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A few weeks past since Keith's dream. He thought about it everyday and trying to say it's fake. I have to tell the team about her

Lotor paced around Night furiously. "So. You have been telling your paladins my plans.." Night stayed quiet poking daggers into the back of Lotor's head with her stares. "Don't like to me Night. You have been. You will now pay the price" he gave a grim stare at Night and Lotor's witch emerged from the darkness "time for your punishment"

"Keith you were just dreaming, it's been two years since we last saw them" Lance commented on Keith's statement of seeing Pidge in his dreams "it's true! We have to go to the Altean Ruins that's where Lotor is" Shiro shook his head "were not gonna waist fuel to wormhole there" Keith became enraged and stomped his foot "FINE! I'll just go myself"

He ran to his lion in his Blade of Marmora Armor and flew off. Next thing he knew it was black.

Keith started to regain consciousness but something was blocking his airways.

Night was choking Keith as he woke with a menacing grin.

"Hello Red~"

Sorry for such a short chapter. It got deleted and I tried my best to recover it but I had to retype most of it. Sorry again.

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