I want to live

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Keith fought back to run from the torture that thrives in the gladiator ring. He didn't want to fight, he wanted to live. "Shut up! Do you want your friend to suffer for your actions!" The galra spoke but Keith drained out the spoken words. All he wanted to see was Pidge. His...Love? Keith thought about how Pidge acted around him and how he acted around her. He did love her! Not just as a friend or a team member like the rest of team Voltron. She missed her family, he had none left. She had this feeling or urge to search for her family just like him but it was the lion he searched for. He was pushed into the ring, no weapon, or shield. Just himself, he looked up to the crowd cheering someone's name. Sure wasn't his.

As Keith looked up behind him one of the robeasts but smaller was behind him with a wreaking ball weapon with an axe on the end of it. It started to swing at Keith, he barely doged the attack. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!" The beast had to be at least three times the size of Keith. He didn't give up, "do you want your friend to suffer from your actions!". Those words echoed in Keith's mind. He didn't want Pidge to get hurt because of him.  


Pidge cried even more than she usually does, which is never! She just wanted to go home. Find her family, find the family she has left if her father and brother are gone. Keith. She always had feelings for him but didn't know how to show it. She was in her cell locked away from the other prisoners. Then suddenly she heard her door open to see, Keith? It was probably a hallucination that hacker must have put on her when she was, you know, hurt. The wound the galra gave her was somewhat healed from hagger's magic. He got pushed into the cell with Pidge. "Gragh!" He growled. Why would he growl? As she got used to the light she saw it was Keith, but... Galra?!


A few hours past it was silent. She couldn't find the words to speak, neither could Keith. "K-Keith?" Pidge gathered the courage to speak. "Keith!" She spoke up so he could hear her. "what." He finally spoke, "just don't look at me.." 'what? Keith wanted to see me before? It's probably my scar.." Pidge "why not, if it's because you look like a galra I don't care!". She crawled closer to him trying to comfort him. She noticed his clothes were all cut up and full of blood. His blood. "Keith, I'm sorry I should of stayed close to you, Hunk, and Lance," tears formed in her eye. "I'm... Sorry..." Keith raised his head revealing a large cut along his right eye..."it's not your fault pid-" Pidge cut off Keith she was tired of that name it got her into trouble, it got her friends in trouble.  "Katie,"

"huh?" Keith was confused why did she blurt out that name. "It's Katie, not Pidge.. " He put two and two together and realized he heard that somewhere. Shiro almost accidentally called Pidge that once after training. He was the only one that noticed. "Well, it's not your fault," he hesitated called Pidge her real name none of the team knew except Shiro. Now he knows. "Katie. I'm the one that couldn't save you now we're both trapped." "Well, at least we're together right?" Pidge was one to try to lighten the mood when Lance was not around to do so. "Yeah, your right Kate we are together. Let's just hope they don't split us apart like before." Pidge leaned her head on Keith's unharmed shoulder. His body was warm from all the running around in the gladiator ring she liked it. Soon the two fell asleep hoping to get out of this torture zone galra ship...

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