Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:I still can believe bee is sick so I will help them I don't know why but I will help them Betsy:wait why you need my help and not makaela ohh what ever I'm helping bee they the next day I wake up very happy let me quest my hair is blonde yep I went to shower 🚿 and get changed and brush my now purple hair
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I went down stairs and eat breakfast and get a Starbucks then the door bell ring I went open the door and saw Sam and makaela Sam:good morning Betsy Betsy:good morning Makaela:love your outfit Betsy and your hair is cute Betsy:thanks ok now are we going to help bee or just stay here Sam:help bee lets go Betsy:wait you guys got a ride or come here walking Sam:walking Betsy:ok time to go in my Lamborghini lets go to the garage In the garage Betsy:lets see witch one I take pink purple or mint green or the galaxy one
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Sam:ok you have to be Rich right Betsy:no Sam:so how you get this Lamborghini?? Betsy:by killing the owner and getting some money of them lol 😂 Sam:ok now lets go in ??? Betsy:mint green one Makaela:but it just 2 seats 💺 Betsy:you don't know what they do *push a bottom *** now we have 4 seats 💺 Makaela:ok lets go in Sally:wait Betsy Betsy:Sally belle go back in Belle:no we want to go with you please (make puppy face) Sally:(make puppy face)pweas Betsy:fine go in Belle Sally :yay
(In the hide out of the transformers) Betsy:so this is the place huh? Makaela:yep Belle:this is cool 😎 Sally:I fell like a badass Betsy:SALLY!!! Sally:what you say that everyday and your clothes say that to Betsy:ugh!! I hate when you are right ????:hello Sam makaela Sam:hi Optimus Optimus:why are they here Sam:to hel-(cut by Betsy) Betsy:we going to help bee Optimus:ok who Lamborghini is that Betsy:mine got a problem Optimus:no Betsy:good Sally:why are we here again??? Betsy:for help bee Sally:OK so let's go and go out of here Betsy:ok
Time skip because I'm lazy lol 😹😹😹 Betys pov:I heard my name in my head and sound like Shyness voice so I get in the Lamborghini and went to her house with Sally and belle