Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:mom tell me to found a work so I did that we finished eating some candy Jeff hide some of them but we found them I got dress
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I went to the news paper place and saw a work there
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So I went home call them and say to come tomorrow to entrivue my mom was happy for me but I can see the amanatrocnics(sorry if I dint write it correct) look like they come to life well I will take Sally and lazari to they try the pizza and see them and Jeff Liu and Ben are coming Jane coming to yea my dad say don't let Jeff and Jane in the same place
The next day come by Jeff Turk to the wall XD Betsy pov:I wake up take a shower and eat breakfast I look at my phone it day 12:00 I call Sally and lazari and Jane Ben Jeff Liu I got dress
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Betsy:ready All:yes Betsy:ok lets go killers In the pizzaria Betsy pov:we enter the pizza place we saw the robots singing all the kids happy I saw they look like humans but the manager come talk to me and Jane get a pizza for us then I got the job I was happy we selabreat eating pizza then I saw the robots looking at us then Sally and lazari went to a red court an she pick a little I just call her to come because we going home Betsy:Sally lazari come on we going to the mansion to see my father Sally and lazari:ok ???? Pov:I saw how the group of teenagers with kids are living we close that mean that we goin to be life they close and we all get to our thing then foxy come to me Foxy:hey Freddy you saw that group of teenagers and kids Freddy:yea they like not scared and the girl with purple hair and brown eyes have the job of the night guard Chica:yea I can wait to see her in a puddle of blood Foxy:yea me to
To be continued (this is how they look like
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