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Keith was in his cell as usual. Day after day, no rescue... Until today.

Keith heard a loud ear piercing roar coming from the outside. He didn't know what it was nor did he care. All Keith wanted to do was get out of here.

At least see Pidge. He hasn't seen her in what seems like forever, all he is doing is fighting. He sleeps when he can, which he can never sleep, and he never eats the foul tasting food the galra give him. It was worse than food goo.

Keith overheard some things about Pidge, like being a war machine, or being an upgraded, more powerful weapon.

What were they doing to her?!

The loud banging became more of a distraction. The warship started to shake side to side making Keith lose his balance quite a lot.

Soon he climbed up to look out his tiny window to see he was face to face with Lance and his blue lion.

"We're breaking you out mullet!"

As Lance said that the blue lion made a large enough hole in the ship for Keith to climb out. The air was obviously limited due to being in space. So as soon as Keith stepped out the blue lion swept him inside of it's mouth giving him air.

"Keith! You alright?" He heard Lance's obnoxious voice, but he was happy he was back with the team.

"Wait. Pidge! We have to get Pidge!"

"Don't worry Keith, Hunk's got that under control. I got you to handle."

As Keith heard she would be OK he let out a long relieving sigh.

The paladins kept fighting until they heard Hunk in Lance's communicator in the blue lion.

"Guys! We have a problem!"

It seem there was something wrong. Hunk sounded like he was in terror.

"What's wrong bud?" Lance heard the fear in his voice too. "I don't think we can save.. Pidge.." Keith froze, "WHAT what do you mean you can't save her!"

Then it came to him, the rumors, the conversations. It all made sense.. Pidge has the mech parts of her arm and legs. Did they make it worse? He HAD to do something! He couldn't just leave her there to die. He had to believe she will be OK. He didn't have his paladin armor so he couldn't just fly out. He couldn't do anything to save her!

"Hold on me and Keith are coming down in there to help" Lance wasn't usually like this, he was usually one to fool around during missions.

His lion started to speed up. They were back to the ship. It was looking like it was getting ready for a hyperspace jump. They had to work fast.

Patience yeilds focus. He just had to believe Pidge... Katie, would be alright.

As the lion got close ready to land the ship flew off into hyperspace.

They were too late...

"Hybrids have to stick together...right?"(kidge fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now