My Queen~

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Night walked back to her fighter ship and flew back to her home base. Lotor's base. She walks up to his throne. As she enters the room she takes off with helmet.

"Night!~ I'm glad you returned!"

Lotor stood up and grinned as he walked over to his newest General embracing her into a hug. Lotor really likes how the green paladin has become a part of his team. He has gained a strong liking to his new general. She could be extremely useful with her new altean powers, smarts, and strength.

He touched his nose to her's, Night doing it in return. Hit the other generals somewhat envied Night, having extremely strong bond with the prince is something no one ever gets. The Night just comes in with the snap of fingers they're nearly in a relationship together. They didn't mind it too much as long as it doesn't become a problem.

"my Queen~"

"my King~"

"now that the paladins know who you are what we going to do with them? It's your choice~" Lotor never lets his generals choose what to do with the paladins.. But he deeply cares about Night for some unknown reason.

"I'd say let it come to their minds of what's going on. We'll wait for them to attack. "

"of course my clarity~, I was thinking the same thing" Lotor grinned again nuzzling her neck

She giggled "ha ha~ OK enough."


The paladins parked their lions in their hangers and went to Allura he gave her the Expressions as if they saw a ghost.

"Paladins what's wrong we couldn't track your lions what has happened?"

All of them couldn't speak there are still in shock but Lance spoke up tears forming in his eyes.


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