The Wound..

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As Keith woke he saw those familiar horrid purple lights through his eyelids. He groaned as he sat up. He was in a highly secured cell. Well he was a paladin of Voltron. 'I wonder where Red is?' Keith's mind was everywhere, he couldn't focus. All he could see was the purple lights on the outside and, darkness. He felt a sharp pain in his side as he got up,he was in the prisoner clothing Shiro was in when he found him in the escape pod. Keith then remembered the wound the galra that had Pidge gave him. These weren't normal galra, he remembered that they had more features of an animal. They had a muzzle, tail, and had raptor-like claws. 'That's what probably hurt Pidge.' Pidge! Where was she?! Keith's mind spun, the one person he cared about the most was in danger or worse, killed!

Time past and Keith was then taken out of the cell handcuffed. "Well paladin, since the champion is gone and we need a new fighter in the ring it's your lucky day!" Keith knew what he was talking about, the gladiator ring. He was going to fight for the galra and Zarkon's entertainment. "Oh HELL no!, I'll never go in there for your pleasure!" The soldier turned and started to laugh. "Oh no, this is not for me this is for Zarkon, or your fellow paladin will suffer". Suffer? What have that done to her?! As Keith thought of the possibilities, he heard Pidge's scream. It pierced his and the galra's ears. He saw her thrashing about in anger and pain. Keith noticed she refused to turn around to face Keith, why wouldn't she want to see him. They were so close to death all Keith wanted to see was Pidge until he saw what the galra had done to her face.

Pidge was forced to turn around to show half of her face was covered in worn bandages. It looked like her unknown wound made the once white wrap almost red. It must've bled out though it. It was over her right eye, cheek, and forehead. "Take off the bandage for her friend to see what monsterous scar she will have, now and forever." The soldier obeyed and took off the wrap covering her injury. "Hey! Piss off!!" Pidge yelled but couldn't move away. She turned so Keith couldn't see it. "Pid-" As he spoke his voice was drained out by the soldier's voice "TURN YOUR HEAD BEFORE I MAKE YOU BLIND ON BOTH SIDES!!!" 'What?! Blind?!' Keith stiffened as she turned her head.

She had a huge gash where her eye should be and three or four claw marks covering the rest of the injured side of her face. "I-I'm, s-orry.." she trailed those words out of her mouth. Sorry.
Tears formed in both his and her eyes. Keith could only see tears coming out of her uninjured eye. He shouted her name as he started to be dragged to the arena to fight.

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