Betsy information/
Eyes color:brown red purple yellow pink green white black mint green pastel purple
Hair color:purple pink green yellow red white black mint green pastel purple
Full name:Betsy Bethany black Cullen slender
Sibling:Belle Bella black Cullen slender
Powers:control wolf and wild animals and treen plant water
Rose information/
Eyes color:brown red
Hair color:red blood
Age:29Full name:Rose Dasy Cullen black slender
How many kids:3 kids
Powers:control water plants trees animals
Belle information/
Eyes color:brown
Hair color:blonde
Age: 4
Full name:Belle Bella Cullen black slender
Siblings:Betsy Bethany black Cullen slender
Powers:fire ice water animals plantsFuture baby girl information/(if is a girl need to diside)
Eyes color:red like her father (I don't know)
Hair:white and red white up and red down
Age: 0
Powers:water ice animal
Future baby boy/(if is a boy)
Eyes color:red
Hair color:red
Age: 0
Powers:water ice wolfs animalsTiana information/
Eyes color:blue
Hair color:blonde
Age: 4
Full name:Tiana Alison Shine Cullen black slender
Siblings:Tim Ash shine Cullen black slender
Powers:wolf controlTim information/
Eyes color:blue
Hair color:blonde
Age: 4
Full name:Tim Ash shine Cullen black slender
Siblings:Tiana Alison shine Cullen black slender
Powers:wolf controlThings about me
Eyes color:dark brown
Hair color:dark brown
Age:(ok here it comes)I'm 10
Siblings:2 stupid older brothers
Full name:Betsy Carolina moreira Bonilla
Powers:written story
The Creepypasta The Daughter of Slenderman And Killer Rose The Creepypasta X Oc
VampirgeschichtenBetsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...