What!?!? No!! Wait!!

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I'm back!!!!
With a really bad title too!!!!


My ear is feeling a little better from the ear infection, it still hurts like a B*itch at night though
Because God is punishing me by not letting me sleep.

I'm going to try and write this when the pain stops before it comes back

And my grandma died on Sunday
Thought you would...
Not sure what to say

Any way
Let's move away from depressing news
I want to thank you guys so much for all of the sweet comments you sent me
I really appreciated it


I want to make a shout out
To @AvaWath who was the first person to be able to read that pic I put in at the end of the chapter Follow Me
So shout out to that AvaWath

And to the rest of you who were able to figure it out

Okay enough of that
Now to the story
This chapter is going to be long, I promise

And will include...

Their will be some Star x Janna in this
So if you don't like that


      I wasn't really sure what to expect from the conversation my mother was about to give me, but by the way Marco was shouting, I new it wasn't good.

I followed my mother through the hall, into the throne room.

   My mother walked up to her throne, and sat down.

  "What is it mother?" I asked.

  She smiled at me.

  "Your Marco is quite a brave young lad" my mother said.

  I stared at her for a moment.

  "Mother, what was Marco talking about when he was shouting about marriage?" I asked.

  What marriage!? No one said he had to marry me!

  "Yes that. I know this is all so sudden, you and Marco just starting to date and him getting kidnapped and all, but we can't hold this off any longer and we... I need to tell you know before you find out for yourself" mother  said, not making any sense.

   Hold what off?

  "Mom, what are you talking about?" I asked, still so confused.

  Mom looked down at her lap for a few seconds before getting up and walking towards me.

  She stopped in front of me and put her hand on my shoulder.

  "Your father is getting to old to keep ruling, he's far older than the King of Mewnii, (is that how you spell it) it's time for you to take his place, especially now that you found our future Queen. Your father and I were planing to have you and Marco marry in two months, your coronation is planed to be in four months" my mother finished explaining.

   By the time she finished I was left standing there with all of my eyes wide and mouth hanging open.



   "This is all my fault" I wined, crying on my bed, wishing this was all just a dream. I really messed up, scary dream.

   "Now now Star, none of this is your fault, you were just trying to be a good friend to Marco" Glossarik said, sitting on my knee.

  "He's right girl, you need to stop beating yourself up about it" Pony Head chimed in, trying to stop me from crying.

  "I can't help it!" I said, sitting up on my bed.

   "I should have done something to help him! He's my best friend, and I couldn't do anything!!" I shouted, crying harder.

  I felt like I was dying inside. My best friend almost died. He probably still might!

  I couldn't stop myself from feeling this way, if anything happened to Marco... I don't know what I would do.

  I buried my head in my hands crying more and more.

  "Knock, knock" I heard a voice at my door.

  I lifted my head only to a big blur from the tears in my eyes. I tried to blink them away.

  "I'm sorry girl, but you need to go, Star isn't in the mood right now" Pony Head said to the person at my door.

  "Yes, Star is in a very weak state of mind right know, might be best if you came back later" Glossarik agreed.

  My vision finnaly cleared. I looked at the figure in my doorway again only to see that it was... Janna!

   "Um... That's okay, if you want me to come back later that's totally cool" Janna said, starting to head out the door.

  "No!! Wait!!" I yelled. Everyone froze.

  "Um.. No, I mean... You can stay if you want" I said, wanting her to stay.

   "Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded.

  "Okay, if your sure" Janna said, shrugging then coming over to sit next to me on the bed.

   Now I know I might have seemed a little desperate for her to stay. But thats just because... I... need her with me.

   I've never told anyone this before, not even Marco, but,

I have...
A crush...
On Janna.

I.... Was hoping to make that longer... Oh well
It's better than nothing!!
I hope you guys liked it!!
I'll see you next time!!!

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