Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
(Aka that her creepypasta name shadow killer and rose is bloody Rose don't judge me my knifes)Betsy pov:it was getting late I went to my room and changed into my pj I went downstairs for get warm milk for me when I saw puppet blushing idkw(I don't know why)I went to the kitchen and get the milk put the milk in a cup then in the microwave I wait there and I saw Nina and her son john she look tire poor Nina
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Betsy:hey Nina you ok? Nina:no this baby keep crying when me and jack try to sleep Betsy:are you guys sleep in the same room Nina:yea I give john my room Betsy:ohh ok give me john Nina:ok(give john to Betsy) Betsy:one thing is if baby cry in the middle of the night is that maybe is hungry or need a change of got them right Nina:well Betsy:Nina what is the baby wearing right now Nina:the last dipper Betsy:tomorrow we go baby shopping Nina:ok Betsy:now it need milk...can you breastfeed?? Nina:W-what?!? No only if you give birth to a baby you can breastfeed Rose:girls what going on***yawn** Betsy:Nina baby is crying Nina:we need breastmilk Rose:Nina you don't have milk there Nina:just women who give birth get breastmilk Rose Rose:true Betsy:wait mom you give birth to two girls me and belle and soon the baby Rose:ok I will try but I need a blanket Nina:here Rose:thank Nina:your welcome now lets go to the living room Betsy:ok
**£in the living room *** Author pov:Rose was breastfeeding john when slender comes down and see what is going ok when he saw rose breastfeeding Slender:R-Rose W-what A-are Y-you D-doing Rose:breastfeeding Slender:is that Nina kid Rose:yea Slender:but why don't she breastfeed him Nina:because for breastfeeding you need to give birth Betsy:and mom give birth to 2 cute angels aka me and belle ps dad you will see me breastfeeding my child Slender:don't think about that please Betsy:ok just saying Rose:and..done here Nina Nina:thanks Rose Rose:no problem well girls go to bed Betsy:yea me and Nina are going baby shopping Nina:ohh yea Betsy:SHIT MY MILK!!!(gets milk out from microwave)
To be continued and it was a weard night lol me bye my bloody knifes see ya but befor
How john the killer look like He have brown hair blue eyes that it I just know how he look like here a pic
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