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Keith was pacing back and forth. It was silent until Lance spoke asking what happened with pidge.  "hey uh.. Keith.  Did you know where pidge was? Or what happened to her?"

All Keith did was give him a strong angered glare. Shiro sighed and stood up in front of Keith. "Keith, you can talk to us. What happened?" Allura was by his side giving the expression that she wanted to know too.

"I.. I don't know..  all I know is pidge has a prosthetic like you Shiro.. But better, stronger..  It's her arm and leg from what I could see. " Allura, Coran, and the rest of the paladins were in shock.  Why would they choose pidge over Keith. Not to blame pidge but Keith was much stronger in some cases. 

"And there's something else... She's like me.. She's- "


Lance spoke in pure horror.  Keith sighed at the comment. "no Lance.  If you'd let me finish I'd tell you"

"Keith what do you mean. "like you" is she galra!?" Allura spoke she was on to something but not exactly.

"no no,  she's not Galra. She's some kind of rare altean. I don't know how there's any altean blood in her but hagger said it was a rare..  Ultreans?

As Allura heard this coran jumped in the conversation. He probably knows what Ultreans are.

"That race of alteans have been wiped out for decades . Even when altea was around. How could that be possible?"

Keith shook his head and stood up.  "I don't know,  but we have to find her."

"Aww cute lover boy wants to find his princess~" Lance said mockingly. He knew about Keith's little crush.  It was accidental but he didn't talk about it too much.  If he did Keith would've pounded him into the ship's floor.

"W-what? No I.. Um. . I just want her back for the team.  We can't form Voltron without her.  R-right Shiro? " even for himself that was horrible cover up.  He could feel his face getting red as all the paladins stared at him.  Lance with a smug expression.

Hunk stopped the silence this time.  "Keith is right. We should be looking for pidge,  not bickering over nonsense." he spoke in a unstable voice. It reminded Lance about how he sounded during the rescue. They all nodded. "wait hunk what did you see when we were rescuing Keith?"

"I..  Saw pidge.. But..  She was different. "

"what do you mean different?" Shiro spoke.

"different,  I mean changed.  In the way she looks, feels, she looked like a completely different person."

"it doesn't matter.  I'm going to search the closest planets you should too. What if she escaped we have to check".

As they all went to their lions they searched..

"Hybrids have to stick together...right?"(kidge fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now