~I'm the BAD GUY~

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Night paced the floors grinning ear to ear. Well... She, uh..  Doesn't have ears but WHATEVER!

"listen here PALADINS, your precious Pidge is dead, gone, not a paladin any longer" she stepped forward to Keith who had tear drops stained to his face.

"no..... " he refused to look her in the eye until Night grabbed his chin making him look up. "yes Keith Katie is.... " she went closer to his ear to whisper. Her voice had gotten much deeper like an adult's but... Sexy??? He's didn't care but it made his face flush with red. It didn't help she whispered in his ear "dead.... "

A Galran soldier appears holding a screen up to her with Prince Lotor on it.

"My Head General Night. I'm glad I can see you've captured the paladins~"

"It was fairly easy my prince"

"what do you have in store for them, torture? Slavery? Death"

"something more civil my clarity.. I think they've been hurt enough this time around.. LET THEM GO!"

Night commands the soldiers to knock them back into unconsciousness and bring them back to their lions like it was all a dream..

But it wasn't...


Sorry I haven't updated in a LONG TIME I got really busy and didn't have to motivation. That's why this chapter is so short. Sorry
ALSO the pic used for this is a picture of me as Night!~ it's a cosplay~

 Sorry ALSO the pic used for this is a picture of me as Night!~ it's a cosplay~

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