Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Tirana pov:mommy say to go to betsy New house me and Tim smell something from her and Star looking for her when we get there she talking with a girl with black curly hair outside and saw people inside I bowl and then saw betsy and the girl looking our way Betsy:Tim Tirana what are guys doing Here where your mother Tiana:(mommy is in trouble ) Betsy:OK Jane call everyone and go to the middle of the woods OK Jane:ok(go inside ) Betsy:OK let's go(transform to a wolf )
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Betsy pov:when we get there I saw Linda dieing II run fast but I was to late I was so angry I howl to the moon
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I transform to my self and transform to a vampire
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I kill them all then I saw Tim and Tirana crying I just hug them and saw Linda body transform to a human Betsy:be linda Then j saw Jeff liu Ben mom Jane there Betsy:mom😭 Rose:oh don't worry sweetie but now Linda want that you take care of Tim and Tirana ok Betsy:of 🤧😭😭🤧🤧🤧🤧 To be continued