Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:I went to bed and sleep and dream about my future my kids and husband but he not there I was going to have a boy then a baby girl I stop dreaming about it when the sun shine in my face and my alarm going on I turn it off went to shower and change to this and put my hair to this hairstyle (#ignore the ears and imagine that are purple and ignore the red eyes and claws please )
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I went down stairs and saw my mom cooking and let me tell you her belly is getting bigger I went kiss her forehead Betsy:hi mommy Rose:hi sweet pie Betsy:where shyness and the twins Rose:out side and I love your outfit Betsy:thx mom
**out side** Shyness pov:me Tim and Tiana where playing tag when a huge wolf come our way Tim and Tiana transformed to a wolfs I was not scared my family befor they abused me my mom take me to her farm where where a lot of animals wilds one and nice one they always love me that when I get my name fluttershy then smile dog and killer princess come out of nowhere and star attack in the wolf then we heard a howl I knew that howl Betsy she then transformed to a wolf
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Then they star talking and the wolf look at me he then run toward me and star licking me I laughed Betsy transformed back to a mei'faw form thanks to Ben and Jeff.Tim and Tiana then become a neko
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Tim and Tiana went to hug Betsy I was getting jealous but then Tiana push me toward her and Tim then we huge
**time skip** Slender pov:(surprised my knifes)me and mr.creepypasta where doing position for Betsy and Belkin to stop being a mei'faw we finished and I went to look for them I saw Betsy outside and Belkin helping rose I then put the potion in two cup for Betsy and Belkin Slender:hey girls what a wolf doing inside the house Tim:is our new pet Tiana:yea is me Tim and shyness pet so if you got a problem to bad mommy tell us we can keep it right mommy Betsy:uhh yea only if you guys give him meat blood and water so that fine Shyness:lets go to the our room for play with the wolf what will be her name Betsy:Is a boy !! Shyness:ohh what will be his name Sally:I got one Betsy:you really come from no where Belle:I'm here to Betsy:welp Sally:his name can be wolfy the wolf Tim:that a good name Tiana:agreed Shyness:me two Belle :me 3 Slender:ok guys go play with wolfy the wolf The kids:ok Slender:so Betsy Belkin want something to drink Betsy:sure Belkin:ok Slender:here Betsy:thanks Belkin:thx They transform back Betsy:my body is back yes Belkin:my beautiful self I love it
**time skip** Betsy pov:I was watching aphmau when my little zu zu come out I fan girls over him he just like me love things cute being lonely me and him got thing in comment i love him I laugh when my little zu zu what a dad for aph
(lol I laugh so hard I couldn't breathe this is a picture from aph channel you can look for her at aphmau she so funny I love her videos)#aphmau and Zane not my otp
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Slender pov:I heard laughing from Betsy room then I heard a boy voice I went there and kicked the door open Betsy:dad what are you doing Slender:oh you watching a video sorry hon Betsy:OUT !!! Slender:ok ok Wow o mess up
To be continued (ok I'm going to mess here with some pictures or maybe in the other chapter pease )