Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:I was talking to my mom to please let me diy a little my hair we was fighting Betsy:please just the tip Rose:fine just the tip Sally and lazari are going with you Sally and lazari:can we diy or tip to Rose:well Sally and lazari ok but just the tip Betsy:ok bye mom ***in the 💇 salon** Woman:hello are you miss black Betsy:yes Woman:and your little sister are diy they're are to Betsy:yes Woman:ok.follow me tell me what color you girls want to diy the tip of your hair?1 Sally:me pink please Lazari:red please Betsy:pink Woman:ok please sit **time skip** Betsy pov:they finish I knew it was not the tip the half of my hair and I want to get highlights in the hair maybe next time or no no next time Sally hair is pink so cute
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(Ok Betsy hair is purple ok and this is her hair multiplied)and lazari change it because her hair is red so she picked pink Lazari
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Sally:I love it Betsy:ok lets go home and play Lazari:hey lets go shopping Betsy:really yay now let's buy cloth Sally:we got clothes already Betsy:I mind for me you girls don't want so I will buy a dress and new clothes lets go **in the store *** Sally pov:we finished in the store she buy a lot of dress