Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:I wake up thanks to Belkin I went take a shower and get dress
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And went down stairs and saw everyone eating breakfast I went but got stop by my cousin voice Belkin:hey how you feeling Betsy:ok I guess Belkin:ok I need your help Betsy:with Belkin:fashion problems Then some one kick the door he looks like my dad but fancy i like this random person
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Betsy:who are you ????:I'm trenderman and who are you Betsy:I'm Betsy and this is my cousin Belkin Trender:ok why are you here Betsy:this is my house Trender:no this is my brother house Betsy:who your brother Trender:Slenderman Betsy:DAD!!!! Trender:bro Betsy:well I'm going to help Belkin chose her clothes and go to school Trender:you two girls will come with me Betsy:ok if you do something to us or her I swear I kill you!!!(hair change to red) Belkin:Betsy calm down Betsy:ok lets go
Betsy pov:I'm happy I always wake up at 6:00 and we will not be late. Trender:ok Betsy try this Betsy:how you know where our room Trender:because befor I move this was my room Betsy:ohh ok Trender:why you guys room door have 3colors Betsy:I chare my room with Belkin and chica Trender:who chica Chica:me Trender:ok now lets see Betsy clothes..try this.
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Betsy:aww but I like this clothes is cute.but ok Trender:Belkin try this
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Belkin:is cute let's put our necklace Betsy Betsy:ok
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Trender:ok chica your turn....try this
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Chica:cute Betsy:ok Belkin lets go to eat breakfast and to school Belkin:ok Betsy:trender Trender:yes Betsy:if you're my dad brother that means you my only uncle Trender:yes.but I'm not the only one you got two more uncle Betsy:ok
To be continued Here a picture of slender and his brothers
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