Hai semua. Good morning. Assalamualaikum. I was thinking maybe , whether if you guys have a question or questions want to ask about Oyakawa (?)
For those yang nak bertanya tentang Oyakawa, I mean, any questions, you guys can comment down below here in the comment section and for the upcoming enrty, I will post the question back and try to answer it.
If you have questions for Remaja, Magis and also to me (read : jejaka awesome) teheee, also you guys can do that.
Feel free to ask and dont feel any hesitation. Jangan malu-malu and segan-segan untuk bertanyakan soalan ya =)
I am really glad if a lot of people asking me a lot of question. Keh keh keh. But make sure the question is reasonable la.
Emm, itu sahaja kot buat masa sekarang. Oh btw,selamat berhujung minggu dan happy off day
Gua kena bekerja hari ini. I is sobs
RomanceKisah seorang Harris Oyakawa mencari cinta hati. Kisah seorang budak lelaki 21 tahun cuba mengenal erti , apa itu menjadi remaja yang sopan dan remaja yang bertatasusila. Ini kisah seorang Harris Oyakawa menjadi romeo kelas pertama untuk mendapatk...