Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:I wake up take a shower get dress and brush my hair
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I went down stairs and saw my only cousin Belkin Betsy:BELKIN!!!!!! Belkin:BETSY!!! Betsy:I miss you BC Belkin:me to BB Jeff:what all the yelling Ben:yea is rose having the baby Betsy:no you idiots my cousin is herrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee Belkin:sup Ben:*nose bleed* Betsy:HEY NOT IN MY WATCH HOBBIT!!***hair turn red** Belkin:ok Betsy calm the hell down you know what happen last time you get red hair Betsy:jajajaj the best day of my life....I kill my other ex Belkin:oh talking about ex boyfriend how Charlie Betsy:well lets say the mother fucker got my other friend pregnant PREGNENT!!!! Belkin:want to kill them and the kids Betsy:HELL YEA!!! Belkin:ok go get your killing outfit Betsy:ok but first breakfast Belkin:ok Jeff:they fucking crazy Ben:how Bonnie loves Betsy Bonnie:I love her because she nice Jeff:ok Sally:***runs and push Ben from the stairs*jajaj you will not catch me Belle lazari:come back you idiot Ben:Sally William!! Sally:GO TO HELL BEN!!! Jeff:who teache her that Lazari:Betsy Jeff:of course Toby:time to annoy betsy Ben:I think she in the kitchen Toby:ok thanks Betsy:FUCK OFF TOBY!! Toby:NO!! Betsy:BELLE GET MY KNIFE!!! Belle:OK!! Toby:I don't care Betsy:NO WAFFLE FOR YOU TOBY!!!! Toby:NO!! Belkin:jjajaja I never saw a boy cry !! Betsy:lets kill my ex !! Belkin:yea!! Betsy killing outfit
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Belkin killing outfit
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After the killing: Betsy:YEA KILL ThE MOTHER FUKER Rose:Betsy we got good news and bad news witch one you one Betsy:the bad ones Rose:my sister die in her mission Belkin:w what**crying** Betsy:auntie die***red hair and light blue hair ***
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Belkin:the good news Rose:you going to the same school as Betsy Belkin:yay Betsy:yes Facts about Belkin Hair color:blue pink purple yellow red light blue black white mint green pastel green Eyes color:hair color Full name:Belkin sunlight black Sibling:no just Betsy her cousin Mother:Dasy black She funny like prank people blue hair 😝 😜 (she got the same powers of Betsy everything Betsy have she have it to)
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