Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov :I wake up and take a shower and changed I look around my big room and sigh I change in this I went down stairs and saw everyone vacing my dad lab room so I went there and saw my dad going all around the room
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Betsy:umm?!?dad what are you doing ?? Slender:looking for the book of all the creepypastas Betsy:did you ask mr,creepypasta?!? Slender:no!!! Betsy:so go ask him you big dummy !! Slender:okay I will!!! Betsy:ugh nerd Then Belkin Jeff Ben come in the lab Ben:wow I was never here
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Belkin:no one come here except slender himself Ben:ohh was this it say mei'faw poseion Jeff:trow it Ben:**trow**catche **buttle break** Betsy:***cough** Belkin:**cough**What the hell guys ?!? Betsy:Belkin you a mei'faw Belkin:you a mei'faw to Betsy:you boy fucked off Jeff pov:they transformed into mei'faw betsy have he purple hair with purple ears and a purple teal(imagine Betsy with her clothes not that one)Belkin have her blue hair blue ears and teal than slender come back
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Slender:Betsy you where right mr creepypasta have the bo...what happen Betsy:Ben found a Bodle and trwo it to Jeff.jeff didn't catch it the break in the floor next to me and Belkin and the Bodle say mei'faw Slender:great my daughter and her cousin are mei'faw thanks to two idiots