"Not Scared. Just Not Stupid"

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"You know, we've been playing this game for a week now," Sikes said to her with a smirk, as he sat down at the table across from her.

"And what game is that?" Sofia asked, her eyes sparkling, as she took a sip from her drink.

"The game where your friends scatter, your watch dogs work, and you spend your time with me drinking and dancing and talking... yet you won't let me take you out for dinner..."

"You're a stranger," Sofia said, her smirk growing as he looked at her amused.

"A stranger? You insult me Sofia," Sikes said, "We aren't strangers anymore. I would even go as far as saying we are friends... you've been here with me every night until last call... I know what that means..."

"And what's that?" Sofia asked, her eyebrow quirked up as she took another sip of her drink. He was right; she had been at the club from 8 pm to 4 am every night with him. They acted as though the boys had all been busy with work, so they couldn't come. The other girls would disappear the minute that Sikes would appear, making it look like Sofia was breaking rules and disobeys – which only made Sikes more intrigued. And then for every night this week, she spent her entire night with him. The first night, only accepting one drink. The second night, allowing him to talk to her. The 3rd and 4th nights, she danced with him – flirting and talking the entire time. And last night, she even allowed him to escort her home, only they used Emily's new apartment as her "home". And it was there that she went every night, just in case she was being followed. And Sikes seemed to be falling for every lie. He was falling for her charms, and he kept pushing to take her out to dinner. And soon, she would let him – and then she would allow him to take her back to his house. The plan was falling into place.

What she didn't expect was to like Sikes so much. She hadn't seen one sign of the cruel, cold man her brother talked about. He had been nothing but kind to her, even gentle at times. He opened doors for her, and pulled out her chair. He made her laugh – she wasn't faking that part. He was funny, and he kept up with her wit. And he was smart; she had gathered that from the conversations they had over the week. He was always talking about something new, and she found herself liking to listen to him. She wasn't expecting this; she liked the man she was trying to kill. If she weren't trying to put a bullet through his head, she would even consider being his friend.

"You like me," Sikes said with a large smile, "I think you might even like me more then those watch dogs you entertain." Sofia laughed, shaking her head at him. Sikes was under the impression that she was a whore of the gang – and she was fine with that. Although he was always making comments about her entertaining them, or them being watch dogs. And he was always insinuating that she could be more then that – especially with him. But, he never pushed the issue and Sofia always ignored the comments.

"I like that you buy my drinks, and I like that technically you are off limits. Anything to prove to the watch dogs – as you like to call them – that they do not own me..."

"But don't they?" Sikes asked, "If you don't want them to own you, why don't you just ... leave. Date someone else."

"Like who?" Sofia asked, her voice suddenly serious, "Like you?"

"Yes," Sikes said, "Like me..."

"They have power, lots of power. And they pay me well, take care of me... they provide," Sofia as, as any good whore would, "You don't know this town, you wouldn't understand." She watched carefully as Sikes made no reaction to what she was saying. He kept his poker face, as did she.

"I could provide for you..." Sikes said, "You just have to give me a chance..." His voice was silky and sweet, if she didn't know exactly who he was and what he did, she might have even fallen for it.

"You're a little young aren't you?" Sofia asked, "What do you even do for a living?"

"What do they do?" Sikes countered

"I don't know, I stay out of their business," Sofia said quickly, "They don't tell us anything, and we're not stupid enough to ask."

"I work in a family business," Sikes said, "And for someone who knows you probably shouldn't be here with me – you sound awfully scared of them."

"Scared?" Sofia asked, her voice hard, "No. Not scared. Just not stupid." She glanced down at her watch; it was almost 4 am, "I'm going out for a smoke, care to join me?"

"Yeah alright," Sikes agreed, as he stood up, motioning for a few of his men to join them, "You shouldn't be out front alone anyway."

Sofia had just put her cigarette in her mouth, waiting for Sikes to light it, when her phone rang. Without looking at it, she put it to her ear.

"Hello?" Sofia answered

"Where the fuck are you?" Harry's voice barked at her through the phone, "I fucking told you to be at the house over 2 hours ago, I told you not to go to the club..."

"I forgot," Sofia said lazily

"You forgot?!" Harry yelled, "You fucking forgot?! All the other girls are here, ready to go... and where are you? Huh? Where the fuck are you? I hear you went to the fucking club!"

"I –" Sofia started to explain, but Harry cut her off.

"I'm 2 minutes away, and I swear to God, if you aren't outside waiting for me, you will fucking regret tonight more then you already should. Do you fucking understand me, you stupid fucking whore!?" Harry yelled, causing Sofia to shrink back from the phone. Before she could respond, Harry had hung up.

"Sounds like you're in trouble," Sikes said quietly.

"What else is new?" Sofia asked, as she took a drag of her cigarette. Just as he said, tires came screeching by the club, and Harry and Louis were slamming the doors, walking towards her. Sofia took a step back, but Harry grabbed her before she could move.

"When I fucking tell you to be on your knees in my room when I come home from work, I expect you to fucking be there..." Harry growled at her. Sofia tried to pull away from him, but he gripped her tighter.

"I thought your hand would work just fine," Sofia spat out at him. She watched as both Sike's and Harry's eyes flashed in anger. Neither were happy with her disrespect, and Sikes seemed to watch how Harry would handle it.

"You fucking stupid bitch," Harry growled grabbing Sofia by her hair, raising his hand, making Sofia flinch, but his hit never came, "Get in the fucking car, Sofia, before I humiliate you in public."

"I'm not going anywhere with you," Sofia hissed, trying to pull away from him.

"You don't have a fucking choice. Now, I'll give you a choice, you can either walk there with all of your fucking limbs in tact – or I'll beat you right here and right now, and drag you there..." Harry spat out, his eyes on fire. Sofia made no attempt to move towards the car, she stood still, her eyes on the ground now – refusing to look at him. Harry sighed loudly.

"Just fucking wait until I get you alone," Harry hissed, and before she knew it, Sofia was being flung over his shoulder.

"Harry put me down," Sofia screeched, pounding on his back, which only made Harry grip her thighs harder.

"Harry I swear to Go –" Sofia screeched, only to be silenced by Harry, smacking her ass very hard twice, and sending her jolting forward. Sofia was soon in the passenger seat of the car, and Harry turning away from her without a second glance.

"Don't let her move," Harry snapped at Louis before stalking back over to Sikes.

"Look, I don't know who you are but your new... so I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt," Harry spat at the man, who remained calm, "We don't like sharing what it is. And she, is ours. So, you will stay far away from her... or next time, I won't be so friendly." Sikes said nothing, as Harry turned away from him stalking back to the car. Harry opened the car door of the driver side, and turned back – yelling to Sikes.

"You'll find out who has the power around here soon enough. And the
sooner the better, son," And then Harry got in the car and peeled away from the club, refusing to look at Sofia. When they were on the road, Harry turned to look at Sofia who looked back at him.

"You alright?" he asked, Sofia grinned at him before sighing.

"Did you have to yank my hair so hard?" Sofia asked, and Harry shrugged.

"I was going with the moment," Harry said, as he pulled off onto an exit, "Think he bought it?"

"Hell, I bought it," Louis said from the backseat, "He bought it. And he's pissed. And Sofia is even more intriguing then ever."

"Perfect," Sofia said, "Liam will be thrilled."


When they entered the kitchen, Liam was rocking a crying David. Ella was at the stove, while Niall sat on the counter. And Zayn was sitting at the table – with the his latest fuck on his lap. Sofia walked in, with Louis and Harry behind her.

"How'd it go?" Liam asked, trying to get David to take his bottle.

"Perfect," Harry said.

"You look tired," Liam said, looking at his sister, who was yawning.

"Well, I've been at the club til 4:30 everyday, and up by 7 to train and to take care of shit. I think I've gotten maybe a total of 10 hours of sleep this week."

"I know, and I appreciate it.." Liam said, as he rocked David back and forth, but Sofia was already turned from him, glaring at Zayn and the girl on his lap.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sofia hissed, "Get her out of here."

"Shut up, Sofia," Zayn growled.

"This isn't a fucking motel Zayn, I don't need to be coming home to you and your whore of the night – that's right honey, you aren't the only one. We leave for the mountain house in 45 minutes, and I just barely got Emily to agree to go... so you get your fucking slut out of my god damn kitchen right now!"

"Who the hell are you talking to like that?!" Zayn yelled, as he pushed the girl off his lap and stood up.


"I'm about to knock you into next week!" Zayn yelled growled at her, as he grabbed her.

"I'd like to see you fucking try!" Sofia hissed, pushing him backwards, "I'm tired, I have spent the week getting hit on and groped on by fucking strangers, I haven't slept in my own bed in a week, and I am fucking pissed. So, you can try to knock me into next week, but I promise you, it wouldn't work. Now get that fucking whorebag out of my house before Emily gets here – before I fucking remove her myself!" And then Sofia stormed past him, towards her side of the house.

Harry followed her through the house and up to their apartment. When he got to their side of the house, Sofia was trying to yank off her dress.

"Need help?" Harry asked, as Sofia turned to him.

"Yes please," she said, as Harry approached her, tugging down the zipper.

"Thanks," Sofia said, stepping out of the dress, and leaving it on the floor – as she went to their set of drawers.

"As much as I love you biting someone else's head off, you can't talk to him like that Sof," Harry said, as he leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. He watched as Sofia grabbed a pair of his sweat pants, and his t-shirt and throw both of them on. "Do you hear me?"

"Mmm," Sofia said half heartedly.

"Hey," Harry growled, walking towards her, and spinning her around, "I asked you if you heard me, you can't fucking talk to him like that. Next time, it's going to be a problem."

"I heard you!" Sofia hissed, pulling away from him.

"Then when I ask you, give me a answer that is words!" Harry growled, staring at her with his arms crossed, "Are we clear?"

"Yes sir," Sofia said, as she turned away from him and went into the bathroom. As she put her toiletries into a bag, she thought back on since coming home. Harry and her had yet to have any kind of sexual interaction – accept for the incident at the club. But every conversation and argument they had was charged with sexual tension and she was wondering when it was going to bubble over, and they were finally going to do what she knew they both wanted to. She was pulled form her thoughts when Harry opened the door and stood by the door.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Sofia said, looking at him crossly.

"I don't have to knock," Harry growled, "My bathroom, my girl. I can walk into any room at anytime." Sofia sighed deeply, rolling her eyes at him, before throwing the last of the toiletries in her bag.

"Who do you think your rolling your eyes at?" Harry growled, suddenly right by her side and in her ear. Sofia felt the electricity between them, and Harry's voice itself was enough to send her over the edge. She wasn't sure if she wanted to take her right there and fuck her so hard she wouldn't be able to walk the next day, or pull her into his arms gently and make love to her nice and slow. All she really knew was that she missed his touch, and she wasn't quite sure how to tell him that.

"You," she said softly, shaking her head, and trying to walk past him. But he grabbed her, and pulled her back.

"Well don't," Harry said, "Drop the attitude, Sofia. Don't make me get rid of it myself."

Sofia nodded silently, before turning and walking out of the bathroom, leaving Harry behind watching her hips and wondering what it was going to take to get his hands on them, and on her.


"I thought I told you this morning to drop the attitude!" Harry growled, as he slammed the door of their mountain house room behind him.

"Ugh, Harry please –" Sofia hissed, as she turned away from him. Sofia had been snappy with everyone today, and everyone had just about had it. They were all tired. It was a long trip up and they had spent the day unpacking and getting the house ready for the holidays. Sofia wasn't helpful, and she seemed to have a problem with everything.

"No! I did tell you to drop your fucking attitude, didn't I?" Harry growled, "Right?"

"Yes," Sofia hissed, still turned away from him.

"Then what the fuck was that back there? Who the fuck do you think you are yelling at Zayn like that!"

"He said one of his fucking girls is coming up here!" Sofia spat, spinning towards Harry, her eyes wide with fire.

"So what?!" Harry yelled, "He can do whatever the fuck he wants, and you don't get to have a fucking say in it! You better get your fucking mouth in control, Sofia!"

"Or what?!" Sofia spat out him

"Excuse me?!" Harry snapped, as he took a step towards her.

"I said or what?" Sofia growled.

"Or I'm about to remind you exactly what place you belong in," Harry growled.

"I fucking dare you," Sofia spat out, turning away from him and walking the opposite way.

"You're getting pretty damn brave, Sofia," Harry said, grabbing her again, "I know you can be stupid, but you aren't usually begging for me to kick your ass."

"Yeah, well, now I guess I am," Sofia hissed, trying to pull away from him.

"Knock it off!" Harry hissed

"No!" Sofia barked, trying to pull away from him again, but Harry was too fast for her, and soon he had her bent over the bed, and he was smacking her ass hard. Sofia hissed through the pain, as Harry continued to assault her, his large hands covering a majority of her ass.

"Ow!" Sofia hissed, as Harry landed a particularly hard one. She tried to squirm away.

"Don't fucking move!" Harry barked, "And don't make me take off my belt." Sofia stopped squirming, but Harry didn't lighten up at all, in fact his smacks got harder. Sofia gripped the sheets, hissing in pain as Harry continued.

"You are your fucking attitude," Harry growled, "It's getting real old, real fast. And I swear to God, Sofia... if I have to beat it out of you every fucking day, I will!" Suddenly Sofia was flipped back over, and Harry was towering over her.

"Are you fucking done?" Harry growled.

"No," Sofia said quietly, as she looked up at him.

"No?" Harry growled, "What do you want out of this, Sofia?"

"I want you to fuck me," Sofia growled

"What?" Harry asked, his eyes showing surprise.

"I want you to remind me who is boss, and fuck me senseless," Sofia growled, "Or do you not have that in you anymore?"

Harry barked out a laugh, before pulling her up and off the bed.

"Get your fucking clothes off," Harry growled, "I'm going to take a shower. And when I get out, you will be completely naked, and waiting for me. And if your not, you'll regret it. Are we clear?"

"Mmmhmm," Sofia hummed out, but Harry smacked her ass hard.

"Excuse you?" he growled

"Yes sir," Sofia said, as Harry pushed her back down on the bed, and walked towards the bathroom.

"Naked, Sofia. I mean it," Harry growled, before slamming the door behind him, and leaving Sofia panting behind him.


"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit," Sofia panted, as Harry slammed into her again and again.

"Harry I'm almost..." Sofia hissed

"I'm not," Harry barked, "Don't you fucking dare," as he slammed into her again, making her convulse under him.

"Oh my god," Sofia growled, as she felt her high coming over her.

"I'm almost there," Harry said, "Almost... don't do it..."

But it was too late, Sofia had already allowed her orgasm to over come her and she was screaming in ecstasy, barely hearing as Harry cursed above her.

"I fucking told you!" Harry growled, as she came down, grabbing her tightly and holding her still, as he slammed into her faster, making her gasp in pain a bit, but soon he was releasing into her. He rolled of her quickly, standing up.

"Where are you going?" Sofia asked

"Stand up!" Harry barked, Sofia saw the fire in his eyes, and knew
better then to try and deny it. Sofia stood up, facing Harry as he walked over to her.

"Apparently you've been on your own too long," Harry hissed, "Because when I tell you to wait, that's what you should be doing..."

"Harry, I couldn't help it –" Sofia said

"Apparently you need some practice," Harry growled

"I'm tired," Sofia said

"I don't give a fuck," Harry growled, "You want to question my control, you deal with the consequences. You don't wait, you fucking pay. You would think you would know the rules by now..."

"Haz..." Sofia whimpered, a begging in her voice.

"Now you can either do as your told, or I'll tie you up..." Harry hissed, "Are we clear?"

"Yes sir," Sofia said softly, making Harry smile. She grinned smally up at him, both of them forgetting how dominating he was supposed to be in the moment. Harry snapped out of it, his eyes going dark again.

"Bend over the bed," Harry growled, Sofia sighed, but she bent over the bed, so that her forearms were flat on the bed, her hands fisting the sheets.

"I'm going take you the way I want to from behind," Harry growled, "And if you come before you're supposed too... I will lay into your ass, and you will regret it. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir," Sofia said

"And we will do this over and over, until you remember exactly who you belong too and who you listen too," Harry growled, as he leaned down, and bit her neck. Sofia rolled her head back, so that he could kiss her easier, and so that her head was against his shoulder.

"You will follow my directions, exactly the way I give them," Harry hissed in her ear, "And if you don't ... well, then you know how it's going to be, don't you?"

"Yes sir," Sofia hissed out, trying to control her breath. She loved when Harry was like this. She loved when he reminded who she belonged to, and showed her who was boss. As much as she said she hated it, she loved it. Especially when he did it like this.

"Ready?" Harry growled

"Yes sir," Sofia said, and then gasped loudly, as Harry entered her hard and fast. She bit her lip trying not to scream out. It was painful, but the pleasure was overpowering it. He was going to fast, that Sofia felt herself building up fast.

"Oh my god," she yelled out, "Harry I'm – oh God.."

"Don't do it," Harry growled, "Don't you fucking cum, Sofia. Not even a little bit."

"Harry please –" Sofia begged, as she jolted forward again and again, Harry pushing her forward. He grabbed hips, holding her still.

'Don't move! And don't cum!" Harry barked, his fingers digging into her hips.

"Harry I can't!" Sofia gasped out, feeling herself release a bit, "Shit.." she cursed herself, as she heard Harry growl behind her, before pulling out.

"Stand up!" Harry barked, and Sofia used all the energy she had to stand up, when she turned around, Harry was sitting on a chair.

"Let's go," Harry growled, and Sofia sighed, but did as she was told. Sofia squirmed, and squealed beneath him, as Harry spanked her, scolding her for her mistake. When he was done, he stood her back up.

"Shall we try again?" he growled

"Yes please, sir," Sofia said, staring up at him.

"Oh fuck it," Harry growled, before grabbing her and kissing her harshly, and they both tumbled back on to the bed.

"Did you learn your lesson?" Harry hissed, between kisses.

"I think I need one more reminder," Sofia said, as Harry kissed her neck hard, and her hands grasped his back tightly, pulling her towards him.

"No one can make you feel like this," Harry growled

"No – no one – just you," Sofia agreed, as she felt Harry enter her again.

"Don't you ever fucking question what I have in me ever again, do you understand?" Harry hissed in her ear, before biting it and making her growl.

"Yes," Sofia said, as he moved in her, "Oh god, yes!"

"Yes what?!" Harry barked, pushing hard, as her hips buckled into him.

"Yes sir! Yes sir!" Sofia yelled out, as Harry buried his head into her neck.

Harry and Sofia came together together, and both came up panting and cursing.

"Holy fuck, I missed that," Harry said

"I missed you," Sofia said, rolling into him, her head on his chest.

"You know, next time you want me to fuck you, all you have to do is ask, you can leave the bullshit out of it," Harry said, a cocky grin appearing on his lips.

"Oh shut up!" Sofia snapped, removing herself from the bed.

"I don't think your ass can take anymore of your lip, Sofia," Harry growled, as he watched her walk naked across their room, "Although it does look good, even when its that red."

He watched as Sofia cursed under her breath quietly, and knew that she was aching, he couldn't help but smile. She watched as she rolled her shoulders and neck, before climbing out of bed, and walking up behind her. He pulled her to him, and she all but melted into him.

"Let's take a bath," Harry whispered, "And then, you should sleep."

"Okay," Sofia said.

"You go in and start it," Harry said, pushing her gently towards the room, "I'm gonna go get us some wine." Sofia went into the bathroom, as Harry searched for boxers. He looked up when he heard Sofia's phone buzz, grabbing it, he read the text.

"Guess we'll have to be more secretive now. That means dinner at mine, just like I wanted ;)" it read, and Harry tried to control the rage within him, and reminded himself it was part of the job and that this was a good thing. But the idea of Sikes sending Sofia any type of message made Harry want to put the bullet through him himself.

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