Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:when we got home I saw all my family looking at me Betsy:ohh no that look!!!RUN!!(runs) Liu:(run) Jeff:(run) Sally:(run) Lazari:(run) Ben:(run) Belle:(run) Slender:ohh your not going no where Betsy:shit hurry to my Lamborghini Jeff:you got a Lamborghini Betsy:yes is red want to see it Jeff:hell ya
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Jeff:holy knife is beautiful Betsy:I know right is my baby girl Sally:can we ride it please Betsy:sure Rose:no.betsy you bite the teacher and drink her blood you drink animal blood not human blood Betsy:sorry but is gooooooodddddddd Slender :and Sally beat up a boy with lazari well lazari dad will be happy not me Rose:Ben play video games in class Jeff kill.Liu was good but everyone else no Renesmee:and you belle drink blood human blood Rose:I'm really despondent of you Betsy Betsy:b but.. Rose:no buts go to your room and give me your Lamborghini keys Betsy:no Rose:now Betsy:fine I hate you all I'm goin to my room (Betsy room)
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Betsy:she think she can get my Lamborghini keys that the real on I got a copy of the keys Knock in the door Betsy:who is it? ???:me Sally can I come in Betsy:sure Sally:wow your room is nice Betsy:thanks Sally:sorry for your Lamborghini Betsy:is fine To be continued