A thousand years

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"I TOLD YOU THE DREAMS WERE REAL! you never listened to me. You wanted to abandon her. I guess us hybrids have to  stick together.. Right?"

Keith turned to Pidge as she walked up to the rest of her team placing a hand on her hip "right" The paladins stood in awe at the sight in front of them. "Pidge? But, you had a robot arm and scars.." Hunk questioned with a raised brow "wait. Are you a clone?!" Lance screeched with wide eyes and Pidge's only scoffed in response "no, I'll explain later"

After Pidge had explained the entire story. Of how Haggar corrupted her and made her a monster. About the Ultreans as well.

"I'm sorry I hurt you all.."

It was silent until Lance stood up and embraced Pidge in a hug. "We all forgive you Pidge, all that matters is that you are safe.." Soon the other paladins joined the much needed embrace.

She finally felt safe, she was home. "I love you Katie" Keith spoke up making the others gasp, especially Lance. "Love you too Keith" Keith placed a gentle kiss on her cheek making them both become slightly flustered.

"We all love you Pidge"

Sorry this chapter is REALLY short but I wanted to squeeze in one more chapter in. This is sadly the end of this wild adventure of action and angst.
Thank you all so much for reading this story it means the world to me that something I randomly made up when I was angry became such a big deal.

I love you all! Thank you so much~ 💕💕💕💕

"Hybrids have to stick together...right?"(kidge fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now