Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Liu pov:I'm really sad that I didn't ask Betsy out I'm really sad Chica pov:Betsy is very.....happy I never saw her like this she changed her room well part of the Room I think she so happy dating Bennie liu looks....sad Betsy pov:I changed and my hair color to now is yellow because I'm happy and put my hair up
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I went down stairs and saw everyone with there mouth open Bonnie ask me Bonnie:b Betsy is that you? Betsy:yes why Jeff:how do we know that her and not a fan girl Ben:say something that she call us Betsy:easy I call Jeff smile creep or smile boy to Ben I call him gamer ass loser or hobbit eyeless jack kidney eater fatty to masky king cheesecake to hoodie Queen cheesecake to slender dad or daddy to rose mom or mommy to Toby idiot waffles king Jane best friend ever chica chick to foxy pirate Freddy bear bo Sally sister or princess lazari little demon or princess of hell and Bonnie Bonny boy to belle sweetie princess crazy Jeff:all that are correct....but how we call you all of us Betsy:ok Jeff calm me slender girl crazy funny beautiful lazy Bonnie:he call you what Betsy:that before we start dating Bonnie:ok keep going if that you Betsy:Ben call me gamer girl lazyass badass eyeless jack calm me badass killer pie masky call me badass big ass sweet stuff hoodie call me B.B. My nickname or Bebe other nickname slender sweetie honey rose call me sky love Toby queen waffles Jane fat ass lazyass chica bff foxy lass Freddy speeder sassy Sally call me princess fairy lazari call me diamond 💎 bb Bebe Bonnie call me Betsy or angel belle call me my hero big sissy sassy sister Sally:that my sister Jeff:one question Betsy:what? Jeff:did you diy your hair or that your normal hair Betsy:ohh yea forgot to tell you guys my hair changed with my emotions and weather like right now I'm happy and is sunny ☀️ All the creepypasta:ohhh Betsy:ok bye guys going to a walk All the creepypasta:ok To be continued