"You Are Never Alone"

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"What?" Liam asked, sinking back into his chair as he stared at her, "Are you sure? Because Zemily just had a pregnancy scare, and they freaked out over nothing..."

"Zemily?" Sofia asked, "What the fuck is a Zemily?"

"Zayn and Emily," Liam said, "It's their couple – oh fuck, Louis, damn it.
Never mind about that. Are you sure?!"

"Yes," Sofia said, sitting on the couch, as she looked at her brother "I found out in the hospital. I'm still really early on. Only six weeks, it must've happened on our honeymoon. It's why I couldn't give you the kidney, Liam. They only figured it out because my hormones were going up in my blood."

"But how, I thought you were on the pill?" Liam asked.

"I am," Sofia said, "And we were being careful. But, things happen. I might've missed a day or maybe it just didn't work like we thought. Either way, I'm pregnant."

"You've known about this since the hospital?" Liam asked, his voice quiet, he was still in shock.

"When you covered my body, you didn't just save me," Sofia said, "You saved your niece or nephew too. And I didn't want you miss that. It's why I was so determined to save you."

"What aren't you telling me?" Liam asked, Sofia looked up and at him and swallowed hard.

"It's at risk pregnancy," Sofia said quietly, "Between my miscarriage earlier this year, and the fight, and the fire, I'm lucky I'm still pregnant. But my bodies weak and I'm tired. And I have to be really careful, and take it easy, at least until I get strong enough."

"You've been filling in for me!" Liam snapped, "You've been taking care of me! You've been running around like a crazy person! That doesn't sound like someone who is being careful or taking it easy!"

"I know," Sofia said, "I'm pregnant, not crippled. And you needed me, Liam. You needed me to step up while you recovered, and I figured it was the least I could do after almost getting you killed. And I wasn't going to tell you, at least not for awhile. But then you mentioned the job, and you mentioned work. And I knew I had to tell you. I'm having a really hard time with it so far. I'm having awful morning sickness, which lasts all day. I'm so tired. I feel so weak. And I'm stressed. But, I have to stay calm. I can't let my blood pressure go up or my nerves or anything. It's baby for fetus."

Sofia swallowed hard. Liam stared at his sister, blinking a few times. This was the girl who over reacted to everything. If she could make a scene, she would. She acted on impulses. She could scream louder then anyone he knew. When she got stressed, she acted out. This was the girl that almost broke his arm when he took her diary when she was 13. This was the girl he had to step in and calm down when someone drank the last of her wine. Yet here she was, pregnant, heartbroken, tired, and completely
overwhelmed. And she was calm. She was talking calmly, her features were calm. She was quiet, and calm. And it was because she was protecting the baby inside her.

"Is this why you want out? Because your pregnant?" Liam asked her, still trying to wrap his head around everything. Sofia shook her head.

"I can't do one last job because I'm pregnant," Sofia said, "I don't want to work for you, because I don't want to do this anymore."

"Harry doesn't know," Liam said, "If Harry knew he would stop being a twat, you wouldn't be here, you'd be with him. You haven't told Harry have you?"

"No," Sofia said, shaking her head, "He's not being a twat, Liam. He has a right to his feelings and his anger, and he should be able to feel those without me trying to step in."

"Sofia, you have to tell him," Liam said, "He wouldn't let you do this alone."

"I know that," Sofia said, "And that's why I haven't told him. Because he's a good guy. And he's an even better dad. And I know if I told him that I was pregnant, he would come back to me. He would come back to me, and he wouldn't even think twice about it. He would come to me, and he would take care of this baby. But, I don't want him to come back to me because I'm pregnant. I have no intention of trapping him in something he doesn't want to be in. I want Harry to make his decision on whether or not he wants to be with me, without feeling like he owes me or like he has to be with me. I don't want him to come back to me if this isn't what he wants, Liam."

Liam wasn't sure he knew the girl sitting in front of him. She was putting everyone before herself. She had been helping out Liam and everyone else as he recovered, even though she should have been resting. She wasn't going to tell Harry, because she didn't want to trap him, even though Liam knew she wanted him to come back to her. She was letting Harry take control of Birdie and do his own thing, even if it was killing her. She was becoming selfless – and there wasn't one selfish motivation behind it. She was taking care of her family, and her children, and her husband first. It didn't matter what she wanted, she was only thinking about what was best for them.

"Is the baby okay?" Liam asked, standing from his seat, and crossing the room, sitting next to her, "You haven't exactly been resting. And it's an at risk pregnancy – but is the baby okay?"

Sofia smiled a small smile at him, nodding her head, "Yes, the baby is okay. I went in yesterday. Everything is normal so far. Whoever this is, he or she is stubborn. Ready to stay."

"Like their mother," Liam said, quietly. Sofia looked away from him, leaning back into the couch.

"You're not okay though, are you?" Liam asked

"Like I said, it's been a rough pregnancy so far, and my body isn't back to 100% and my morning sickness is awful. And I'm so God damn tired all the time. But I'll be okay. I just need to keep my stress level down, and stay away from drama," Sofia said, "For the sake of the baby, I need to stay calm."

"That's not what I meant," Liam said, "I meant, you aren't okay. Emotionally."

Sofia looked at her brother and for the first time the hard, calm resolve that she had, began to fade.

"I miss my husband," Sofia whispered, "And I miss us all being in a house together. And I'm pregnant, and it was the last thing I was expecting. Harry didn't want a baby when we were good, I can't imagine what he's going to say when he finds out. We're so bad right now, Liam. And, I don't want him to come to me because of this baby. I wont let him do that. But, it scares the hell out of me thinking that I'll be raising this baby on my own. I hate the idea that this baby is coming into something broken. This should be the happiest new of my life, but it's not. I'm terrified. And I don't know if I can do this on my own."

"Hey," Liam growled, grabbing her face between his hands and forcing her to look at him, "You are never alone. You will always have me. And I will never let you do anything alone." Tears began to leak from Sofia's eyes as Liam stared into them, "You and this baby are going to be surrounded by love and support, with or without Harry."

Sofia let out a small sob, and she moved into her brother's arms. For the first time in weeks, Sofia cried. She cried for Harry, she cried for Birdie. She cried for her marriage. She cried for all of her mistakes, and she cried because he was so unforgiving. She cried for her unborn child, and her unknown future. She cried because she missed him, and she cried because she loved him. She cried because her body her, and her mind hurt, and her heart hurt. But mostly she cried, because she finally had someone to cry to.

And Liam held her, he held her and he let her cry. He whispered calming things into her ear. He promised that it would be okay, and that he would get them through this. He promised that she would never have to face this alone, and that her baby was going to be okay. He told her that he loved her and that he was proud of her. He told her he needed her to calm down, because he needed her to stay healthy. And eventually her loud sobs became quiet tired hiccups.

"I just want him to be happy with me," she said, her tears sliding down her face, "Not with some stupid blonde girl that he went to school with. I want him to bake cookies with me, and have lunch with me and Birdie at the playground, and to watch him teach her how to play football, even though he can't. That should be, not her."

"Who?" Liam asked, pulling away from Sofia, "What are you talking about?"

"Harry had some blonde in his house today," Sofia said, shrugging, "Ellis."

"He what?" Liam barked, "What the hell was she doing there?"

"Trying to take my family," Sofia mumbled bitterly.

"No one has ever taken anything from you, Sofia," Liam said, "But I'm going to say something to Harry. If he thinks he can just –"

"No, don't," Sofia said, shaking her head, "I want Harry to be happy. That's what I want. And if it's with her, then fine. I just want him to choose, and to make up his mind. I just want him to be happy."

Liam's jaw locked, he didn't like the idea of a blonde girl in Harry's home. As far as he was concerned, Harry was still married to his sister. Liam didn't care what they were going through, he didn't care that Harry didn't know about the baby. Ellis shouldn't have been there, and Liam wanted to know why she was.

"You're not going to tell me that I should tell Harry?" Sofia asked him quietly, tears still in her eyes, interrupting his thoughts of Ellis.

"I think that you're right, he needs to make this decision about your marriage without the pressure of a baby," Liam said, "And I think you're being incredibly mature."

"I hate being mature sometimes," Sofia said, a small smile gracing her face. Liam chuckled.

"I want you to know how proud I am of the person you've become, Sofia," Liam said, suddenly serious, "You're not a kid anymore. You've become an amazing young adult. And you have become a great woman, and a great sister, and an even better mom. And I know that you are going to get through whatever life throws at you, because you are so strong. But you're never going to have to get through it alone. I'm your big brother, Sofia. I don't care if you're married, or if you have 1 kid or 20 kids. I don't care if you're here, or half way around the world. I'm your big brother, and I will always look out for you. Do you understand me?"

"Yes," she said, "I love you, Li."

"I love you too," Liam said, standing up and pulling her up from the couch,

"Let's get you in bed to rest. You need to just take a few beats to calm down."

He walked her to the doorway of the office, and they both stepped out. Sofia's face was still tear stained, and she looked down at the ground quickly, as she realized that the four boys who had left the office had their eyes on her.

"Go upstairs," Liam said quietly, "I'll be up in a bit to check on you. Bring you some tea or something."

"You don't have to do that," Sofia mumbled.

"I know I don't," Liam said. He kissed her head, and Sofia removed herself quickly from the room, avoiding the questioning stares. Liam looked at the four boys, who were all confused.

"There's been a change in plans," Liam said, "And we should discuss it."


"What do you mean we have to use someone else?" Niall asked, staring at Liam.

"I mean, we're going to have to use someone else. Get Katie to do it or something. He's easy, he'll fall for anyone pretty," Liam said, as he leaned against his desk.

"But, why isn't Sofia doing it? She's our best, Liam," Zayn said, a growl to his voice.

"Sofia needs to rest, she needs to recover from the fire," Liam said, "She's not comfortable working this job."

"She's not comfortable?" Louis asked, eying him.

"What's going on?" Zayn asked, not buying anything that Liam was saying. Harry had yet to say anything. He sat quietly on the couch as Liam told them Sofia wouldn't be working this one with them, and that they needed to find and get training in to someone before Friday.

"Nothing's going on, Zayn," Liam said, rolling his eyes. He should tell them. He should tell them that this wasn't the only job Sofia wouldn't be working. He should tell them that she was pregnant and they had to be careful. He should tell them to look out for her. He should tell them that he let her walk away from the job completely. But, his first job was always to protect his sister, and she wasn't ready for everyone to know. She wasn't ready for Harry to know.

"Look, if she's not working because she want to avoid working with me," Harry said, standing up, "I'll talk to her, tell her to cut the bullshit."
Harry hadn't asked how she was doing, he didn't wonder why she was crying, he didn't seem concerned. Not like the other boys, and that just pissed Liam off even more.

"No you won't," Liam growled, catching Harry off guard, "I told her she didn't have to work this one, and that's the end of it. We all need to just work with what we have."

"I guess I'll go try and find someone else to do it," Niall said quietly, but Liam could see he was trying to figure everything it out. Liam dismissed them all, and they all went quietly. Harry and Louis to find the kids, Niall to go work, and Zayn went right to Sofia.

Sofia was lying on her couch, eyes closed when her door was pushed open. Snapping her eyes open, she saw Zayn strolling in, his eyes on her.

"Ever heard of knocking?" she asked, sitting up, her voice quiet. She stood from the couch to hug him, finally greet him from his trip, but he had his arms crossed. He was staring at her, his eyes traveling up and down, as though trying to figure it out.

"What's going on?" he asked, this time looking her in the eye.

"What are you talking about?" Sofia asked, her eyes furrowed in confusion.

"I mean, you're hiding something," Zayn snapped, following her as she turned to go into the kitchen, "You and Liam both are. Something's going on. I could tell. Why aren't you really working this job? Are you leaving? Did you make a deal with Liam?

Sofia sighed, before turning back to Zayn. Her eyebrows were up and she was giving him the most confused face she could. She hated lying to Zayn, especially because she knew he would never buy it.

"Zayn, I'm just tired. My body isn't up for working right now, that's all this is. Don't read too much into it," Sofia said. Her voice was calm. She watched as Zayn's face changed. He looked like he rally wanted to believe
her, then he looked like he did.

"You're okay right?" Zayn asked, and Sofia nodded.

"I'm okay," she answered, "And how about you? Are you okay? How was the holiday?

Zayn took a seat at her counter, and Sofia passed him a soda from the fridge.

"It was good," Zayn said, "I know our pregnancy wasn't real. But, a scare like that makes you think about everything. Everything changes, you know? Suddenly you aren't thinking about yourself? You're thinking about this thing. It was weird, but I think it really put life into perspective for me and Emily. We don't want bullshit drama. We just want to be happy, and with each other. I think we needed that."

"That's good, Zayn," Sofia said softly, as she listened to his words, they were hitting a little too close to home. She wanted to tell Zayn. She wanted to tell Emily. She wanted her best friends to give her advice, and tell her that it was going to be okay. But, she promised herself when the doctor told her she was pregnant that she wouldn't do that to Harry. Last time, Harry was the last to know about his baby. She wouldn't do that to him again.

"Okay," Zayn said, clapping his hands together, and catching Sofia off guard, "So what's the plan tonight?"

"The plan?" Sofia asked

"Yes, the plan. To save your marriage. To get Harry back where he belongs. What's your plan? Hot outfit? Making him jealous? A swoon worthy karaoke song? Or a song and dance that will piss him off? I need to know the plan, maybe I can help."

"You have all been spending way too much time with Louis," Sofia said, rolling her eyes, "There is no plan."

"There's no plan?" Zayn asked her, wide-eyed and unbelievable.

"Nope," Sofia said, shrugging, "I'm going to go and say welcome back to my brother, maybe watch one song, and then come home and crawl into bed. There is no plan."


Liam couldn't help himself. He knew that Sofia told him not to say anything to Harry. Sofia told him to let it go. But he couldn't. The idea of Harry cheating on his sister, and his sister knowing about it was making his blood boil. So, when Harry left the house, Liam followed him. Liam wanted to know where he was going. Harry went back to his house, but Liam noticed another car there. Liam sat across the way, and watched as Harry went into the front of his house. Liam wondered if he should just barge in on whatever was going on. He was just turning off his car, ready to do so, when Harry stepped back out of the house, this time with a blonde women, Liam watched as he walked her to the car, carrying what looked to be a duffle bag. Liam watched as he bid her goodbye, and kissed her on the cheek. By the time she was gone, and Harry was back in the house, Liam
was seeing red.

Liam slammed his car door, as he stormed up to Harry's house. Before he could stop himself, he was banging on Harry's front door. He knew he was being loud, and frightening but he didn't care. When Harry opened the door, he was surprised to see Liam there. But before Harry could ask anything, Liam had him by the collar, and slammed against the wall of his own home.

"What did I tell you?" Liam growled, "What the fuck did I tell you? Didn't I tell that if you hurt my sister I would fucking kill you?"

"What are you talking about?" Harry growled, trying to rip Liam's hands off of him, "Liam get off."

"Who is she, Harry?" Liam growled, slamming Harry back into the wall and making him hiss.

"Who?!" Harry yelled, "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!"

"Who's the blonde that just came out of your house with an overnight bag? The one that had my sister in fucking tears today?"

"Ellis?" Harry growled, finally able to push Liam off him, "She's no one!"

"Don't fucking lie to me," Liam spat, "I don't know why you have a fucking woman in your house with your kid. But if you are sleeping around on my sister..."

"You're sister and I aren't even together right now," Harry spat out, "Let's not forget who hurt who in this situation, Liam!"


"Liam, this isn't your business!" Harry yelled, and before Liam could stop himself, he was slamming his fist into Harry's face.

"When you married my sister, you made it my business," he seethed out, read to strike Harry again.

"I'm not sleeping with Ellis!" Harry yelled, causing Liam to pause, though his chest was still rising and falling with anger, "I would never do that."

"Then what the hell is she doing here?" Liam asked. Harry looked at him, and sighed.

"We're just hanging out, Liam," Harry said, quietly.

"You shouldn't be fucking hanging out with anyone," Liam said, his voice low and dangerous.

"Did Sofia tell you that I was sleeping with her?" Harry snapped, "Because Sofia doesn't know anything."

"Sofia doesn't know anything because you won't tell her anything!" Liam barked back.

"I don't owe her an explanation!" Harry growled, "I don't fucking owe you an explanation. It's my house, my marriage. You should just stay the fuck out of it. And Sofia should just stop jumping to conclusions."

"No," Liam said, shaking his head, "That's not how this is going to work."

"Oh, it's not?"

"Enough of this fucking limbo, Harry," Liam snapped, "It's killing Sofia. And it's bad for Birdie. You don't want to be with my sister anymore, tell her that. If you do still want to be with her, tell her that. Pick one. Don't fucking jerk her around. You either want to work this out or you don't. But I'm not gonna stand by and watch you do whatever the fuck you want, and mess with Sofia's head. Figure out what you want to do, Harry. And figure it out fast."

"This isn't something you just figure out, Liam!" Harry snapped, "I'm still angry! I'm still hurt!"


"Danielle has never done what Sofia did!" Harry barked

"What did she do that was so bad, Harry? She lied to you. But she
didn't take your daughter from you. She didn't run away from you. She lied to protect you, and to protect Birdie. She was willing to give up her life for you and that child. So that you two could live in peace. THAT'S what Sofia did."

"She didn't even think about what it would do to me to live without her!" Harry yelled, "SHE SHOULD'VE INCLUDED ME!"

"What are you, five?!" Liam snapped, "You've made decisions without her before. Like, the decision to have blondie in your house. And you're gonna sit here and try and get me to feel sorry because you were going to fall apart without her? You're living without her now, Harry and you seem fine."

"Fuck you, Liam," Harry hissed, "This hasn't been easy for me, either. I want to trust her, but I can't. And that's a big fucking piece to be missing in a marriage."

"Harry, if you can't trust Sofia," Liam said, shaking his head, "Then I don't know who the fuck you can trust."

Harry swallowed hard as Liam's words hit him hard. But Liam didn't give Harry a chance to say anything else. He turned from him, and walked towards the door. Before leaving, Liam turned back to him.

"Harry, if I find out that you're fucking that girl," Liam hissed, "I will kill you. And it will be slow and painful, do you hear me?"

Harry didn't say anything, he just glared at Liam. Liam didn't wait for him to respond, he just walked out of the house, slamming the door behind him, leaving Harry with a lot to think about.


"Is this a virgin?" Louis called to her over the karaoke going on in the background. Sofia nodded her head and him and laughed as Louis gave her a disgusted look.

Danielle had set up a welcome back party for Liam at Diego's. It was margarita and karaoke night, and she invited everyone to come. Liam had looking to buy Diego's, and Danielle thought it would be good to get everyone's opinions on it. And everyone did show up. The kids had a babysitter, and everyone was able to get together and have fun for the first time in a long time.

"He misses you, you know," Louis said, sitting down next to her.


"You know who," Louis said, and they both glanced over at Harry who was sitting at a table with Ella and Niall. Sofia watched as he laughed at something Niall said, before taking a sip of his beer.

"Yeah, he really looks like he misses me," Sofia said quietly.

"Remember when you were scared to loose him so you wouldn't give him everything? Because at least if you lost him, it would in your way?" Louis asked, and Sofia nodded silently.

"He's scared to loose you," Louis said, "But at least if he looses you this way, it's in his control."

"That doesn't give me much hope," Sofia said, blinking at Louis.

"So, don't let him loose you," Louis said, shrugging, "You know, you guys have been through a lot. It'd be really hard to see if you didn't get your happily ever after. I think you guys deserve it, even if you don't."

Sofia sighed deeply, before leaning in and giving Louis a kiss on the cheek. She took a sip of her virgin daiquiri before looking at Louis who was studying her.

"My life has never been a fairytale, Louis," Sofia said quietly, "Girls from gangs don't get fairytales written about them."

"Maybe they don't get them written," Louis said, "But that doesn't mean they can't write the fairy tale themselves."

Sofia got up from her place next to him, and walked over to the table that held Zayn, Emily, Sean, and Katie. She noticed her brother and Danielle were on the dance floor. It had been such a long time since they had let loose, and it was good to see.

"What do you want to sing tonight?" Emily slurred, as Sofia sat down. Sofia giggled at her.

"I'm not singing," Sofia said, shaking her head, "I'm probably going to head out early, actually."

"WHAT?" Zayn cried, "NO! You can't do that! You have stay and embarrass yourself!"

"Why aren't you drunk?" Niall said, stumbling from his table with Harry, over to hers, and sitting next to her.

"If anyone deserves to be drunk, it's you, you miserable cunt," Niall said.

"Fuck off you stupid Leprechaun," Sofia mumbled, but she let out a
small laugh, before resting her head on Niall's shoulder.

"You'll be alright, Sof," he mumbled to her. He was drunk too, and she could do nothing but smile at him.

The music from the last karaoke session had ended, and the DJ was back on. Margaritas were flowing, and everyone was having a good time. Sofia sat up, glancing around. Ella was laughing with Eleanor by the bar, while Louis ordered more shots. Zayn had Emily on his lap, as they went through songs they could do. Liam was spinning Danielle on the dance floor. And here she was with Niall, wondering why the fuck she wasn't drunk. She did deserve it. She didn't bother to look for Harry, she didn't want to see how okay he was without her.

Suddenly the music that was on registered in Sofia's ear and she felt her throat constrict. She couldn't help herself, she glanced around for Harry. He was with some of the other boys, listening as one of them told a story.

Oh, tear ducts and rust
I'll fix it for us
We're collecting dust
But our love's enough
You're holding it in
You're pouring a drink
No nothing is as bad as it seems
We'll come clean.

Maybe he felt her eyes on him, or maybe it was just that magnetic pull that they had, but either way, he looked up at the moment she looked over and their eyes caught each other. Sofia felt her heart stop, because he still had that power, of making her heart stop. She glanced at his finger and noticed his ring wasn't there anymore. He must've taken it off.

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again.

"Excuse me," Sofia said to Niall, standing up quickly, and moving out of the chair, and around the table.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked, grabbing her hand, but she pulled away from him, rushing towards the steps of the bar to get to the bathroom. She wouldn't cry in front of him, she wouldn't break down. Not here, not now. She had been too strong to have it all fall apart here.


Sofia had splashed her face with water, and calmed down. She had gotten herself under control, and she was feeling strong enough to step out into the bar again to say her goodbyes. She just wanted to go home. She was tired, and she was sad, and she wanted nothing more then to put her head on a pillow and fall asleep forever.

Sofia stepped out of the bathroom, and walked through the crowded bar. As she came to the steps to walk down and find everyone to say goodbye too, she ran into Ella.

"You've got to be kidding me," she mumbled to herself as she heard the familiar beat of Take Care fill the room.

"I was coming to see if you were okay," Ella said, looking at her with curious eyes, "Niall was worried."

"I'm okay," Sofia said quietly, before trying to move around her. Suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. She found herself face to face with a man she didn't know.

"Give me a dance?" he asked, his eyes blazed and his breath reeking.

"No thank you," Sofia said, politely, "I'm here with someone."

"No you aren't," he growled, "I've been watching you. Come on just one dance."

"Please get off of me," Sofia said, trying to pull away from him, but he yanked her back.

"Don't be a bloody bitch!" he growled.

"PLEASE!" Sofia yelled, trying to get attention of someone who could help, "PLEASE GET OFF!"

All of the boys eyes both snapped up when they heard her yell. She had been loud enough over the music. Harry's eyes narrowed at the man's hands on Sofia, and he felt the familiar rage creep over him. He forgot why he was mad her, all he knew was he had to get to her. Both he and Liam were headed towards the stairs, as they watched Sofia struggle to get out of the man's grip upstairs. Harry wondered why she wasn't throwing a punch, or starting a fight. She could take him, she might get knocked around, but she could take him.

"I'm here with people," Sofia hissed at him.

"Let her go," Ella spat, and tried pushing the man, but he pushed her back, and Ella stumbled back. He grabbed Sofia with both of his hands, and her heart began to race.

"You're such a stuck up bitch," he growled, "I bet I could get you to loosen up." Sofia tried to pull away from him, and he lowered his face to hers.

"No don't!" she cried.

"Stop fucking talking," he growled, as he yanked her towards him. But the kiss never came. Suddenly Sofia was knocked backwards, and she cried out as she watched Harry push the guy into the wall.

"THAT'S MY WIFE YOU ASSHOLE!" Harry screamed, his hands on the man's throat, as he shoved the man against the wall.

"Sofia, come on," Ella cried, trying to take her hand. But a fight had broken out, and Sofia was in the middle of it. She couldn't get to Ella's hand, and she couldn't get out of the fight. And suddenly, she found herself being knocked backwards, and before she could stop herself, she was tumbling down the steps of the bar.

Sofia landed on her side, pain coming from her head, and erupting in her lower back. She let out a cry of pain, and tried to push herself up, but she couldn't.

"SOFIA!" Liam yelled, running down the steps. She had curled into the fetal position, pain throughout her. The fight had come to a stop, as bouncers broke it up.

"FUCK, SOFIA," Liam said grabbing her. He wrapped her arms around her.

"It hurts," she cried, holding her stomach, "Liam, it hurts."

"AMBULANCE!" Liam screamed, his arms still wrapped around her, "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE! SHE'S PREGNANT! WE NEED AN AMBULANCE!"

Sofia felt tears leaking down her face, with her body still in pain. She could hear Liam's voice above her, but all she could think about was how this was happening again. She lifted her head, and she was greeted with horrified green eyes. Harry was staring at her from the top of the steps, frozen in shock.

She could hear the familiar sounds of their song in the bar, but she wasn't dancing in his arms. Harry wasn't the one that was holding her. They weren't dancing. She was reliving her worst nightmare.

"Oh God," Sofia cried, at the thought that he knew, and she was loosing his baby again.

"Hey," Liam said, grabbing her face, "Don't look at him. Look at me. Look at me."

"It's happening again, Li," Sofia cried, "Not again, please God, not again."

"You're okay, it's going to be okay," Liam said, "I promise you. Just look at me, help is coming."

"Don't leave me," she said, grasping his shirt.

"I'm not going anywhere," Liam said quietly, pulling his sister deeper into his arms, as he watched EMTs enter the bar and come towards them.

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