Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:I wake up I got up from my bed went to shower I then change I went to my phone that is charging and get my headphones then make my nails that match the outfit I went downstairs hearing my fav music pigskini that make me happy then saw Liu fighting with sully
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Sully:come on Liu just ask her Liu:no I can Betsy:morning loser Liu:morning Sully:morning Liu:what are you singing Betsy:pigskin want to heard it Liu:sure(finish hearing take headphones off) Betsy:are you ok you blushing Liu:yea Author pov:Liu stay there blushing Betsy went to the living room the hearing another way out
She saw her father caring Alex and kaylee they both crying Slender:Betsy can you please help me Betsy:ok(pick up kaylee)shh big sister is here don't cry nothing going to happen when I'm with with you That make kaylee stop crying slender was surprise you then sit in the sofa with her in Betsy arm she then got a message from Sam -Message- S:hey Betsy guess what B:what Sam S:I got a new girlfriend her name is Carly here a picture of her(send pictures) B:Sam why do I care huh?!? Just live me alone tell bee I say hi tell him to come visit soon I really miss him I want him to show my newborn sister and brother tell him that please thanks now bye S:wait Betsy -message end- Betsy change her music to sad song she look at her sleeping body sister
Betsy:dad I'm going to put her to her crib Slender:ok I'm coming for the same for Alex Betsy when she finish putting her sister to bed she went downstairs to see Jeff in the door when you saw it was Sam you star to sing along Betsy:Sam what are you doing here Sam:just visit you Betsy:you dint bring your new girlfriend?!? Sam:yes I did why Betsy:YOU STUPID SAM IF MY DAD SEE HER AND SEE THAT SHE NOT MAKEILa WHE HAVE TO KILL HER!!! Sam:what I'm not letting you kill her she my girlfriend Betsy:who fucking care Sam Jeff get the erase memory spreay Jeff:ohh is going to be fun Jeff:here Betsy:thanks where is she Sam:in bee Betsy went toward bee and saw Carly Carly:umm who are you Betsy:(ignored Carly)hi bee how you doing Bee:find_and_you?? Betsy:mad and happy can you make me a favor Bee:sure_betsy Betsy:luck your doors Carly:no bee don't Bee:sorry_carly_but_is _the_best_for _you(lock doors) Betsy:(spray memory spray)unlocked your doors....Sam just bumblebee can visit me not you or your girlfriend Sam:ok Betsy:bye Sam weackwicky( hah get or yes ) To be continued