Cousin species?

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After Pidge had healed and explained everything, the team was astonished.

"What do you mean your part Ultrean?!" Lance said in pure confusion, he was worried about Pidge for months now, the whole team was especially after what they saw what the galra did to her and Keith.

Torturing Keith in the fighting ring and using Pidge as their personal lab rat with all the enhancements and tech that scarred her body. Since her ultrean side was exposed more and it helped her regenerate a new body none of the tech was left..

Just scars that it left behind..

Shiro had sympathized with Pidge when it came to being used as a test subject. But then again she's younger than him.. Who knows what they did to her..

Pidge nodded at Lances comment "I Don't know how.. My dad looked different.. Markings on his face and yellow eyes.. He didn't seem himself"

She spoke softly, still very shaken from the last time she was awake which was technically months ago. Someone else was in control of her body when she served Lotor. No idea who though..

Allura sighed "right now all we care about is that you are okay and what happened to you? You remember don't you?" She asked resting a gentle hand on her shoulder "and.. Coran what exactly is an Ultrean? It sounds awfully close to Altean don't you think?"

Coran nodded and pulled up a screen with data on the alien race. "Because they are close! Ultreans are the cousin species to us Alteans, they have more markings and are much larger than us. Some can even have wings and tails depending on their genetics and rank"

Keith spoke up "Katie had wings! They were white and green as far as I remember, but they grew out of nowhere then disappeared again"

The ginger looked at Pidge puzzled "well that gives us alot of information on what tree her genes came from, not sure about the disappearing though"

He looked through the files of high ranked Ultreans that had similar features that Keith described. He came across a retired soldier that goes by the name Killian.

He had strawberry blonde hair like Pidge's and had the same color markings and wings.

"Ultreans seem to be almost extinct just like Alteans.." The princess said disappointed

Pidge looked up at the screen "he has the same face shape as my dad, could that be someone I'm related to?"

Shiro looked down at her "lets not get too ahead of ourselves.. Coran, is there anymore information on this species?"

"I can look deeper into the castles files, all I know is that they are very close in genetics to normal Alteans, their planet was destroyed so it'll be hard to pin point if any are still alive.. Well.. Except for you and your father Pidge"

Pidge's memory was still very fuzzy and messed up.. She could barely remember anything after what happened in the arena. Just tiny clips of her and Lotor on his ship.

"I'm gonna clean up.." She said softly leaving the main room, leaving Keith, Lance, and Hunk concerned.

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