Walk without the Stars

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It had been a year since the team had last saw 'Night' and Lotor, the team sat in the control room Keith tapping his foot impatiently.

"knock it off mullet" Lance now annoyed at the constant noise "sorry Lance, I'm just worried" Lance recoiled at Keith's reply but gave him a look of sympathy knowing how he felt.

"you really do love Pidge.." Lance looked down his voice in a serious tone. Keith looked up from his eyes fixed on the ground "to be honest.. Yeah... I'd die for her.. But she, died for me.."

Lance stood up now concerned "don't say that Keith. She's not dea-" "HOW DO YOU KNOW!" Keith clenched his fists tears beading at the corners of his eyes. Lance froze in shock "I... I don't know but we can't keep on thinking he's dead.. She's not"

"pretty much is... "

The Cuban caught what the Ravenette whispered under his breath

"don't say that she's not dead. "

"she is.."

"no she's not Keith!"


Lance froze once more in fear and worry. He took a breath to stop himself from blowing up at Keith, it wasn't his fault but he blames himself. "fine... " the taller paladin backed up and walked out of the room letting Keith calm down..

"I'm sorry.."

Sorry guys that this is so short. It is an old chapter I never published. I'll be writing a long one soon!!

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