice about marrying you."

"We fight a lot," Sofia said

"Yeah," Harry nodded, "We always have. We always will. We aren't perfect. As individuals, or as a couple. But we fight with each other and we fight for each other, and that's something I'm ready and willing to do for the rest of my life."

"No hesitations? No doubts?" Sofia asked, cocking her head to the side.

"I've never doubted us," Harry said, "You know that..."

"But you've doubted me," Sofia said quietly, "You doubted me today..." Harry bit his lip because he knew it was true, and he knew it hurt her.

"I'm sorry," he said honestly, "I was just frustrated. I just want us to start our future..."

"Without our past getting involved," Sofia said, "Or my past..."

"We both have a history, Sof," Harry said, "We both had reputations, and you know that..."

"We were both broken," Sofia sighed, looking up at him.

"Yeah, two broken pieces that fit together perfectly," Harry said, "We still do." He took her hand in his, and pulled her into his chest, she curled instinctively into him, and he placed his head on hers. They were the perfect fit.

"See?" Harry whispered, "We fit." Sofia stepped back, smiling at him.

"So tomorrow?" Sofia asked.

"Tomorrow," Harry agreed.

"Some last hurrah," Sofia said, "Think they're having fun?" She jerked her head to the door.

"Oh yeah," Harry said, "Louis texted me saying he ordered shots. I think their all getting piss drunk and betting on us..." Sofia snorted.

"And you? What's your bet?" Sofia asked, looking at him.

"I'll tell you one thing babe, I wouldn't bet against us," Harry said, pulling her in for a deep kiss. And it happened, in that moment. All those nerves and fears and anxieties they had been feeling about knowing that in just a few short hours they would be promising a lifetime together, they all disappeared. They both felt it happen, as Harry's arm tightened around Sofia's waist, pulling her up as she wrapped her legs around his. They both felt how ready they both were.

"By the way," Harry mumbled, "If you ever call me fucking stupid again, I'll light you up faster then you can blink..."

"Everyone keeps talking about how much we've changed," Sofia hissed, giggling at his threat, moving her head to kiss his collar bone, "But we haven't really, have we?" Harry grinned, before pulling her in for another kiss, and figuring out how long they had before someone came looking for them.

"Haven't changed yet," Harry breathed, "And won't change tomorrow..."

"Actually," Sofia said, stepping away from him, smiling, "There's a huge change happening tomorrow. At least for me. I won't be Sofia Payne tomorrow..."

"What?" Harry asked, looking down confused.

"I'll be Sofia Styles," Sofia said. And Harry's breath caught the realization hit him. She would no longer be Sofia Payne, she would be carrying his last name.

"I'll be a whole new woman," Sofia said, before pulling him in for a deep kiss again.

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