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Keith and Pidge were sleeping as a guard came over not waking either of them. He carefully grabbed Pidge and left.


As Keith woke he didn't realize Pidge wasn't there. "Pidge, you awake?" Nothing. "Pidge.." nothing "Katie?!" He felt around for her. It was silent. 'where could she be?!'


Katie woke up strapped to an operating table where looks like in a lab. She was attached to a UV of some sort. She looked around, it looked like there were DNA tester machines and some other machines she couldn't tell what they were. "H-hello?" No answer.
"Hey! Why am I here! Where is Keith!" Laughter echoed in the room. "Glad you awake, Katelyn."  How did he know her name?! The galra stepped forward, wait, he wasn't galra! The man looked up from his work and walk up to Katie. "Hey there kiddo.."


Once Keith became more aware of where he was Keith started to hear mumbling from the other side of the wall. "The green paladin is doing swell, but there's a catch." What was he talking about? Catch? What catch? "She not 100℅ human commander" the galra spoke then another but not as deep voice. "What? How is that possible?! she's my sister!" Wait, Keith remembered Pidge saying something about her having a brother and father still in the control of galra. Was that him? It couldn't be, he would have to be a prisoner not a commander. "What's the other side of the DNA other than human?" "It's altean sir" ALTEAN?! That's not possible! The alteans were wiped out 10,000 years ago how?!


"Hey kiddo how'd you get up all the way up here?" It was him, right in front of her. Samuel Holt, Katie's father. But he wasn't in pain, nor fear. "A-are you working f-for the GLARA Dad?!" She barely made those words. Tears began to blur her vision, she thought her father was suffering in pain. Not working for the empire she wished were dead. "Well, yes I am Katie, it's for the best" Katie's dread turned to anger, "no it's not! It's not for the best! The galra take over and destroy planets!" She yelled causing soldiers to go in front of Sam. "Kiddo listen, I'm doing this so Matt can be safe, if I disobey he gets killed! Do you want that to happen?" "N-no.." Katie could not believe what was happening. Her father betrayed earth. But she understood why, "ok, now it's time for the real deal, move aside Holt" she knew that voice, Hagger. "Shiro was just the prototype for my biggest project" biggest project? Oh no, what's going to happen to her?!

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