🔥It's Just Like Hell🔥

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It was all just a blur...

Katie and Keith were out of the ring. Dragged by soldiers by their wrists.

Keith got shoved in a new cell. It was less protected and had a small bunk, sink, and looked like a bathroom. It was very small, it was like a dog cage.

When Keith and Shiro were younger, Shiro's mother owned a dog shelter. Him and Shiro would feed the dogs and then watch them.

He noticed how small the cages were and was happy he wasn't a dog. All the canine could do was chase his own tail in the tiny space.

Now Keith knew how the dog must've felt. Being locked up in a cage and never let out.

It was insanity.


Days went by, No rescue. weeks went by, No help. It seemed like a eternity has gone by, No Voltron. Keith was continued to be forced into the ring and earned a new nickname that was worse than before.

"New champion"

It wasn't very creative, but it reminded him of Shiro. Him going though the same things, same fights, he hated the name.

Every so often he would look out of his cell in search for Pidge. He hasn't seen her in what feels like forever. He worried...

He worried that Pidge is fighting in the ring as well. But with stronger enemies, strong enough to kill her.


Pidge has kept track of ow many days has gone by since they got captured. It's been about 43 days. She was put in the ring constantly, without Keith there.

Hagger had given her some sort of medication in her mechanical limbs to make her grow stronger.
Like she needs it. Her combat skills have improved an insane amount because all of the fighting she's been doing.

Because of the fights and all what's been happening. Her being part altean, and being an improved model of Shiro, her looks have changed. Due to the altean blood, she looks more mature or older.

Instead of looking like the 15 year old she is, Pidge looks about Keith's age. (16 to 17)

The scar that ruined her face has mostly healed. She can see out of both eyes. They remain the same color as the first time she went into the ring. Bright green with golden flakes around the center of her pupil. They were mesmerizing.

She is consistently being experimented on. Getting more of her body being taken away and replaced with galra tech. She doesn't know or care if it just a shell or her actual body.

She just wants to get out of this hell...

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