Missing you dearly

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Years had passed and Night was losing control of Katie's body. Switching back and forth angering Lotor day after day. It was misery for her.

Keith was in the red lion looking over the stars and soon fell asleep on reds snout.

In his dream he was in a peaceful meadow of red and violet flowers. It was quiet with a slight gust of wind.


He recognized that voice anywhere. He turned to see Pidge, she had altean marks and long hair. No scars to be seen on her. Freckles were like stars across her face. She looked innocent and gentle. "Keith? Is that you?"

The paladin walked closer to her tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't care if it was real or fake.. Katie was here, alive. "Well? Don't just stand there, shout scream SAY SOMETHING!!" her shouting was cut short by Keith's hand against her cheek

"You.. you're just as beautiful as the first time I saw you.."

Pidge leaned into Keith's hand tears rolling down the lovers cheeks. "I miss you Keith.. I love you and I wish I could see you.." Keith pressed his forehead against Pidge's with a smile.

"Keith you have to stop Lotor. He's a horrible person and I have to do his every command or you get hurt.."

"He'll never hurt you again Katie, I promise you that I'll stop him or die trying"

They both stayed in each other's arms for a few more moments before Keith started to wake "Keith listen to me Lotor is at his main base near the ruins of Altea trying to harvest more quintessense to make him stronger hurry!"

Keith jumped awake on red in a cold sweat. What Pidge was talking about.. was it real? Red gave Keith a concerned purr as he trembled on her snout. "I'm okay red"

                     I'm okay..

I do not own the art for this one. Unfortunately I do not know who it belongs to

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