Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:I wake up use the bathroom and go wake up the lazy butts ok I went to sally lazari room Betsy:1...2...3...4!!!happy Halloween girls!!! Sally:ahhhhhh!!! Lazari:please don't kill me!! Betsy:you ok laz Lazari:yea I'm now ok Betsy:good now lets wake up Jeff Ben Liu belle and Jane Yes Jane move in because my dad knew I need a girl in my house so she move here with me and my family Betsy:ok I go to Jane room Sally Ben room laz Jeff room and I Jane and Liu now go Time skip bay Ben drown is drowning......again Rose:guys trick or treat time Betsy:ok(get her costume)
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Jane:(get costumes on)
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Sally and lazari:(get costumes on)
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Jeff and Liu:(get costumes on)
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Betsy:Jajaja what are you guys Jeff:we are the kings of the Pomkins Betsy:jajajajajaj Liu:b-Betsy you look beautiful Betsy:t-thanks l-Liu Sally:let's get candy killers woah Lazari:yea she will get hipper today Rose:be careful Betsy:don't worry mom I'm with killers and they with two vampire.ohh wait where belle Belle:right here
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Betsy:woah aunt you look cute Belle:thanks my neez
Time skip by Betsy killing and drinking blood in Halloween Betsy pov:we finished treack to treat we going to eat the candy tomorrow
To be continued(sorry but got a hurry follow me vote and love you and keep drinking blood my vampires bye