I Want To Know

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I'm so sorry I didn't post this on Wednesday or Thursday like I said I would. I just found out I had two text I had to study for on Friday, Algebra 1 and American History.

You probably don't care about that

Any who, on with the story.


     "We're the hell are they?" I asked Shoul as I paced around the room.

   "I don't know your highness" Shoul replied.

   I opened my mouth to say something but then shut it again.

   I stopped my pacing and looked at Shoul.

   I had remembered something the Queen said to me earlier.

  "What did Celestina meab when she said I'm not human anymore?" I asked him.

(I bet all of you were waiting for someone to bring that up)

   Shoul stared at me for a moment, as if debating on whether to tell me or not, before finally saying something.

   "Are you sure you want to know, my future Queen?" Shoul asked.

   "One, quit calling me that! And two, yes, yes I want to know" I told him. He smiled a bit.

   "I can already tell that you are going to be a difficult one" Shoul said, before standing.

  "Follow me if you truly wish to know" Shoul said before walking past me to the door.

  I turned around and said,


   Shoul stop, then turns to face me.

   "Yes?" He asked.

   "Your just gonna tell me? just like that? You didn't seem like you wanted to a second ago" I told him.

  Shoul's confused frown turned into a reassuring smile.

   "You told me you wanted to know, it was basically an order, an order that I tell you what the Queen meant. I am a loyal servant of the Royal family and as future Queen, you are apart of that family, so if you ask me to tell you, I shall tell you. Now, follow me" he explained before opening Tom's bedroom door, and walking out.

   I stood there for a moment, asking if I really wanted to know, before following him.

I have a feeling I'm going to regret this.


Hello my wonderful people
Before this I wrote something saying I was creating a YouTube channel

I still am

But I have to wait

My mom is getting a family laptop and I have to wait for that because my phone won't let me make my channel

I will inform all of you on when it comes out though


The prologue and  first chapter to my new original book "Heart of the Crystal" is almost done.

It will most likely be finished before the weekend ends.


I love you all!!!

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