Regeneration amd Redemption

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"I told you I would be back~"

Keith snapped open his glassy eyes to see a bright light from Night. A silhouette Rose from Night's corpse, Keith thought he was either dead or dreaming as her hair flowed down her shoulders and wings formed on her back. Just like when Haggar attacked her the first time..

"Keith, take us home" the Silhouette spoke. It was Pidge's voice "how are you alive?" The paladin asked looking down at Pidge in pure shock

"It's pretty odd but I did some research when I could, Ultreans are like Phoenixes, when their body is severely injured or is too old they kill themselves off and regenerate a new younger body"

She smiled and stood up, the magic had woven her a dress almost looking like it was woven out of flowers. They both walked back to Red, Keith still in shock examining Pidge's newly formed Ultrean wings. They were white with light green and aqua blue marks and stripes. Her skin was more fair than before and there were markings all over her body. She looked completely different from Night. Like an angel that broke free from a demon's deathly grip.

Pidge blushed lightly noticing Keith's staring. "I look weird don't I? Most Ultreans in this form are the size of fairies, but I'm human too so it changes for me." The red lion broke the silence with a roar and flew to the castle of lions swiftly.

Red landed in her hanger without any members of the team hearing her. Green let out an ear piercing roar alerting the others. "What's Green's problem?!" Lance shouted over the roars "I don't know, but we have to calm her!" Shiro replied covering his ears before turning around to spot  Keith.

"Thank goodness your bac-"

"I was right." Keith cut Shiro off and the Green lion was calming down. "What?"


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