Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:I dress with my killing clothes and put my hair with a braid
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I went down stairs and get my knife collection
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We went to where the brat tell us to go when we get there we saw her with Kate and max the thing is that they don't know is that the proxy's are here Alex:so lets start brat.i go first Betsy:ok go No one pov:Alex run to Betsy with a pocket knife Betsy grap Alex hand and break it they fight for 2 minutes because with one move Betsy kill Alex Kate max and her friends come to fight all of them but they didn't all know that Sam makaela and bumblebee where watching and some of Alex friends try to run but lazari and smile and killer princess got them and some the proxy and wolf get them then bee Brock a stick that made the wolf go to the direction when the wolf got them they take them to Betsy that where fighting with Kate Betsy saw this and with 1 minute she kill Kate and with 1 minute kill max Betsy go where her friend wolfs where and saw Sam and makaela Betsy:Sam makeala what are you guys doing here Sam:why are you cover with blood Betsy:this is not blood is red paint Sam:you a killer ahhhh!!! Bee heard Sam girl scream what he saw was weard when he saw the wolfs robing there head with Betsy legs Sam and makaela in the floor Bee:what_the_hell Sam:bee help us !!she a killer a killer Bee:aww_why_girls_are_like_her_are_pretty Betsy:thanks but I got a boyfriend Makaela:ok Betsy explain why you a killer and how and why does wolf love you and not eating you Betsy:well I'm a killer thanks to my father slender man and I'm half vampire half human half wolf half enderman the wolfs are not eating us it's that I can control wild animals and water. Sam:that explains To be continued