Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:I was in my room then in my office then I change clothes
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I in my computer chatting with my friends when a message say Charlie I readit Mesage Charlie :betsy we need to talk I'm coming to your house to talk about it OK I will be there in minutes Message end What do he want to talk about ***5 minutes later*** I was in the living room watching TV with Sally and Lazari when the hobbit of Ben got out of the TV Me:stupid hobbit I miss the good part of the movie Ben:dam calm down OK PS here the movie clip Sally:thanks hobbit Ben:Sally 😩😩😩😩😭😭😭 Knock in door Sally:I will open it (open door) ????:is betsy here Sally:yes betsy is for you Betsy:OK oh hey charlie Charlie :hey can we talk in private Betsy:sure let's go to the backyard In the backyard Charlie:we need to break up Betsy:but why Charlie:I don't love you no more sorry (leave) Betsy:(crying)but why did he break up I know why he cheat on me that why To be continuous