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Weeks went by and no loctation on Pidge. They searched for hours, Keith was looking for her the most. Staying up late asking Hunk how to look for someone's location on Pidge's computer. e
Even with that, no luck.

He was scared, Scared that they will never be able to form Voltron. Scared that Zarkon will defeat Voltron and take over the universe. Scared that he'll never see his first love ever again...

Keith didn't like to show his strong emotions too often because everyone would be confused because he's never like that. Always so calm or always full of rage. Never laughter, or sadness. It always comes out as anger.

The boy doesn't even try to show love. Lance would probably tease him for it.


"paladins to your lions quick! There's a ship approaching!"

Allura spoke into the intercom. As they got into their lions, Green remains in the castle.

They flew to the ship preparing for a battle with only four lions and a support ship.

The ship landed on the planet the team were staying on at the time.


The pilot spoke in a strong and serious tone.

"why would you think we'd listen to you." Lance spoke in a harsh tone. He's been trying to find Pidge just as much as Keith and has been fed up with it already.


As the said this something hit the paladins. Hit them hard, "PALADINS!" an echo of Allura's voice was faintly heard as the hit knocked them into the darkness of unconsciousness.


As they all woke up, the boys found themselves with their arms strapped behind them and guns to their heads.

"h-hey! What gives?!" Lance spoke

"How did they do that?" Hunk was just as confused as the others. How did they do that.

As the Galra soldier walked to them.  They noticed that the soldier's arm, both legs, and what looks like their neck was metal and wires.

"Wait.. It's an Android, it's just a robot! Heh we can take this thing down in no time"

As Lance said that the cyborg laughed.

"Do you really think you can defeat me? Lance McClain."

The boys were all surprised at the cyborg's response. How did it know Lance's name!?

"H-How did you know his name?!"

"hehe, I know a lot more than you think"

"Hunk Garrett..."

"Keith Kogane..."

"Tadashi Shirogane!"

They were all shocked, how could this robot know who they were?! How did it know what Shiro's real name. The Galra only know Shiro as the Champion.

The cyborg took off it's helmet revealing its face. It wasn't Galra, or any alien, it was human!!

"What? Do you not recognize me?"

The cyborg grinned, "maybe this will recover your memory"

It changed the form on it's face, only to show Pidge's innocent expression.

Pidge's face changed back. "I am that paladin, now do you remember!"

"No... "

Keith's voice trailed off as it started to crack. Now he remembers, her arm, her leg... How did he let this happen to her…

"no.. No no NO!! KATIE!!!"

As Keith breaks down into tears, Pidge starts to laugh then becomes angry at the sound of her real name.

"Katie is GONE! But Night is here to stay and will be right by Prince Lotor and Lord Zarkon's side.."

"Hybrids have to stick together...right?"(kidge fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now