Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Author pov:when Betsy get her period she is happy hyper and love killing wants to pet wild animals drink a lot of water Betsy wake up and went to the bathroom and changed she dress in black
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She went downstairs and saw everyone eating breakfast she went where her cousin is setting Betsy wispher that make everyone look at them Betsy;pss Belkin can we go shopping please Belkin:why?!? Betsy:is that time of the month and you know what happens when is the time on a month Belkin:tell your dad Betsy:no this for girls only Belkin:so tell Jane clockwork nurse Ann Nina Betsy:no you the only one that can control me when I'm happy hyper and when I'm killing people Belkin:ugh fine but aren't you hungry Betsy:no Belkin:I will make cake then Betsy :yay I will be in my room playing roblox bye(go up) Belkin:what are you all stearin at huh??!!!! Ben:nothing Belkin:Jane Nina clockwork nurse Ann lets make a cake for Betsy Slender:why is not her birthday Splendor:OHH NO IS THe TIME OF THE MONTH!!!! Belkin:SPlENDOR!!! Splendor:sorry Nurse Ann:I will get cramps pill Nina:I will let John play with Betsy and give her a lot of Doritos her favorite Jane:I will take her to a killing spree and rub people money Belkin:and me let her pet all the wild animals and go to the zoo and let her go in the cage of the animals and pet them and maybe she take a fox like pet or a pet shark she loves them Slender:how she going to do that kill the entire people Belkin:you don't know your daughter as I know her she kill a entire drug dealer in one day she can get all the zoo pets except the snake she kill them she take them to a zoo in the woods that she kill when this happens is like five minutes from here Betsy:WOW WHO WANT TO PARTY !!!!! Jane:fast splendor make cake trender make her more clothes offender no you nevermind Sally play with her Lj give her all you candy Ann the pills and water Nina the dorito cake Belkin get killer princess here and Jeff get her so many human and don't kill them let Betsy kill them Betsy go with Jeff in a killing spree Betsy:YES KILLING SPREE!!!(take Jeff hand) Jane:Ben let Betsy play with you games lost silver you can be free you so innocent for this Ben:what why him he just a sad boy crying for his mommy Betsy:(come out of nowhere and smash Ben to the wall)DONT SAY THAT TO POOR LOST Sally:that was fast Jeff:she kill a hole entire police officer and then she kiss me in the lips Belkin:she going to get horny maybe Jane:no she want to kiss boys with out them notice Belkin:ooh Slender:great you guys wake up the twins Betsy:dad I already give them there formula and changed there dippers and put them to bed Slender:thanks Ann:got the cramp pill here take this Betsy:thanks Ann:and here Betsy the fell asleep Ann:I give her a sleeping pill Belkin:thanks god put I already kill a entire zoo and put the animals in the old zoo Slender:Belkin!!! Belkin:what I'm going to sleep