Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Bonnie pov:I wake up with a happy face because I'm going to see toy chica and hang out with her at the park I'm happy
Betsy pov:I wake up normal like some morning I take a shower and get dress
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And make my hair
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I went down stairs and eat breakfast I went to my chill room and play roblox with Ben my name in roblox is (I got roblox and you have roblox my name is creepypasta14006 ok and this one is not true ok)slendergirl and Ben name is gamer boy when I finish playing roblox I went downstairs but first I got dress for my killing spree I always go killing when I finished playing roblox with Ben
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And with my hair black of course because I'm going to kill I went downstairs and saw all the guys looking at me then my dad comes Slender:hello daughter Betsy:father Slender:how your da-what are you wearing Betsy:my killing outfit Slender:ok but sip your sweater up its mat get cold out Betsy:ok(zip sweater)ok bye guys see ya I went to the park because they are a lot of people there
Author pov:Betsy go to the park but stop when he saw Bonnie kissing toy chica her heart break and her hair change to red and blue hair that means she mad and sad but befor that she kill 60 people in 2 minutes
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She walk towards them Betsy:B-Bonnie!! Bonnie:Betsy !! I dint see you there Betsy:well now you see me you idiot Toy chica:hey don't call my boyfriend a idiot you bitch!!! Betsy:Boyfriend well sweetie he was dating me Bonnie:no we still dating what do you mean was Betsy:this relationship is over She then say this words
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Betsy:you can replace me but you can't replace the memories you had with me. Bonnie:Betsy wait Betsy went running back home she was crying so hard that all the woods can hear when she enter the woods all the animals where following her but she didn't know that Bonnie was following her Betsy:he cheated on me when yesterday was our 2 week anniversary Than Bonnie got in her view and all the wild animals got around Betsy and the sweet animals where cuddling with her Betsy:live me alone Bonnie Bonnie:look I'm sorry please I need you Betsy:you don't need me Bonnie you got that bitch Then Bonnie got mad and slap her and Belkin can fell that they got a connection so Belkin felt that Bonnie:DONT CALL TOY CHICA A BITCH!!! Betsy:s-so you really love her That make her hair blue and black and all the wild animals where going to attack him but all the wolfs will kill him from hurting there queen then all her wolf family got there like wolfs because if someone hurt their princess they will kill the person **in the mansion ** Belkin pov:I was watching tv when I felt a slap I'm my chick I scream so hard that all of them started at me Rose:BELKIN WHAT WRONG!! Belkin:B-Betsy is in trouble they slap her Rose:What who Belkin:Bonnie Freddy:Bonnie slap his own girlfriend Slender:guys go look for my daughter NOW!! All the creepypasta:OK!!! *back with Betsy and Bonnie ** Author pov:Bonnie fight all the wolfs and wild animals then he was going to hurt Betsy to but he stop when he heard Freddy voice Freddy:BONNIE STOP !!! Bonnie:NO SHE MY GIRLFRIEND I WILL DO WHAT I WANT TO HER!! Betsy:no we aren't you cheat on me(mumbles) Bonnie:WHAT DID YOU SAY!! Betsy:I SAY THAT WE ARENT ATHING YOU CHEAT ON ME!!(hair change to black) Bonnie:(slap Betsy)WE ARE A THING!!! Paul saw this and attack Bonnie for slapping the princess but Bonnie turn around and stab him Betsy saw this Rose cry in her knees and cry Tim and Tiana crying to because they saw a wolf die Betsy got really angry and get her purple katana and stap Bonnie with it Betsy:NO ONE HURT OR KILL MY FAMILIE MEMBER OR HURT ME NO ONE MESS WITH ME!!!(eyes change to black and her to black and red) Belkin:Betsy stop now!!! Betsy:(trow her katana in the floor)Paul!!! Rose:Paul!!!NO!! Paul:Betsy c-come here Betsy:y-yes Paul:I-I was g-going t-to g-give y-you t-this fo-for yo-your bi-birthday (give necklaces)be-Belkin he-here a pr-present for-from y-your m-mother(Betsy necklace)
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Belkin necklace)
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Betsy: a wage Rose:Betsy your necklace is the power of the sun and moon give the sun to Belkin Betsy:ok what it means tough?? To be continued