The story isn't over yet..

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"Sir! Night was killed in the attack. Ms. Holt is free from your hands.."

The prince glared at his general piercing daggers through his glare. "Is that so?" He scoffs "well.. Go get her body."

"We have someone to bring back from the dead now don't we?~"

"Sir, all the experiments tested weren't successful.. Are you sure?"

"The paladins need to learn not to toy with the Prince of the Galra Empire!"

Lotor rose from his throne as the pale former body of Katie was put on the operation table.

"Let me make you stronger.." His hands glowed a bright magenta color in the darkness of the room.


A bright green glow from one of Night's eyes, the other piercing black.

"I am here.. My King."

"Hybrids have to stick together...right?"(kidge fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now