Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:I wake up thanks to my alarm I went to my bathroom and take a shower then I change I went downstairs and get attack by water balloons I got mad and happy because is hot as hell but more mad
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Betsy:Are you fucking kidding me this was my favorite clothes !!! Rose:Betsy calm down Jeff:we fuck up her hair turn red as the blood Ben:yea we did Tim:mommy calm Down you can kill Jeff and Ben later but you can go change Tiana:yea killer princess can kill them Betsy:ok I will change hey where dad Rose:he still sleeping Betsy:ok I will change I went upstairs to change and put lipstick on
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And saw my swimsuit when can I use it I don't know I went downstairs use my magic to see if someone was in the end of the stairs I saw Jeff and Ben so I call wolfy and killer princess to come and attack them they did because I hear there scream but I think Ben scream like a girl then I trow water balloons at them Betsy:HAH BITCHES YOU SHOULD SAW YOUR FUCKING FACES ASSHOLE PAY BACK BITCH!!!!! Jeff:man she got us good Ben:yea Slender:what happened here why the floor is wet Ben:man is you kid she wet the floor Slender:Betsy Betsy:Hey they started not me IS NOT MY FAULT THAT THIS A HOLE STARTED FIRST WHEN YOU WAS FUCKING SLEEPING THEY WET MY CLOTHES THIS A NEW CLOTHES I CHANGED TO!!!!!!(tears in her eyes)AND IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME TELL MOM!!!!(hair turn red and blue)IM GOING TO MY ROOM (go upstairs)
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Jeff:we really do something bad putting the blame on her she really get mad as af Ben:yea we should say sorry Splendor:WHAT HAPPENE TO MY NIECE HUH!!!!!!?!??????!?? ** upstairs *** Author pov:Betsy slam her door and locked it she jump on her bed and staring crying in her pillow her lipstick was now bad she got up from bed and clean her face and redo her lipstick and paint her nails
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Then she put music power by Little mix she put it laud but not so laud for John because he sleeping she got a text in her phone she check and it was Sam -text- S:Sam B:Betsy S:hey Betsy want to hangout B:sure Sam I will love to S:wow ok I peek you out!!?? B:no I wait for me out side I don't my dad thinking that is a date S:ok see ya B:bye see ya later -end of text- Betsy pov:I got up and change to something pretty for summer so I did that it was 1:00 so that fine I turn off the music went downstairs and go open the front door but before I opened the door I hear my dad voice
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Slender:where are you going miss slender Betsy:why do you care dad you believe Jeff and Ben but not your daughter Slender:I never say that let me ask again where are you going Betsy:for a walk Slender:you lied Betsy:stop reading my god damn mind dad I'm going with Sam and go for a freaking walk in the woods Slender:ok you may go Betsy:I didn't need your permission (open door) Slender:Betsy Bethany slender black come back here now !!! Betsy:No is my life dad not your life Slender:Betsy!!! Betsy:we talk later daddy **with Sam and Betsy ** Betsy:hey Sam Sam:hey how are you?!? Betsy:sad Sam:why?? Betsy:me and my dad got on a fight Sam:oh why Betsy:water balloons Sam:ohh well is getting late Betsy:yea bye Sam:bye
***in the mansion ** Betsy:I'm home...wait why I'm saying no one care I just go to my room Belle:Betsy daddy need you Betsy:ugh for what Belle:idk Betsy:ugh fine *in slender office ** Betsy:DAD OPEN THE DOOR Slender:come in Betsy Betsy:(open door)what do you want now Slender:we need to talk Betsy:fine are you going ground me huh not letting me talk to boys or not killing Slender:no I talk to your mother you where right Betsy:ok so I can go Slender:yea Betsy:ok