I'm fine....

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Keith listened to the two soldiers quietly. 'how in Hell's name was Pidge part altean? It's impossible!' Keith was startled by the chain door opening. "Let's go paladin. Your fighting in the ring again!" The galra stepped forward "I'm Slade, your guard, I make sure you don't screw up my job! I take you to and from the ring and other places. Now let's GO!" Keith didn't want to go he didn't want to die.

Slade picked Keith up and almost dragged him to the ring. As they passed by a lab Keith saw Pidge. But she wasn't screaming, nor looked like she was in pain. She was unconscious. No wonder why. But Hagger was there with another human which kinda looked like Pidge but had gray hair and his face was older. Could that be her father? He couldn't do anything to stop whatever they were doing, but it looked really bad. The way Hagger grinned and spoke, it was just screaming of danger for Pidge.

Keith got shoved into the ring, "Let me go!" He shouted. As he looked up into the crowd once more for at least the 5th time that week. Same old cheering or booing. He didn't care what it was, to him it was white noise. *Red paladin is in the gladiator arena once again!* The announcer spoke loudly over all the crowds. They booed at his presence. They knew he was part galra so he earned the nicknames "traitor!" or "fake Galra!".  He didn't care what he was called, he just wanted him and Pidge out of this misery.


Pidge woke from her coma that Hagger put on her. Her vision was blurred until she was fully awake. At that moment she couldn't feel her right arm. She looked over to see the same galra arm Shiro has but upgraded. Anger filled Pidge. She yelled and tried to break free of the table she was bound to causing a large racket and the match in the ring to pause. Guards ran in including Slade Keith's personal guard. "OK! OK! We get it your mad!",  that was Slade. "Time for you to get out some of that anger child!" He spoke. "I'M NOT A CHILD!" She shouted into Slade's ear causing him to back up. A commander soldier ran in the room and took off his helmet. "Shut it sis!" It was Matt her brother. "What?! Dad said you were in danger!" She was let go onto the floor. "no your wrong dad is DEAD! He was killed because I refused to work for the galra then I have no choice. But look at me now Katie." "WAKE UP!!" She stared into her brother's eyes. He wasn't there anymore he is brainwashed. "Enough talk! Make her mad and get her in the ring! Time to destroy Voltron from the inside out!" He grinned as he left Pidge angered and brokenhearted.

Sorry my chapters are short but there's going to be a BIG plot twist in the next chapter that will change Keith and Pidge's life. Also it's going to have humor too so sit tight and enjoy! 😁

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