Betsy is not normal girl she half wolf and half vampire half human what will happen in her life and days she found out she daughter of slender man what will happen if she found new friends and new enemies and who will win the heart of the girl and...
Betsy pov:school end and the four of us are going home yass we got home and me and Belkin disease that we will go in a kill spree and of course my uncle gives us new killing clothes Betsy new killing spree clothes
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Belkin new killing spree
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We got out of the house and go to the park where seeing if toy chica is there for kill her we went there but saw makaela and Sam with bee of curse Makaela:Betsy Belkin is that you guys?!? Betsy:yea Belkin:what are you guys doing here? Sam:just chilling Betsy:is dangerous here at night Sam:is dangerous to us but not you guys Makaela:Sam they are killer look at there clothes.nice cloth though Betsy:thanks my uncle made it for us..and Belkin here have a little crush on him Belkin:eww no if he your family he mine to ok Betsy:true Makaela:so what you guys doing here Betsy:killing spree Then we heard a scream Author pov:they heard a scream Betsy and Belkin take there katana out they saw toy chica running with out no pants and hurt Toy chica:help help!!! Betsy:oh is you toy chica Toy chica:please help me Makaela:we will(cut by Betsy) Betsy:no.we will not Sam:why not? Betsy:my boyfriend cheat on me with this rat Toy chica:look I'm sorry but help me I dint know he have a girlfriend that was you Makaela:we will help you right Sam Sam:yes Betsy then got a vision than belkin did to the same vision Betsy:no makaela stop!!!(jump in top of makaela) Makaela:what wrong with you!!!? Betsy:belkin hold Sam Sam:hey let go!!! Then a tentelcul take toy chica by the fet it was a white one Toy chica:AHHH!! Betsy:go GO GO !!!(star running) Makaela:(runs) Sam(running) Belkin:(running) Then a tall men like slender come out but different he have a big smile a pervert one and kill toy chica
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???:ohh new people time to play girls Then he grap makaela and put her in his face Sam:MAKAELA!!! Betsy take her katana out and Belkin her gun Betsy:let her go!! ???;don't be jealous girls I will go with you to Betsy:no you wont(jump and cut his white tentacles where makaela was) ?????:who are you?!? Betsy:I'm Betsy Bethany enderman black the queen of the moon and moon animals who are you ????:offender man a pervert and sex lover how about you other girls Belkin:Belkin sunlight black queen of the sun and sun animals Makaela:makaela banes Sam:Sam witwicky Offender:ok now Betsy your say your last name is enderman? Betsy:yes why? Offender:that my little bro and I last name Belkin:go ahead Betsy scream for your father Sam:he deep in the woods Belkin:yea but still his father sent Betsy:DAD!!! Offender:brother is this your daughter Slender:yes Offender:well she cut one of my tentacles Slender:Betsy (looking at her) Betsy:what!he try to rape my friend makaela I was like ohh hell nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bitch Belkin:ok take a break Betsy Betsy:ok Slender :take them to the mansion Betsy:koi doki Betsy:BEE WAS WATCHING ALL THE TIME!! Makaela:beeee you could help me Bee:sorry_makaela_ Makaela:is ok bee lets go