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I'm back, meat sacks. You miss me, admit it you missed me.
No I'm just kidding, I just  wanted to see if i could act like Bill Cipher. Any who, the song above is called somebody too you. And all I could say is, on with the story.



Only, as I looked at the person who's hand I grabbed, I saw that it wasn't Star.

It was Tom.

   "T-Tom"  I finnaly choked out.

   Tom didn't say anything, just stared at me, growling.


  "YOU!!" Tom yelled, cutting me off.

  "Your the guy who cut my hand off while I was asking out Star!!"

    How did he know it was me!?

  "Well m-my na-name is Marco and I- you see I'm-" I'm not gonna lie, I'm terrified. I was no match for an anger issued demon.

  "DO YOU KNOW WHA-" before Tom could scream at me more and set me on fire, a big red light suddenly shone on us.

    I just seemed to realise we were standing in the middle of the dance floor. Everyone was staring at us.

    O. M. G. So scared right now.

  I looked back at Tom only to find him staring at me with, now, soft eyes.

   "You- you're m-" Tom cut himself off.

   "T-Tom?" I stuttered. I felt like digging a hole, and crawling up in it. I looked behind Tom, only to see Star staring at us with wide eyes and her mouth hanging all the way down to the floor.

  I felt a hand go under my chin, pulling my face back to Tom's.

   "Look at me, no one else" Tom said like he was in a daze, yet not at the same time.

   "I- I'm sorry for ruining your-"

  "Not now, about half of my kingdom is watching us right now" Tom cut me off.

  "Oh, I didn't know- wait, your kingdom?"

  "Yes, Star didn't tell you. I'm Prince of the underworld, Marco" Tom said with a smirk.

   Oh. Shit. I'm screwed.

  Before I could freak out anymore, I felt Tom's left hand make its way to the small of my back, and his right hand being placed gently in my right.

  I looked up at Tom confused.

  "May I have this dance, love?" He asked me, smirking.

  What the heck was going on, first he was mad at me, about to set me on fire, now, I think he's trying to flirt with me.

   I tried to think of what he might be up to but I was a little to dazed to think right at the moment.

  "Uh, yeah, sure" I said dazed.

  Tom chuckled a little, before starting the dance off. (Sorry, I'm not good at describing dancing, art and writing are more my thing, but I'll do my best)

   Tom and I danced so gracefully, and elegantly, I had to make sure I wasn't dreaming, I'm usually a cluts.

   Hey, I'm not that bad, I thought to myself as Tom twirled me.

  The song had finally come to an end and the red light left us. But not before Tom had a chance to dip me.

  When he did my head fell back so far I was able to get a glimpse of Star.

    Even though she was upside down, I could see her expression clearly. She looked mad, upset, scared, confused, but the on that stood out the most to me, was hurt.

  Tom finnaly pulled me back up.
I was close to his face and he was close to mine.

  "It's you.... I can't believe.... It's not Star... It's you" Tom said. He seemed  to be trying to make sense of something.

   "Tom. What's me?" I ask.

   Tom opens his mouth to say something, but was quickly shut up be a person pushing him to the ground.

  I turned to see who Tom's attacker was.


  "Well," Star said nervous and anxious to leave ", it's been nice, really, bit Marco and I have to go."

  Star immediately grabbed my wrist before pulling me through the crowd, towards the demon elevator. Away from the crowd, away from Tom.

   Why am I a little upset about that?

   I could hear Tom running after us saying wait, bit it was too late, Star had already pushed me into the elevator and told the demon I'm control of the elevator to take us up.


That was my chapter "You." I hoped you liked it. Feel free to leave a comment about the story so far, No Haters Aloud.
Have a great day!!

Ps. Let me know if you think Tom should have a POV.

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