Angels don't always have wings

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Pidge ran as fast as the could but she didn't get tired. She noticed Hagger took her feet too. (Boi why tho?)  It was up to her ankle on one and they took her whole right leg on the other. Why would they do that? Well, Shiro was the "prototype" so Shiro was probably going to get what she has now until he escaped. How did she not notice this before?!

Well it didn't matter now Keith said to run so she ran. He was in his full galra form. Constantly changing back in forth, it was torturing him! Matt noticed she was trying to escape and ran in front of her. "Matt please! Keith said for me to run away from the ring! LET ME GO!"

"Katelyn Holt!" Matt yelled into Pidge's face causing her to freeze in fear. No one EVER calls her that anymore. "Listen the galra are making me work for them cause I'm a hybrid too! Dad had altean blood in him, more than I do. I'm not sure about you, but Hagger insisted you fight to unlock your powers like Princess Allura did. Pidge stepped back, "Never, Call, Me, THAT, You don't deserve a sister like me.." she walked back to the ring angered knowing her brother isn't family anymore. Not like she remembered.

She couldn't find the purpose to run anymore, she just walked to her enemies and fought.


It has been about an hour of nonstop fighting. The paladins couldn't take it anymore. Pidge was slammed to the ground harder than before. She just stayed there in pain. "Pidge we have to get out of here!"

She didn't move.

"Pidge! Can you hear me?!" She slowly got up to her knees, she felt this power, this energy, flowing through her. She didn't know what it was but it felt right.
Keith got up and started to run towards Pidge but was blocked by this strange green light from Pidge.

"Finally time for the real fight" Hagger went down in the ring, shooed away the monsters and locked up the prisoners. She made her way to Pidge. "Come on hybrid! Show Emperor Zarkon what you really are."

Pidge stood up, anger showed in her eyes. Both were healed, the scar stayed though. Her eyes were a stunning hazel green with gold around her pupil. She had the markings of an altean, but they were a lime color with a dark green brim. Her ears were pointed too. Keith never saw Pidge so beautiful in his life, he was trapped inside a cage but anyone could see he was blushing multiple colors of red.


Hagger launched towards Pidge full of rage. The old altean shot magic out of the tips of her fingers aiming for Pidge. She dashed out of the way causing the magic to backfire. It was time for Pidge to attack, bit she didn't know how! Not realizing, Hagger made the ring float so there was a 100 ft. drop below. She pushed Pidge off the edge.

There was silence. No one cheered, no one said anything. Hagger turned around to Zarkon in victory, or so she thought.

Pidge fell almost to her death until her altean power activated. ( My headcannon is that alteans have their own powers but rare alteans have unique ones)

She sprouted gorgeous feathered wings from her back. Pidge quickly opened her wings to stop her fall.

"Wow. This is new." She whispered to herself. No one could see her. "What should I do? Well, there's only one thing left to do. Fight"

"NO!!" Keith bursted out in tears thinking Pidge was dead from the deathly fall. "KATIE!" He turned his sadness into anger. He grabbed the bars of the prison and pulled. Keith's galran blood took over, he let out a mighty roar then bent the bars so he could attack Hagger for destroying the one thing he loved.

He ran to Hagger but before he could do anything he saw Pidge but very different. She had the same markings as before but she had, wings?

"What? Impossible?! Only rare alteans have a unique power!" Everyone couldn't believe it, Pidge had rare altean blood and alteans have been extinct for years.

"If you think it's so impossible, then why am I right in front of you"

"The rare blood is only in the royal altean family tree. How in all of galaxies do you, a human hybrid have the wings of royals?!"

Pidge shrugged "I dunno?" Hagger glared. "Your a special one. A little too special to be here." The guards grabbed her by the arms and dragged her. "Hey let me go!" Pidge soon got weak from all the power she just exerted from her body and went limp.

"Pidge?" Keith was worried what was going to happen to her. A guard struck Keith right in the neck. He became unconscious.

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