Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:I wake up by a scream from Belkin room I went to her room only to see her wake up she such a Dumass I went to my bathroom and take a shower I then went change into this then get my hair in a hairstyle and went downstairs only to see my dad and mom talking I star to get curious
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Slender:Betsy I know you there Betsy:dang it Slender:what do you want?? Betsy:umm hello is morning Belkin already put the sun up and she now sleeping as fucke Rose:did you put the moon last night??? Betsy:no Rose:Betsy that your work Betsy:I didn't know ok I was dreaming about my future husband Slender:WHO YOUR Husband ?!???!?? Betsy:I..I actually don't know who is my husband I just dream about my kids that I'm going to have a boy then a newborn baby girl but no husband Rose:mmh maybe you will dream it one day Slender:ohh yea I forgot that I was going to call all of them and tell them we got a new creepypasta All :what Slender:we got one new creepypasta and his name is lost silver Ben:not that loser he always quite shy and sad nooo!!!! Betsy:HEY DONT FORGET WE GOT SHYNESS YOU DUMBASS!!!!!!(kicks him in his member) Ben:s sorry(hold hands to you know what) Betsy:when he going to be here ??? Slender:right now **ding dong** Betsy pov:we hear the bell ring my dad open the door and we see a boy he come in Ben hiding behind me I got mad so I move
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Slender:guys this is lost silver Lost:h-hello Slender:Betsy show him his room Betsy:dad not trying to be mean or anything I actually have to train wolfy the wolf remember Slender:ugh true Ben go take him to his room Ben:WHAT!!?!?no way I'm takin him Betsy:Ben do you want a kick on your face and then I drown you in the lake in the backyard Ben:o-ok come on silver Author pov:slender was going to close the door when a foot stop the door Betsy saw this and move her father out of the way and saw Sam and bee Betsy:Sam what wrong Sam:makeila cheat on me with her ex
To be continued the next chapter will be interesting buh bye