"I Guess We Just Wait"

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"Pull in there," Sofia said quietly as she pointed to the parking lot next to her old flat, where the tenants parked.

"So, he was trashed again last night? Well, that's got to stop," Harry said into his phone, as he nodded to Sofia letting her know that he had heard her and pulled into the parking lot.

"I understand he's upset, but him getting smashed 4 nights in a row leads be to believe this is going to become a pattern, and right now, we need everyone to be on their A game. Especially if we think Sikes is moving in on us."

Sofia looked up at the mention of Sikes as Harry pulled into a parking space. It had been 4 days since the incident in the alleyway, and Harry and Sofia had gone away for the weekend. Sofia had showed Harry everything he had missed over the last 4 months, from the club she had fallen at, to the café she worked at. They had done more talking in the last few days then she could ever remember. They had cried together, and laughed together, and Harry told her about how things were back at home for him when she was gone. They weren't holding back with each other, and to get away and to have that time together had been really helpful. They were beginning to heal – and they were doing it together.

Sofia watched as Harry hung up his cellphone, shaking his head in frustration.

"Zayn?" she asked, as Harry looked over at her.

"Yeah, he's apparently living it up as a single guy, apparently he's never been happier," Harry said, "At least that's what he's telling everyone. But... this can't keep up. I don't know, Liam's going to talk to him again..."

"Do you think Sikes is moving in on us?" Sofia asked, trying to keep her voice even and her eyes natural and calm.

"I don't know anything, but Liam wants us back by this afternoon," Harry said, "He's calling a meeting. I guess that means he has a plan."

"Good," Sofia said, as she glanced out the window, "You ready?"

Harry looked out the window, his eyes eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Where are we?"

"My flat," Sofia said.

"You lived here?" Harry asked, as he looked up at the building, clearly unimpressed.

"Yes, it's not the prettiest –"

"Or safest by the looks of it," Harry growled, still staring at the building.

"Safe enough," Sofia said, shrugging.

"Safe enough to get mugged," Harry mumbled, as he got out of the car. Sofia snorted, as she did the same. Harry walked around the side of the car, grabbing her hand, but allowed Sofia to lead him to the front of the building.

"So, look," Harry started, his voice nervous, "I think maybe you should talk to Emily. You know, convince her to talk to Zayn..."

"No," Sofia said, her voice firm.

"She's not picking up any of our calls, and I know she's talking to you," Harry said, "And I just think –"

"I'm not getting in the middle of this. I love them both. They are both my best friends. But she doesn't want to talk to him right now, and I'm going to respect that," Sofia said, turning to look at Harry so that he knew that she was serious.

"I get that, but... Zayn's taking this really hard," Harry said, trying to make his girlfriend guilty.

"Zayn should have thought about that before he was an ass. I'm staying out of this, Haz. And if you were smart, you would too. Let them figure it out on their own, without anyone's help." Harry sighed, but nodded his head, before turning to look up at the front of the building they were now in front of. Sofia, went to step into the building, but suddenly the doors were opening and two boys were coming out. Harry looked up at them, as the laughed loudly at something between the two of them.

"Ah, Dumb and Dumber," Sofia greeted, as the two boys looked up at her, smiling widely.

"Sofie!" the blonde one cried, causing Harry to cringe, "You're home. Thank God."

"Miss me?" Sofia asked, her smile light, as she looked at the two boys fondly, causing Harry to shift in jealousy.

"Yes, we asked Cara for wine last night," the one with dark hair said, "She slammed the door in our face, you were much nicer with your alcohol supply."

"Is wine why you both look like hell?" Sofia asked, her eyebrows rose, as though she already knew the answer.

"Oh no, this my dear, is from one too many tequila shots. We had a party on Friday, and you know, it just lasted the weekend," the one with dark hair said, smiling widely.

"You missed it, again," the blonde haired boy said, "But I heard that at least it wasn't because of work. Heard you had to work, which would explain the bloke behind you that looks like he wants to kill us."

Sofia laughed, "Boys, this is Harry. Harry, these are my idiotic neighbors Scott and Ryan." Harry reached out his hand to shake both of the boy's hands.

"So where are you off to with such hangovers?" Sofia asked, as she leaned back against Harry.

"Library of course," Ryan said, he was the one with blonde hair, Harry noted.

"So I'm guessing Jonny threatened your life," Sofia said.

"My boyfriend doesn't control my life, Sofie dear," Ryan said, sounding offended, Harry's grip on Sofia loosened as he heard the word boyfriend, "But yes, he did threaten that he wouldn't go to anymore of our parties if I didn't study for this class with him."

"Good to know he's keeping you in line," Sofia said, "And you Scott?"

"I'm still pining for your roommate, put a good word for me, will ya?" Scott said

"I always do," Sofia said, "Well, boys, we're late for meeting Cara and you know how she gets." Both boys let out noises of agreement before saying goodbye and rushing down the street.

"I think I might miss them," Sofia said, with a small laugh as she watched the boys travel down the street. Harry didn't know what to say, so he chose to not say anything as Sofia led him into the building.


"So I guess this is it," Cara said, as she looked at the boxes Sofia had finished packing and had placed on the counter. Sofia sighed heavily, looking at the boxes, before looking back at Cara.

"This isn't goodbye," Sofia said quietly, but Cara waved her hand.

"Don't get mushy, I've been telling you for months I wanted a roommate replacement, hopefully this time I'll pick someone who is fun and not suffering from a broken heart." Sofia laughed, as Cara smiled fondly at her.

"I wish you luck with that," Sofia said, "But don't lie – it'll be hard to replace me. Who else would make you pancakes when you're hung over and pick you up at 2 am when you've had way too much to drink..."

"You're right," Cara said, nodding her head, "You're going to be a bitch to replace." The girls were quiet for a second, as Harry stood in the living room, wanting to give them space.

"So look," Sofia said, breaking the silence, "I don't know how long it's going to take to get a new roommate, and I know I'm screwing you with rent..."

"Sof, it's okay," Cara said, "I'm just happy that you're figuring things out. I just want you to be happy."

"I know, but," Sofia said, pulling an envelope out of her purse, "This covers my half of the lease. And there's some extra in there too, just in case..."

"You don't have to do this..." Cara said, shaking her head at the envelope.

"Just take the money, Car," Sofia said, placing the envelope in her hands, "Consider it a thank you... for everything."

"This is all cash," Cara said, her eyes wide, "What are you? A gangster?" Both Harry and Sofia froze at the word, but it was so quick, Cara wouldn't have even noticed.

"Yup, you know me, straight up G, carry a glock and everything," Sofia said, laughing. Cara laughed at her.

"Thank you," she said, as she put the envelope in the drawer, "And look, I'm really glad that you're working things out and everything. But if things don't work, or if you just need a place to stay, or if you want to get away... you always have a home here."

"I know," Sofia said, quietly, wrapping her friend in her arms, "And you know, I'll come visit. And you can come see me, too..."

"Just call first," Harry said, a joking smile played on his lips, as Sofia and Cara both laughed.

"So, this really isn't goodbye," Cara said.

"Of course not," Sofia said, shaking her head, "I still have to go to one of Ryan and Scott's parties – and you know, I've promised you so many girls nights over the months..."

"And I'll be on your wedding invitation list," Cara said, as she glanced between Harry and Sofia. Sofia laughed, and Harry smiled fondly at the girl.

"Of course," Sofia agreed, hugging her friend again.

"Okay, well then, in that case, get your shit out of here," Cara said, nodding towards the boxes, making Sofia laugh again. Sofia grabbed a box, and walked towards the door.

"Look," Harry said, looking at Cara, making Sofia stop, "Thanks for taking care of her, when I couldn't. You'll never know how much it means to me..."

"It wasn't a problem," Cara said, as she smiled up at Harry, "Just, don't hurt her, okay? Be good to her. Be good to each other," Cara said, glancing at Sofia, who was smiling gently.

"We will," Harry said, "But Cara, if you ever need anything, all you have to do is call, okay? Don't hesitate."

"I'm sure I'll never need too, but thank you," Cara said, her voice sounding surprised, because she was by Harry's gesture.

"Well, maybe not," Harry said, shrugging, "But don't think twice. You're like, extended family now. And uh, we like to take care of our own."

"I appreciate that," Cara said, as Sofia wiped a small tear from her eye. Harry gave Cara a tight hug, before picking up two of the boxes that they had packed, and turned to Sofia.

"Ready?" he asked, his eyes worried and anxious. As though he thought she would change her mind.

"Of course," Sofia said, before waving to Cara and walking out of the apartment.


"This is bad," Sofia said, as she stared at Emily who was helping put food on a platter with Danielle.

"Yup," Katie said, staring at her friend.

"This is like, worse then she baked an entire bake sale when her dad left," Sofia said, glancing at Katie in worry.

"My entire apartment has been given a makeover," Katie growled, "And she is going on like nothing happened. It's like she's a step ford wife."

"Did she say anything to you about it?" Sofia asked, quietly, as she watched Emily laugh a little too loudly at something Louis said.

"Just that Zayn and her needed time apart, and that it was a long time coming, and that she was fine..." Katie said, biting her lip.

"No tears?" Sofia asked

"None," Katie said, shaking her head.

"No screaming? Throwing things? Drinking?" Sofia asked, looking over at Katie.

"Nothing," Katie said, pronouncing it slowly and drastically.

"Shit, this is bad," Sofia hissed.

"What's bad?" Harry asked, coming up behind the girls, as he looked at Emily.

"Emily, she's really a mess," Katie said.

"A mess?" Harry asked, laughing, "She looks great, she's making food, she's smiling. I think she's taking it well..."

"That's because you're an idiot," Katie snapped, causing Harry to glare at her.

"She's right," Sofia said, looking at Emily again.

"I'm not an idiot, she's not right about that," Harry snapped, as Sofia choked back a laugh.

"I just mean she's right about Em. She is a mess, but I guess now we just have to wait for her to crack..." Sofia said

"Crack?" Harry asked, looking at Sofia like she was being dramatic.

"This is how she works. Whenever anything devastating happens, she pretends she's fine. And then, it'll come out of nowhere..." Katie said.

"What does?" Harry asked

"The breakdown," Sofia said, as it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"The breakdown?" Harry asked, still confused, as Niall joined the conversation.

"Yup, last time, it was after her mom's boyfriend hit on her..." Katie said, "She was so upset, he was such a scum bag. He left marks on her and everything..."

"What?" Niall growled, he couldn't help but feel protective over the girl, even if it was in the past.

"It was awful," Sofia said, nodding, "But she came to school the next day, and acted like things were fine. Everyone tried to talk to her, my dad, my mom... everyone."

"But she played it cool," Katie said, "Until someone bumped into her in gym on day... and she totally lost it."

"Tears, screaming, it was a total breakdown. It was awful. I hate when she cries, it's like watching a fucking puppy cry," Sofia hissed, "My dad had to come pick her up, she couldn't finish out the school day."

"That sounds terrible..." Harry said, as he looked up at Emily.

"Yup," Sofia and Katie said at the same time.

"So, I guess we just wait..." Katie said, although it sounded like a question, but no one could say anything as Emily approached them.

"Sandwich?" she asked, smiling brightly as she held out a tray of food.

"How you feeling?" Sofia asked, "Do you want to go somewhere and talk? Cause we can..."

"Yeah Em, this has got to suck..." Katie said. Emily eyes flickered for a second, but it was so fast, if they didn't know her so well, they wouldn't have noticed.

"I'm fine, guys, really," Emily said, smiling too wide, "There's nothing to talk about. I just hope that Zayn and I can be civil about this," before walking away with the tray of food.

"Zayn?" Niall questioned

"Civil?" Harry said, his voice unsure.

"Fuck," Sofia growled, as Katie put her head in her hands in frustration.


"So, Sikes has moved his guys in. He isn't here yet, but they are. And they're watching us. They're at our clubs; they've got tabs on us. We haven't been approached yet," Liam said, "But it's only a matter of time. We haven't been able to get ahold of James, and as far as we know, he's cleared out... so, our alliance with the rats as of now is over. If you see them, you either kill them or avoid them, got it?"

Everyone in the room nodded, as Liam paced the living room floor, looking more anxious then Sofia had ever seen him.

"Okay, here's what we know about Sikes. He likes to take things, slowly and bit by bit. It starts with the women and you know, whores of a gang, then some of the lower guys in the gang, then he'll move onto business's ... until he finally has his hands in everything and you either give into him or you die," Liam said, his jaw set in a thin line.

"Sounds friendly," Sofia said, Liam glared at her.

"Be quiet," Harry growled, as Sofia shrugged.

"So what's the plan?" Louis asked, looking at Liam.

"The plan is to stop him at the women," Niall said, standing up, "We're gonna let him get comfortable, and we're gonna let him go after some of our women," he glanced at Sofia, Daisy, and Emily who were sitting on the couch.

"Which women?" Sofia asked, sarcastically. Emily and Daisy snorted from beside her.

"This isn't funny!" Liam snapped, "We're throwing all of you out there, he already thinks that you all are our sleeping with us... he doesn't really know who you are, he just knows that you're involved with the uppers of us..."

"Okay?" Sofia questioned, waiting for more information, "Why all of us?"

"Because the more women we throw at him, the faster he'll take the bait.." Niall said, "But we're hoping that he'll go for you..."

"Thank you," Sofia said, deadpanned.

"Look, he likes his women submissive. The women he gets his hands on, he likes to break them. They're treated like dogs," Liam said, "But he loves taking the women from other people, and he loves women that give him a hard time."

"He likes them feisty," Niall said, as Sofia grinned.

"Well, that's you..." Emily said quietly, as Sofia laughed.

"So basically, the three of you are going to be going to the clubs a lot. We're gonna get the attention of his men, you'll be seen out with us. Emily and Daisy are gonna play the parts of the good little gang whores..."

"Perfect," Zayn growled, quietly.

"Hey!" Sofia snapped, glaring at him. Zayn bit his lip, looking back down at the ground, as Emily froze beside Sofia.

"And you are gonna to play the part of the girl we just can't get in control," Liam said, looking at his sister, "So, you're gonna have to... you know, be yourself."

"Thanks, Li," Sofia said, rolling her eyes.

"Once we get their attention, we're going to go away for the holidays, which we think we'll cause them to call him in. Hopefully, after the New Year, he'll be in town..." Liam said

"We want him here?" Sofia asked

"Yeah, we want him in our comfort zone," Liam said, "And he'll approach one of you, and he'll either take you by force or he'll convince you to follow him..."

"And that's when we get him," Niall said, "One of you is gonna lead us right to where this fucker is hiding out. And then, we destroy him."

"Sounds good," Emily said.

"Of course it does," Zayn hissed, causing everyone to look at him.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Emily asked, looking at Zayn.

"This is perfect for you. You get to play a little whore, isn't that what you wanted?" Zayn growled, stepping forward.

"You know damn well that isn't what I wanted," Emily hissed, standing up from the couch.

"Actually, I don't. You don't tell me what you want, you just walk out," Zayn growled.

"Liar," Emily growled, causing Zayn's veins to pop. Everyone was staring at one of the two, of them.

"What did you just say to me?" Zayn snapped, his eyes dark with rage.

"I called you a liar," Emily hissed, "Because you know damn well I didn't just walk out, I tried to fix things..."

Zayn laughed, a loud maniacal kind of laugh, scaring Sofia as she stared at him, "Get the fuck out of here..." he growled, staring at Emily.

"What?" Emily gasped

"I said, get out. Go one, leave. It's what you're good at doing anyway," Zayn hissed, he was panting in anger.

"Zayn, come on, man..." Louis said, quietly

"Fuck you, Zayn," Emily snapped, causing everyone's eyes to widen. Sofia saw it coming, Zayn lunging for Emily, and she did the only thing should could think to do, she stepped in front of Emily, before he could get his hands on her.

The crack of the slap was deafening as Sofia's face flew to the side.

"Fuck Zayn!" Harry yelled, as Sofia stumbled to the side. Zayn froze in his actions, staring down at Sofia, who was gripping her face, as she glared up at him.

"Sof –" he gasped, "I'm so sorry – I didn't – why did you get in my way?"

"To stop you from doing something stupid," Sofia growled, glaring up at him, "Now why don't you get the fuck out?" Zayn's eyes flashed in anger.

"Seriously? You're really picking her side? SHE WALKED OUT ON ME!" Zayn yelled.

"I'm not picking any sides," Sofia hissed.

"She's right Zayn, I think you need to take a walk..." Liam said, quietly, but Zayn was just staring at Sofia.

"Unbelievable..." Zayn said, his voice quiet, his eyes hurt.

"Zayn, I just want you to calm down, I'm not picking sides.." Sofia said, feeling guilty as he stared her, she was still standing in front of Emily, protecting her.

"Really?" Zayn asked, "Because I'm pretty sure you just did..." And Zayn turned from her, stomping out of the room and out of the house, leaving Sofia sighing deeply.

"You alright?" Harry said, stepping up to her, and looking at her face, Sofia looked up him, his face full of anger and frustration, probably at Zayn.

"He was just angry..." Sofia said.

"Don't make excuses for his bullshit, Sofia," Harry growled, as his thumb grazed her cheek. She hissed in pain.

"We should get ice on that," Harry said.

"I should probably go find Zayn," Sofia said "He's really upset..."

"No," Harry said, growling sternly, "Zayn needs time to cool off. And I'd like to talk to him before you go anywhere near him..."

"Harry, it's not a big deal –"

"This isn't a discussion," Harry snapped, "Let's go ice your face."

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