"I loved You Then, I love you now, I'll Love You Always"

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Sofia Payne had never been at peace in her life. Her mother said she came out moving, and her father said she could never shut off her brain or her mouth. And it was true, it wasn't that she was tortured. It's just that she was always moving, and her brain was always going. She always found herself on edge, on the defense, ready for whatever battle had to be fought next. Even if there wasn't an upcoming battle. That's just how she was. She was sure that she had some peaceful moments, though she couldn't remember any but she had never been at peace. She had never been so sure of a good day that she wasn't thinking about what could go wrong. She had never had a day where she woke up and wasn't already defensive. She never had a day where everything in her was calm. Until today.

As she sat by the window sill watching Eleanor and Ella boss people around, watching as the heated tents went up outside on the beach, she was calm. As she watched Louis squawk behind Eleanor that she needed to sit, and heard Danielle yell at Zayn not to touch the food, she felt at peace. She watched as Liam talked with someone who looked like security, going over the guest list. Sofia wasn't sure what she did to get so lucky, to have all these people back her up on her craziest idea yet. Her cheek began to ache, and when Sofia reached up to touch it, she realized it was because she had been smiling since she woke up.

The door opened, and Sofia turned to see Emily and Daisy enter her room.

"Hi," Emily said softly, a smile on her face.

"Hi," Sofia replied, getting up from the windowsill, and moving towards the bed where Emily and Daisy were now sitting.

"What's everyone doing?" Sofia asked

"Danielle is dealing with catering, Eleanor and Ella are making sure everything is perfect outside, Niall took Birdie to the beach to kind of get her out of the way. The rest of the boys are either getting in the way, or circling through their showers. The dresses and suits have arrived. The ladies who are doing hair and make up will be here in an hour or so..."

Sofia glanced at the clock, it read 11:30. In just 5 and half hours, with the sun setting, Harry and her would be exchanging vowels. She sighed deeply, wishing time would hurry up. She just wanted to be there, she just wanted to see him. Their family pulled them apart last night, and Sofia was told that she wasn't to come downstairs, and Harry wasn't allowed to go up.

Sofia wasn't positive, but she was pretty sure Danielle had someone watching the steps.

"How are you?" Daisy asked, "You seem calm..."

"I am," Sofia said, "I always thought I would be pacing or freaking out... thinking of everything that could go wrong today and in the future. But, I don't even care. I just want to marry him." Emily laughed loudly, and Daisy nodded.

"Were you sent up here to make sure I wasn't making a run for it?" Sofia asked, raising her eyebrows at them.

"To keep you occupied," Daisy said, "Danielle thinks you're going to try and see Harry..."

"Louis thinks your going to run...." Emily said, "Either way, we are here to make sure you don't either."

"I'm getting married," Sofia said, grinning at her friends, before she broke out into a fit of joyful giggles, "I'm actually getting married!"

Sofia fell back on to the bed, Daisy and Emily falling beside her. She felt someone grab her hand, and looked to see that it was Daisy.

"I'm proud of you," Daisy said, grinning, "I don't care what anyone says, I know this is what you're supposed to do..."

"Thanks Dais," Sofia said softly, "And thank you for last night... you really..."

"Don't," Daisy said, squeezing her hand, "Don't thank me."

"It was pretty bad ass though," Emily said, and they all laughed. Sofia turned to her best friend.

"Did you ever think we'd be here?" Sofia asked

"Being maid of honor at your wedding?" Emily asked, Sofia nodded.

"I hoped," Emily said, "I hoped you would let someone in enough to promise to love you forever..."

"You always liked Harry," Sofia said.

"He was fit," Emily said shrugging, "And he could've had anyone, but he chose to fight for you. Damn right, I liked him." Sofia snorted.

"Is that a line in your speech?" Daisy asked, causing Emily to groan.

"I'm so sorry it's gonna be shit," Emily said, looking at Sofia, "I hate public speaking."

"It'll be amazing," Sofia said, leaning her head on Emily's shoulder,

"Everything is going to be amazing."


"This is for you," Louis said, walking into the office, where Zayn, Harry and Liam were now sat. He handed Harry the box, Harry eyes furrowed in confusion.

"You didn't have to get me anything," Harry said, picking up the box.

"Fuck off," Louis said, "This isn't from me. I covered your bar tab last night..."

"Whose it from?" Harry asked.

"Open it, dumbass," Zayn said, from across the room. Harry rolled his eyes, but opened the box, his breath catching as he realized inside were cuff links. Harry had been cursing earlier in the week because he hadn't time to get new ones, forced to use the ones that he had in the past. Picking them up he realized they read, "I love you, to the moon and back..." He smiled, blinking back the wetness in his eyes as he picked up the folded paper in the box.

"You remind us every night, we thought we'd remind you today. See you out there. Your girls. Xx" Harry sighed deeply, smiling wide as he read the note again. His girls. He loved hearing that, he loved reading that, he loved knowing that it was true. They were his girls. He was so caught up in the note, and the sweet gesture that he didn't even realize they Liam was pushing the boys out of the office, but when he looked up it was just him and Liam.

"Harry," Liam said, his voice strong and stern.

"Liam," Harry replied, as he looked up at his friend unsure.

"Harry," Liam said again, "I love you. You know I love you. You are like my little brother..."

"I know that, Liam," Harry said, chuckling, standing up, "Look man, you don't have to give me a bromantic talk, I know how you're feeling..."

"This talk has nothing to do with you," Liam snapped, causing Harry to pause and do a double take.

"It doesn't?" Harry questioned

"Harry, I love you, you're like a little brother to me," Liam repeated, before taking a deep breath, "But if you hurt my sister in any, way, shape or form, I will kill you. I won't think twice about it."

"Liam, I love your sister," Harry said, laughing, clearly not taking this conversation seriously, "I would never hurt her."

"Things happen in a marriage," Liam said, "It's not always pretty. It isn't just up hill from here. I know that. I've lived it."

"Okay?" Harry said, not really sure what to say.

"I just want you to know that my loyalty is to my sister, no matter how much I love you. And if you hurt her, I will kill you..." Harry swallowed, watching as Liam stood there tense before him. It was in that moment that Harry realized how much Liam must be struggling with today.

"You alright?" Harry asked, breaking the tension between them, Liam looked up., biting his lip, unsure of how to answer.

"She's my kid sister, Harry," Liam said softly, "She's my only blood, besides my son. She's the only connection I have to my parents. And I'm willingly handing her over to some guy..."

"I'm not some guy!" Harry protested, and Liam smirked.

"It's just... When she born I wasn't quite thrilled with the fact that she was a girl. But I got used to it," Liam said, Harry chuckled, "And then somewhere along the way, she became the first girl I loved. You know? The first one I would take a hit for, or feel guilty when I fought with her, or would do anything for without thinking twice..."

"She's still that girl," Harry said.

"All my life, it's been my job to look out for her, Harry," Liam said, ignoring Harrys words, "It's all I've known, really. To look out for her. And I'm giving that up today. Because now it's your job..."

"Liam, you aren't loosing her..." Harry said, his voice quiet.

"In a way, I am," Liam said, "But it's okay, because I'm loosing her to you. And you're a good guy, Harry. And you love my sister in a way that no one else ever has or ever will. So, it's okay. But, it's your job now. And I want to know that you're going to take it seriously."

"Of course I do," Harry said

"If you screw up, you have me to answer too," Liam said, Harry nodded.
"Understood," Harry said.

"And if you hurt her..." Liam said

"You'll kill me, I got it," Harry said, holding his hand out for Liam to shake.
"Hey, uh thanks for thinking me good enough for your sister," Harry said awkwardly, Liam smiled.

"Thanks for becoming good enough for my sister," Liam said, taking
Harry's hand and shaking it, before pulling him into a hug.


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Eleanor shrieked at the sight of Sofia on the steps, trying to tip toe downstairs.

"I'm uh..." Sofia stuttered

"You're trying to sneak to find Harry, aren't you?!" Eleanor squealed, and soon Danielle was rushing in.

"Sofia Payne!" Danielle scolded.

"Damn, even on your wedding day you get into trouble," Louis said, entering the room with Zayn behind him.

"I just wanted –"Sofia started to say, but Danielle interrupted

"I don't care what you wanted," Danielle said, "You can call for us if you need something..."

"I wanted to see if he got his gift!" Sofia hissed

"Yes, well you can't see about that!" Eleanor snapped, holding her stomach, as she took a step towards Sofia, a menacing scowl on her face. Sofia was smart enough to step back.

"Sofia," Louis whined, "Before my wife has our baby at your wedding, will you please go upstairs?"

"I just wanted to –" Sofia tried to say again

"NOW!" Danielle barked, "The hair and make up people are just finishing up down here, they'll be up for you and Emily soon!"
Sofia sighed deeply, but she didn't say anything, as she turned, stomping back up the stairs.

"Watch these stairs!" Danielle barked at Zayn, who was done his shower, as Louis headed to have his. Zayn knew better then to argue, so he took a
step on the stairs, staring up at her.

"She doesn't come down, and Harry doesn't go up!" Eleanor snapped, "Got it?!" Zayn nodded quietly, not admitting of how scared he was of pregnant Eleanor, before the two women disappeared to start getting ready.

"Uncle Niall?" Zayn heard Birdie ask, as they walked into the house.

"Yes?" Niall asked, collapsing on the couch, glancing curiously at Zayn sitting on the steps, who just shrugged before getting up. Niall knew the rules, if he was here, Zayn didn't have to watch.

"How long have you known mummy and daddy?" Birdie asked, crawling up on his lap.

"I've known your mom since she was about 11, and your dad since he was about 17, I think," Niall answered, "Why?"

"I was looking at the pictures that are in the tent," Birdie answered, "And I was just wondering if they've always been ready to get married..."

"No, not always," Niall said, grinning.

"But they are now?" Birdie asked, looking up at Niall.

"I think so," Niall said, "What do you think?"

"I think so too," Birdie agreed, "Daddy says that they're gonna have their happily ever after, like in my movies..."

"Did he?" Niall said, biting back a laugh at the idea that big bad Harry Styles was now watching children's movies.

"Yup," Birdie said, nodding her head, "But in every movie there's a bad guy. So, I guess I'm just wondering what happens then..."

"If what? A bad guy shows up?" Niall asked, Birdie nodded, her eyes now serious and Niall realized she was asking if anything was going to break the family that was being created.

"I don't think any bad guy stands a chance against your parents, kid," Niall answered honestly, causing Birdie to sigh in relief.


The knock on the door caused both Sofia and Emily to turn, smiling as Zayn walked in, with part of his suit on.

"They want you downstairs," he said to Emily, "Something about your dress. We're down to the last hour..." Emily nodded, but she could see it in Zayns eyes his wanted a moment with Sofia.

"I'll be back up to help you," Emily said to Sofia, who nodded, glancing in the mirror at her side swept curls and perfect make up. Emily moved towards the door, but Zayn grabbed her.

"Hey, uh, save me a dance tonight will you?" he asked, giving her small wink.

"All of my dances are saved for you," she grinned before walking past him, squealing at he smacked her ass.

"Lous downstairs giving Harry the best friend talk," Zayn said, "So I thought I'd come up here and do the same... And give you this."
Sofia took the jewelry box from him, opening the note on top.

"Just something old, and blue. (does mint count as blue? Hell if I know.) Can't wait to officially make you mine. Yours forever, H xx"

Sofia opened the box and gasped as she realized that inside it was a pearl mint bracelet that used to be her mothers. The clasp had been broken for years, and she felt tears as she realized how much trouble Harry must have gone through to find it and get it fixed.

"I just did my make up, the twat..." Sofia said, "And if you make me cry, I'll punch you right in the face..." She looked up at Zayn with a stern look on her face.

"Like your hand would get that far," Zayn scoffed, coming to sit in front of her on the dresser.

"I think it's cute that you're all wearing our color," Sofia said, her fingers running along his mint tie, "Even though there isn't an official wedding party..."

"Well, Eleanor said it would look good for pictures," Zayn said, shrugging,
"And no one crosses El because she's scary and pregnant." Sofia laughed loudly, throwing her head back, her eyes twinkling.

"You look beautiful," Zayn said.

"Wait til you see me in my dress," Sofia said, grinning.

"I can't wait," Zayn said, and then he sighed, putting his hand on her cheek,

"This is really happening, huh?"

"Yeah," Sofia nodded, leaning into his cheek as she looked up at him, "Can you believe it?"

"Yes and no," Zayn said, "Yes, because you have become an incredible woman, and mother, and fiancé. And no because sometimes I look at you and still see that twelve year old who needed help with her right hook..."

"Which I perfected," Sofia said, but there were tears in her eyes.

"Because you had a great teacher," Zayn said, and Sofia nodded in agreement.

"You always were there when I needed you," Sofia said, "Whether I asked for help or not..."

"And I always be..." Zayn said, and Sofia could feel the tears in her eyes,

"You and me, what we have is forever. No matter what. You know that right?"

"I know," Sofia said, sniffling a bit, looking up at him, "This doesn't change anything..."

"This changes everything," Zayn said, smiling, "And it should. But, we've been through so much, and it won't change us. I've got your back, always have, and always will..."

"And I've got yours," Sofia said, grinning, "Even if you are a douche bag..."

"Because it's your wedding," Zayn said, standing up, "I'll let that one go..." he walked towards the exit, "Bitch." Sofia laughed hard, before he turned back to her.

"I love you," he said, his eyes serious, "And I don't know if I've ever been more proud of who you've become." Sofia felt a tear slide down her face.

"Damn you," she hissed, causing Zayn to laugh, he turned opening the door to exit.

"I love you too," she said quietly, and though his back was to her and he was leaving, she knew he was smiling.


"Sofia!" Liam called, "It's show time! Let's go!" He was standing in the kitchen, everyone was taking his or her seats. It was his job to get her across the beach and to the back of the tent safely, everyone was there waiting for them.

"Sofia! Serious –" Liam stopped immediately, as he saw his sister walk into the kitchen. His eyes went wide as he saw her, the white dress flowing perfectly, her hair to the side, and her eyes as blue as ever. His heart stopped, and he swallowed hard. How could this Goddess be his kid sister? The same kid sister that forced herself into his bed at night when they were younger. The one who screamed and yelled, stomping her foot when he 'ruined her life', all thousand times that he did. The same one who he caught trying to climb out the window when they were five, and had to use the first aid kit so their mom didn't find out. This was the same girl who used to wear her hair in pigtails, and insist that Santa Clause was real. The same girl who would jump on to his back forcing him to carry her, and steal fries off his plate. This was the same girl, but it wasn't the same girl at all.

"How do I look? Okay?" Sofia asked quietly, snapping her brother out of his thoughts.

"Incredible," he choked out, causing her to smile wide.

"I'm supposed to get you outside safely," Liam said, "But uh, we can still leave..."

"What?" Sofia asked surprised.

"Everyone's outside, they wouldn't notice, we'd be miles away before they figured it out..." Sofia laughed at her brother, who was staring at her intensely.

"You love Harry," Sofia said

"I love you more," Liam answered immediately, "And right now, as you stand in your dress, getting ready to promise everything to him, I'm having a really hard time remembering why I ever liked him in the first place..." Sofia laughed again, but this time tears came to her eyes.

"I can remind you if you want," she suggested quietly.

"I'd rather just hate him right," Liam said, "Are you sure this is what you want? Because I was totally okay with you living with me forever..."

"No you weren't," Sofia argued.

"Okay, well I am now!" Liam snapped, Sofia smiled again. She moved towards him, allowing him to wrap his arms around her.

"I'll always be your little sister, Liam," Sofia said quietly, she heard his heart stop, and his arms stiffen.

"Listen to me," Liam said, pulling her away from him and staring down at her, "I am your big brother first. Before I'm boss, or Harry's brother-in-law, or anything. I'm big brother first. And I want you to know that you can come to me with anything, no matter what." Sofia felt a tear go down her face, but Liam wiped it away before she could.

"You look beautiful, and I can't believe that you are the same girl who refused to change out of that stupid Betty Bop t-shirt when she was little," Liam said, kissing her head, and Sofia let out a tiny sob.

"I loved that shirt," Sofia said, laughing.

"I know that today's bitter sweet," Liam said, "I know that you wish mom and dad could be here, and I'm sorry it's just me. I'm sorry it's just been me..."

"Don't apologize," Sofia gasped, grabbing his face and forcing him to look at her, "You have always been enough. I'm just sorry that you got stuck with me."

"I never felt stuck with you, Sofia," Liam said, seriously, "And I'm having a really hard time letting you go..." Sofia bit her lip, blinking away more tears.

"Thank you for everything," she said quietly.

"Thank you for everything," Liam said, "You changed everything, Sofia. I wanted to make things better for you, and maybe I didn't always do that..."

"Always," Sofia said, "You always made things better. You saved me. You brought those 4 idiots into this house, and you treated me like a kid, and you taught me how to be a good person. You were a parent when I needed one, a brother when I needed one, and a friend when I needed one. Everything I am today, is because of what you, and what you did ..." This time Liam was blinking away tears, "I know how much you sacrificed..."

"It wasn't a sacrifice. I did it because you were worth it," Liam said, "Not because I had to, not because you were left to me, not because it was the right thing to do. I did it because I wanted to and you were worth it. You have always been worth it, okay?" Sofia nodded, a small sob escaping her as she hugged her brother again.

"I told him that if hurt you, I'd kill him," Liam mumbled into her head, making her laugh again.

"You know he won't," Sofia said

"I know, and I'd like to think it's because he's terrified of me," Liam said, "Now we should get you out there before my wife has a heart attack." He stepped away from his sister, looking at her once again, before turning to go out the door.

"Liam wait!" Sofia said, Liam turned back to her.

"I know I was supposed to walk myself down the isle..." Sofia said, "And it's last minute, but... um... will you give me away?"

Liam's breath hitched and he realized what she was asking, "I'm not dad..."

"This feels right. I want it to be you. Please?" Sofia begged quietly. Liam nodded.

"Of course I'll... give you away..." Liam said, "But I'm never letting you go..."


Harry stood at the front of the tent, flowers everywhere. The guests were murmuring amongst themselves. He watched as the family took up the first two rows. Zayn winked at him as Niall leaned over to whisper something, and Eleanor had already walked up to adjust his tie. Danielle was trying to get David to sit still, and Ella was taking pictures at an alarming rate.

"You ready?" Louis asked quietly from beside him.

"Yeah," Harry answered truthfully. His heart skipped a beat as the music started. Heads turned towards the back of the tent, and the first to come through was Birdie. She looked very unsure in her puffy dress, with all these eyes on her. She looked up at Harry wide eyed and slightly terrified, frozen. He lifted his finger, coaxing her towards him. When she began to move down the isle, throwing flowers as she went, Harry smiled and winked. When she got to the front, he bent down to give her a kiss on the cheek, before Danielle took her to her seat.

Emily was next, and Harry watched as Zayns eyes turned the size of saucers, and he couldn't help but laugh. He had a feeling Zayn would be very uncomfortable after a few minutes of looking at Emily in the beautiful long dress that showed off her legs with the perfect slit. Unlike Birdie, Emily wasn't unsure at all as she walked forward, smiling widely. Harry grinned at her as she got towards him.

"Good day for a wedding, huh?" he asked, and Emily giggled.

"Wait til you see her," she said, causing Harry's heart to pound. The
pounding was silenced by the music though. The wedding march began to play. This was it. Harry's eyes were trained on the back of the tent, waiting for Sofia to step through.

"I've got you," Liam said quietly, "That's our cue." Sofia nodded, and stepped through the back of the tent, an audible gasp going through the crowd as she did. She immediately found his green eyes, and matched his grin. She laughed slightly, as he visibly took a deep, calming breath, and wiped a tear from his eye.

Harry couldn't help it, the minute he saw her, tears came rushing to his eyes. She looked stunning as she walked forward, she looked absolutely perfect. He began to question how he was supposed to speak with her looking like she did. Suddenly he realized how dry his mouth was, and how wet his eyes were. He took a step down as she reached him, shaking Liam's hand, before taking hers.

"Hi," she said quietly, looking up at him.

"Fucking hell," he said, trying to breathe, causing her to grin wider, "You look amazing, babe."

"You don't look to bad yourself," she said, allowing him to help her to step up as the preacher smiled at the two of them.

"Shall we?" he asked them, Harry couldn't answer he was too busy staring at Sofia, who giggled loudly before nodding her head.


"I heard about you before I met you," Harry said smiling, as he faced her, "You didn't show up to a meeting..."

"Sounds like Sofia," Niall said from the seated area, and Sofia gave him a pointed glare while everyone else laughed.

"So I asked who you were. Your brother said, 'she's a little much', Zayn told me I'd get used to you," Sofia snorted, glancing at Zayn, "And Louis told me that you were an acquired taste..." Sofia laughed loudly, throwing her head back before looking behind Harry at Louis, who winked at her.

"But it was Niall who defined you perfectly. And to this day, I've tried to find a better description, but I can't. He looked at me and he said, 'Sofia's like a storm, she's loud, catches you attention, worries you a bit, can be a little destructive, and doesn't let anything stand in her way. But, God help her, she's breath taking.'" Sofia felt tears in her eyes as she looked at Niall, who was looking down at the ground, embarrassed of his own words.

"And he was right," Harry said, "You were the perfect storm. And you came crashing into my life. You were actually more like a hurricane, and you flipped my entire world upside down." Sofia smiled shyly, as she watched Harry take a deep breath.

"Before you, I had only really known darkness. I lived dark, I was dark. And you brought color into my world. It was like, I was seeing everything for the first time. All of a sudden, the sky was bluer, and the trees were greener, and the world wasn't so dark. And I know it sounds cliché, but it's the truth. And when I look back on why, I think it's because you were my second chance, my second lease on life. I told you once when we were on this beach, that you saved my life. And you did." Sofia felt her heart stop as she heard those words.

"I spent a lot of years fighting. I came into this world fighting. But I never had anything to fight for, I never wanted anything to fight for. I just wanted to fight. I didn't have a reason to fight, I didn't even have a reason to be. But I drug myself through life, going from one fight to another, wondering when one of them was going to give me reason. And then you came along, and you needed me. Even if you didn't say it, you needed me. You needed me to fight for you. And I needed you too. I needed you more then anything I've ever needed in my life. I needed to fight for you, because you were the colors in my world, and I didn't want to loose them. You gave me a reason a fight, hell, you gave me a reason to live. Because before you, I didn't really have one." Sofia let out a small sob, as she listened to him.

"You once were the colors in my world, but now you are my entire world, Sofia," Harry said, "And I'll never be able to thank you enough for giving me a reason to fight or to live. But, I'll start trying today and I'll continue trying forever. And with my thank you, I'll make a few promises..."

"I promise to love you, even when you're wrong." Sofia giggled softly, "I promise to eat your cooking, even when it's awful. I promise to let you keep all of your stupid TV shows on our DVR and not delete them even after you've watched them for the hundredth time. I promise to stand by you, and protect you, and our family. I promise to continue fighting for you and for us. And I promise to find a way to remind you everyday just how thankful I am, and how much I love you. And I promise to love you in your every form, as I have always loved you in your every form. I loved you then, I love you now, and I will always love you."

Sofia wiped the tears from her face as he finished, standing there, biting his lip, unsure if he had said enough or had said the right things. He didn't care if he sounded stupid, he just wanted to make sure that she understood what she meant to him. She squeezed his hands, letting him know how much his words meant to her. As the preacher turned to her, telling her that it was her turn to speak, Sofia wiped some more tears, and took a deep breath, before looking into his green eyes again.

"When we were younger, Emily used to play this game," Sofia said, "M.A.S.H. – And based on this number, you would figure out all this stuff about your future. Like your pets, and car, and house, and husband. And she would always ask me to play. And I never did. I told her the game was stupid and it wasn't real. And maybe that was true, but the real reason was because I didn't think I would ever have that kind of future. I didn't think I'd ever have a husband. And in reality, the game just made me sad."

"Everyone knows that the first step to this life, if you join, is they have to break you." Harry studied her, as she spoke. Her voice was calm, but there were tears in her words. "They have to break you, and in breaking you, you prove your loyalty. I didn't join this, I didn't go through the initiation. I was born into this, and in a way, that meant I was born broken. And so, I always wondered who could ever love someone who was broken?" Harry felt tears in his own eyes as he listened to her, biting his lip, fighting every inch of himself that wanted to scream out how beautiful she was, even when she was the most broken.

"And you showed up, and you realized quickly how broken I was. But, you didn't try and fix me. You didn't try and make me all better. You just accepted and loved me for exactly who I was, even when I hurt you, or I messed up, or I pushed you away. You stayed, and you accepted me. And through your endless love, I fixed myself. And I slowly started to heal, and feel less broken."

"Some people have asked how you did it. Some people have asked me why I fell in love with you. And I'm reminded of something my father used to tell me. He told me that words don't mean anything, it's peoples actions that mean something. You knew that words would scare me, you knew that if you told me how you were feeling... I would run. So instead, you showed me. You showed me by never giving up, and always allowing me to be who I was. You showed me by always showing up, even when you didn't want to. And always saving me, even when you warned me not to do it in the first place. You showed your love long before you ever told me."

"But when you did finally tell me, I realized just how important words are. Because in that moment, with those three stupid words, you changed everything. Because in that moment, it was like I had been waiting my entire life to hear those words. And hearing you tell me that you loved me, hearing that..." Sofia sighed, trying to control her tears, "Those words healed me in ways that nothing or no one ever could. Only you."

"And so, today, I offer you my own words and I promise to put them into action. I promise to never push you away. I promise to cheer you on in football, no matter how awful you are. I promise to always make sure that I find something to do when the game is on, so I don't annoy you. I promise to save my best dance moves for our bedroom," Harry laughed loudly, as Louis wolf whistled, "I promise to continue stealing your clothes, and to make it fun when you want to steal them back. I promise to tell you when your wrong, and to tell you again when you don't believe me," Harry chucked, along with everyone else, "And I promise, no matter, that everyday I will tell you that I love you so that you never ever forget it, only if you promise to allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." Sofia gave Harry a mischievous grin at the last line, while everyone else's eyebrows crinkled in confusion.

"Pride and Prejudice?" Harry hissed, "Did you really just quote Mr. Darcy at our wedding?" Sofia grinned wider at how annoyed Harry was at the quoting of a fictional man he had always held a tint of jealously for. She shrugged slightly, knowing that he too had gone back in his head to the time she read the book in her last year of school. She always thought her love for the book came from the book itself, but looking back she realized it might be the time in her life when she read it.

"Are you ready to exchange rings?" the preacher asked, causing both Harry and Sofia to snap out of their thoughts. This time it was Harry who nodded. Both of them looked down, Harry snapping his fingers at Bingley, who bounded forward, their wedding rings attatched to his collar.

Everyone watched as Sofia and Harry confessed out loud what everyone had known already. They watched as they made promises to one another, and knew that both would do whatever it was possible to keep those vowels. They watched as Harry fumbled getting the ring on to her finger, and choked trying not to cry as he repeated the traditional vowels. They watched as Sofia fumbled over the words, cursing to herself quietly, and apologized quickly to the preacher. They watched as relief and joy passed over both of them, realizing that the ceremony was over. And they watched as the sun set behind them, Harry grabbed Sofia dipping her into a perfect kiss before the preacher could even finish saying, "You may now kiss the bride."

Everyone cheered and hollered, clapping and whistling as Sofia and Harry kissed each other passionately. And they watched as Birdie, ran up, Harry catching her easily in his arms, lifting her gracefully.

"What about you Little Bird?" he asked quietly, too quiet for anyone else to hear, "Do you take us?"

"Yes!" Birdie squealed, wrapping her arms around both of them, as everyone laughed and cheered some more.

"Okay," Louis said, stepping up so Emily could take his arm, "NOW ITS TIME TO PARTY!"


"How you doing?" Danielle asked Liam quietly, as he stood in the tent, holding David.

"I'm good, babe," he answered, wrapping his arms around her, "I can't believe you guys pulled this together, it looks beautiful..."

"It was nothing," Danielle said.

"It wasn't nothing," Liam argued, "You really kicked ass getting this together, thank you..."

"I would do anything for your sister, you know that," Danielle said quietly, laughing as her son grabbed her face. She kissed him gently.

"I know," Liam sighed, "It's one of the many reasons I fell in love with you."

"They said some beautiful things today," Danielle said, "Reminded me of our wedding..." Liam smiled, thinking back to their wedding.

"Best day of my life," Liam said, "Except for maybe when you were born, buddy..." Danielle laughed as David giggled, due to Liam's tickling fingers.

"Liam, I know he's young..." Danielle said, "Barely a year old, but I want to try to for another baby..."

"What?" Liam gasped, looking at her with wide eyes.

"It could take us awhile," Danielle said, rushing her words, "It might not even happen, because of everything that happened. But, I want to try because if it doesn't happen, I want to us to start discussing our options..."

"You want another baby?" Liam asked, still trying to get his brain to catch up.

"You don't?" Danielle asked

"Of course I do," Liam said, "I just figured that you would want to wait and enjoy not being up every night and all that..."

"I love being a mom, Liam," Danielle said, "And I want him to have siblings. I want him to have what you and Sofia have. But if you don't want to..."

"I do," Liam said, leaning down to kiss her, "I'm just surprised, but yes, we can start trying to have another baby." Danielle's face lit up as she smiled, leaning in to kiss him deeper.

Across the room, Daisy was sitting at another table. They were all waiting for Harry and Sofia to enter for their first dance. Louis and Emily had showed up just a few minutes before, with Louis stopping to whisper in the DJ's ears, so Daisy didn't think it would be much longer.

"If I know Harry and Sofia," Danny said, sliding into the seat next to her, "He's trying to get her wedding dress back on her..." Daisy scoffed, rolling her eyes, and shoving him.

"You're so dumb," she growled

"What?!" he cried, throwing his hands up, "Here, brought you a drink. Food should be out soon, they say..."

"Thanks," Daisy said, looking around at all the people. Some she knew, some she didn't. Mostly she was wondering when Liam, Danielle, Ella, and Niall were going to join them at the table. Eleanor, Louis, Emily, and Zayn were all sitting at the head table with Harry and Sofia.

"You know, I could get that dress off you too, if you want," Danny said, with a cheeky grin. Daisy glared at him, before hitting his shoulder again.

"Ouch, will you stop that?" he growled

"Will you try being romantic?!" Daisy cried, "It's a wedding for Christ sakes, and all your thinking about is sex..."

"Weddings are the best place for sex," Danny said, shrugging, "You would know that if you let me show you..." Daisy sighed, taking a sip of her drink, and Danny rolled his eyes.

"Hey," he said quietly, leaning in and causing her to look up at him with her beautiful blue eyes. They almost caught him off guard every time he saw them. Almost.

"You look absolutely amazing tonight," he said quietly, "I am definitely here with the best looking bird..." Daisy smiled, shaking her head at him.

"That was better," she chirped, "You're getting there."

"Yeah?" he asked, quickly kissing the side of her head.

"Keep it up, and I might actually let you take off my dress," Daisy said, causing Danny to throw his head back laughing. He put his hand on her knee, and she rested her head on his shoulder. Suddenly the DJ was on the microphone.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we ask you to please take your seat," he said, "As I introduce, for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Harry Styles!"

Harry and Sofia walked out, neither could hide the smiles on their faces. As he led her to the dance floor, he whispered something in her ear that made her laugh. She allowed him to lead her to the center, people standing and applauding around them.

"You ready?" he asked

"Are you going to tell me what song you picked?" Sofia asked, Harry shook his head, but wrapped his around her tightly as the music came on. He felt her heart skip a beat as she heard the music, and she felt him smile into her chest.

"It seemed like a good song for us," he said, as he moved with her.

"It's perfect," she said, as she listened to Ed Sheeran croon out the lyrics to "Kiss Me" Harry held her tightly, and Sofia tried to remember a time where she wanted to be anywhere but in his arms. But she couldn't. She looked up at him, smiling, as he spun her, before pulling her back into him. They were quiet for a bit, just letting the music wash over them as they danced.

Settle down with me

And I'll be your safety

You'll be my lady

I was made to keep your body warm

But I'm cold as, the wind blows

So hold me in your arms

"Have I told you how beautiful you are tonight?" he asked, his forehead resting on hers.

"Yes," she answered, "Have I told you how much I love that you chose me?"

"Chose you?" Harry asked

"To be yours," Sofia said.

"Mine," he answered, smiling warmly at her, "All mine."


"Hi," Emily said nervously, standing up, clearly nervous. Zayn grinned up at her, as she used the table to steady herself. She looked out at the crowd of people, and swallowed hard.

"C.S. Lewis said that friendship is born at that moment when one
person says to the other 'What! You too? I thought I was only one.' And while that's a sweet concept, Sofia and I never had that moment. Actually, we have never had a moment like that. We've been opposites for as long as I can remember. I'm quiet, and shy, and clumsy. She's loud, and confident, and has dance moves that would make anyone jealous. I love cheesy romantic films, and she likes The Godfather trilogy," Harry laughed, and Sofia nodded and shrugged.

"I am constantly trying to avoid trouble, where as trouble always finds Sofia. I avoid conflict, while Sofia will go head to head with anyone, anywhere, and at anytime. And so, if you're smart you're asking how we became and stayed friends for so long. Well, we became friends because we were really the only two girls in the group of people are parents hung out with. And we stayed friends, because although we were opposites, we were loyal and kind and always in each other's corners. And it came in handy at times to have someone not quite the same as you. Like, that time in 3rd grade, when little Bobby Hunter wouldn't stop pulling my pigtails. I wouldn't do anything about it, but Sofia had no problem punching him square in the face, and sitting out of recess for the next week."

"You didn't," Harry mumbled to his wife, and Sofia covered her face in her hands, as Louis and Zayn both confirmed the story.

"And I came in handy the night she got so drunk, she was going to go home with the biggest nerd in our grade – just because she had beer goggles on. I talked my way right through the alcohol, and got her to see reason. And I got her to go home instead. More then one time. I guess, we just always balanced each other out."

"Sofia never saw herself for what she was. She saw herself as broken, and damaged, and a total flight risk. Which, I guess she was in a way," Emily said, quietly, looking down at Sofia, "But she was loyal, and fun, and beautiful. And at the end of the day, she's the one you want in your corner. And once she's there, she'll stay there. I've heard a lot of people saw how lucky she is this week, how lucky she is that Harry was crazy enough to fall for her. But, I think Harry's the lucky one. And if you ask me, he would've been crazy not to fall for her..."

"I agree," Harry said, Sofia shoving him, and shaking her head.

"I'm so thankful you're my best friend, I wouldn't take back anything... even that time you got me grounded for 2 weeks because you decided it would be a good idea to break into the school pool and skinny dip."

"Jesus Christ," Sofia mumbled, "I forgot about that."

"You know how to live life to the fullest, and I've just been lucky enough that you have allowed me to go along for the ride. So, thank you. And even if you don't think you deserve your happy ending, I'm here to tell you that you do. And that I'm so thrilled that you got it. And also, to tell you that I called this in our last year of high school." Emily pulled out a piece of paper, and Sofia looked at it confused.

"This is a note we passed in high school. Sofia wrote 'He's worse then Liam and Zayn combined, likes to lecture about my safety.' To which I wrote back, 'You sound like a married couple.' She wrote, 'Never gonna happen.' To which I responded, 'I'm calling it now, Mrs. Styles.'" Harry laughed hard, shaking his head, and Emily handed him the paper, that both Sofia and Harry looked at.

"So, here's to me calling it, and here's to – Mrs. Styles & your very lucky husband..." Emily raised her glass, and everyone else did the same.

Louis stood next, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. Sofia sighed loudly, ignoring as Harry nudged her, his eyes on Lou, a grin matching his.

"I've known Sofia since she was a day old, and I've known from the beginning that it was going to take someone really special and really stubborn to get her to fall in love. I've known Harry since he's 17 and I knew it was going to take someone really special and really stubborn to get him to live life for someone other then himself. So, I'm not saying that I saw this coming – but I saw this coming." Everyone laughed as Louis gave a cocky shrug, "In fact, I helped push it along really..."

"No you didn't," Sofia said, furrowing her eyebrows at him. Harry shushed her.

"Ah, but I did," Louis said, "We had just moved into the Payne house and we were all having a little trouble adjusting and Harry and I were sitting together on the porch. And young Sofia came walking up the driveway, with a suitor by her side. One of the many. And Harry looked at me and he said, 'You know, all these guys... they don't really care about her, they just think she's fit. I'd hate to see her fall for one of them.' It was odd, coming from Harry Styles – who really didn't care about anyone. And do you remember what I told you Harry?"

Harry thought back before smirking, "You told me to make sure that didn't happen, to look out for her and her heart..." Louis smiled.

"I told him to look out for her and her heart," Louis repeated, "But I had no idea he would take me so seriously. I think it surprised everyone, how Harry changed Sofia. And he didn't change her because he wanted her to change, she did that on her own. Because that's what you do when you love someone, you want to be your best for the person you love. But no one ever talks about how Sofia changed Harry." Sofia looked at Harry, grabbing his hand, and kissing it. He smiled at her.

"I always knew Harry was good, but he didn't let everyone see that. He was okay with his reputation, and never bothered to correct people on it, because he didn't care what they thought about him. He never cared what people thought, until Sofia. He cared what she thought, he cared that she knew who he really was, and he cared that he be the best for her – he said it's because if he lost her, at least he would know it wasn't a fault on his end. But, I think he couldn't help it. She brought out his best. She brought out his good. Right to the surface, right for everyone to see. Suddenly, he cared about something. And everyone knew it."

"It was fun, watching them fall in love," Louis, his face showing that he was thinking back, "Mostly because they wouldn't admit that they were in love with each other, and when they finally did admit it, they still drove each other crazy. But there's something pure about their love. They never hid from each other, they never held back, they never pretended to be anything. They were who they were, and they accepted each other. And I think that's why were all so happy that they've made it official, because it's nice to know that after all the ups and downs, and fights and mishaps, they get their happily ever after. Because if anyone deserves it, it them. They deserve it."

"So, as his best friend, I want to thank you for bringing out the best in him, and for accepting him at his worst. And as her kind of brother, I want to thank you for bringing out the best in her, and accepting her at her worst. And as you go forward, I just ask that you look out for each other, and each others hearts."

"I also think that I've earned you naming your first born son after me," Louis said, causing Sofia to groan, as everyone else laughed loudly, "But we can discuss that later. Congratulations, Harry and Sofia!" He cheered, and everyone else did too.


Emily was laughing as she moved quickly across the tent. Everyone had been dancing, the party had been booming. She didn't know where Zayn had disappeared too, but that was okay. She watched as Harry danced with Birdie on his shoulders, and Liam dipped Danielle. She was so busy watching the dance floor, she didn't even notice the hand reach out, and pull her into darkness.

Her cry was silenced with a hand over her mouth, and blinking she realized that Zayn had just pulled her into an abandoned part of the tent, that was for the staff only.

"What are you doing?" she hissed, "You scared me..."

"Sorry, I just..." Zayn growled, "It's just this dress, you look so damn beautiful. I was going to wait..." He latched his lips to her neck, and her breath hitched as she realized what was happening.

"Zayn, we can't do this here..." Emily said, but she stopped talking when she felt his tongue roll over her neck, a shiver sent up her spine.

"You know I love you right?" Zayn asked, pulling away from her, "I love
you so much, and I know things have been... not great. But, I'll make it up to you, baby. I just..."

"I love you too," Emily said, interrupting him, "And you don't have to make anything up to me, Zayn. I'm in this, good, bad, ugly. I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere."

"You're amazing," he breathed out, "And you look amazing. And I love that dress.."

"But?" she asked

"But I just want to rip it off of you," Zayn replied, swallowing hard. Emily grinned up at him, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

"I was hoping it would get that kind of reaction," Emily said, smiling. Zayn's breath was shallow, and fast.

"You're teasing me," he growled, grabbing her, and pulling her into a hard kiss, "You know I hate when you tease me," he mumbled against her lips.

"Remind me again, what happens when I tease you again?" she asked, pulling him down by his tie, so he was lying on top of her.

"I usually fuck you senseless," he replied

"Romantic," she chirped up at him. He smiled, ducking his head so he was whispering.

"If you want I can go slow..." he hissed, right in her ear, she cold feel his breath on her neck, making her shiver on the spot.

"Don't you dare," she growled, "Now. I want you now."

They didn't even bother moving, they didn't bother going somewhere private. They just wanted each other right there and then, with all the noise of people and music right outside, they didn't care. None of it was interrupting them. It was like it was only the two of them, as he moved in and out of her, and she clawed at his back. They didn't even realize that people realized they were missing.

"Have you seen Emily?" Ella asked Niall, who was swaying back and forth with David in his arms.

"She's having slutty wedding sex with Zayn," Niall replied casually.

"Niall!" Ella scolded, looking pointedly at David.

"Ah sorry," he said, covering the boy's ears, "She's having slutty wedding sex with Zayn."

"And how do you know that?" Ella asked

"Because they just dipped behind that curtain and haven't been seen since," Niall said, nodding towards where he watched Emily getting pulled.

"Unbelievable," Ella said, chuckling. She looked up at Niall and he continued to dance with David. She smiled at the sight of the two of them, giggling as the baby grabbed her hand.

"You're so good with him," Niall said, grinning at the pair. David leaned forward so Ella could kiss his nose.

"He makes it easy," Ella said, "Don't you handsome?" Niall gulped as he watch them interact.

"What's wrong?" Ella asked, looking at him.

"I just watch you with him and know what an amazing mum you'd be, that's all..." Niall said quietly.

"I like being an aunt," Ella said, "And when we are ready, I'll be a mom too."

"How can you be so positive after what you lost?" Niall asked, she smiled at him.

"How can I be negative after what I've gained?" Ella answered, causing Niall to shake his head.

"I love you," he said, and she leaned up to kiss him.

"I know you do," she said, smiling, "And I love you." David cried out in frustration of the attention not being on him. Both the adults laughed, before continuing to dance with him, totally ignoring as Louis rushed by them.

"Have you seen my wife?" he asked Harry, who shook his head, looking around.

"She's probably bossing someone around," Sofia said, Birdie resting on her hips.

"That's my problem, she's been running around like a crazy person," Louis said, "She's ready to pop, she shouldn't be on her feet so much..."

"I'm sure she's fine, Lou," Harry said, "Someone probably just fucked up a drink or something..."

"Daddy!" Birdie chirped, "That's a dollar for the bad word jar!" Sofia snorted, as Harry sighed deeply, realizing that he just let f word fly in front of her.

"You're right sweetie," Harry said, "And I will put a dollar in there. I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry. And don't you ever say it, or it won't be the bad word jar you have to worry about."

"Nicely done," Louis said to his friend rolling his eyes, still looking around for his wife.

"I hope you never get this anxious when I'm pregnant," Sofia said, looking at Louis like he was crazy.

"He'll be worse then me," Louis snapped at her, and Harry couldn't really disagree.

"Thank God we have no plans for kids anytime soon, right?" Harry asked, Sofia didn't answer.

"There she is!" Birdie cried, pointing to Eleanor who was walking
towards them slowly.

"Oh Thank God," Louis said, grabbing her and pulling her into a kiss, "Look, babe..."

"Louis..." Eleanor said

"You can't disappear on me," Louis continued ignoring her, "You've been on your feet all day, and you're so far along..."

"Louis..." Eleanor tried again

"I know that you want everything to go perfect, and I know your pregnant not crippled, and I know you remind me all the time, but I still think that you should take it easy. We only have a few more weeks, and I'm nervous that something could happen..."

"Louis!" Eleanor tried again, but he continued to rant.

"I mean, Jesus El, can you imagine having a baby in the middle of a wedding? None of us want that, so if you could just sit down and relax, that would be great..."

"Louis!" Eleanor snapped, catching his attention, "I can't relax!"

"And why is that?" he asked sternly, placing his hands on his hips as he glared down at her.

"Because my water broke, and if you don't get me to a hospital, I will be having our baby in the middle of this wedding..."

Louis froze at her words, and Harry reached for his cell phone immediately to call an ambulance.

"Oh my God," Sofia gasped, as Eleanor doubled over as her first
contraction hit her.

"Birdie, go get all your aunts and uncles," Harry said, reaching for Eleanor and letting her lean on him, as Sofia punched Louis to get him back to reality, "Tell them that their newest niece or nephew is on their way..."

"The baby's coming?!" Birdie cried excitedly

"Yes!" Eleanor cried, less in excitement and more in pain, "The baby's coming!"

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