Chapter 88(A day with Sam and Bee)

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Author pov:Betsy wake up from her alarm last night she went hunting with killer princess smile dog and wolfy the wolf Betsy get up and went to the bathroom and take a shower and then changed
(P.S.she got her own bathroom everyone in the mansion have there own bathroom and have a bath and a shower)

she got her own bathroom everyone in the mansion have there own bathroom and have a bath and a shower)

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She went downstairs and eat breakfast she then went to her room and get her phone and headphones and went downstairs (She got the iPhone 7)

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She went downstairs and eat breakfast she then went to her room and get her phone and headphones and went downstairs
(She got the iPhone 7)

She went downstairs and eat breakfast she then went to her room and get her phone and headphones and went downstairs (She got the iPhone 7)

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She was hearing music is spotify she was listening freaks and faster car

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She was hearing music is spotify she was listening freaks and faster car

When she saw everyone being there self Jeff being a jerk Ben flirting with Sally that make killer princess mad lost silver in the corner being sad dad trying to stop Toby and masky fighting hoodie eating cheesecake shyness playing with wolfy Jane being her good self uncle offender being a pervert mom sleeping uncle trender trying to make Belkin use a dress Belkin smacking the dress uncle splendor trying to make silver happy belle playing with Tiana Tim watching tv chica making pizza for everyone Freddy being him foxy helping chica bloody painter painting puppet lookin at me Liu fighting sully and Betsy being the one hearing music and texting Sam
**in the text **
(S.sam B.betsy)
S:so what are you doing??
B:nothing texting you and my family being there self
S:I wish have a family like you Betsy
B:trust me you don't want to they always talking about killing
S:ohh want to hang out to the park me you bumblebee
B:sure that will make me feel better and take a break from this crazy family that I got see you in the park next to this woods ok?!?
S:ok!!see ya!!!

***end of texting **
Sally:Hey with who are you texting with?!?
Betsy:Sally!!!!..I'm texting Sam
Slender:may I ask why?!?
Betsy:because he sad dad
Betsy:his break up with makeila
Betsy:No uncle splendor you can not come
Offender:just you two mmh??
Betsy:no and bumblebee
Trender:who bumblebee
Betsy:his car
Slender:his car is a robot that can transform to a car
Trender:lets go Betsy you need to get ready for your date
Betsy:is not a date
**later **
Betsy pov:I was dress in this it was 5:18 (ignore the phone case)then I heard a door knock in the front door I got my phone and went downstairs to see a sad puppet and a Sam

I'm texting SamSlender:may I ask why?!?Betsy:because he sad dadOffender:about??Betsy:his break up with makeila Splendor:CAN I COME I WILL MAKE HIM HAPPY TOO!!!Betsy:No uncle splendor you can not come Offender:just you two mmh??Betsy:no and bumbleb...

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Betsy:hey Sam
Sam:h-hey Betsy ready
Betsy:yea let's go
Offender:use protection kids
**with Betsy sam and bee**
Sam:so who dress you like this
Betsy:my uncle trender
Sam:how many uncle you got??
Betsy:three the one say 'use protection kids'was my uncle offenderman a pervert have sex with girls then kill them
Sam:so he was going to do to makeila
Betsy:yea.then my uncle trenderman love fashion he dress me like this
Sam:why did he dress you like that
Betsy:he tough it was a date
Betsy:yea but I tell them it was just for hank out right
Betsy:then is my uncle splendorman the happy one make kids happy if you make him mad he kill you he the stronger from the slender's
Sam:ohh wow
Betsy:yea and if someone hurt his family he kill it like a human
Sam:are you half slender and human?!?
Betsy:no I'm half wearwolf half vampire half human half slender
Betsy:yea is getting late I need to go back home
Sam:yea me to I take you home
Betsy:ok thanks
Betsy:thanks Sam
Sam:your welcome
Betsy:see ya(kiss his cheek)bye(open the door)
Sam:bye(blushing)lets go bee
**in side**
Betsy:omg I just kiss Sam
Offender:you kiss him where?!?
Betsy:in the cheek and he blush omg I'm so dumb
Slender:YOU KISS HIM WHERE!!!?!??
Betsy:Dad it was in the cheek but he blush
Author pov:they where talking but they didn't know a sad puppeteer was hearing everything
Bp:hey you ok puppet
Puppet:no Betsy kiss her friend Sam in the cheek and he blush
Bp:maybe was nothing
To be continued

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